
radii footwear 2011-Confessions of a sad man ( super funny )

. Born, just in time for the delivery nurse romance, because I did not cry out loud the first time, the results beat by her meal.

2. one years old, just learned how to crawl to walk, climb over the house, resulting in my bed touched a mousetrap. It is said that mousetrap bought two years, a mouse did not sandwiched, is the first clip to my hand.

3. two years old, I learned to walk. Parents at home and hide and seek. I hide in my bed, stepped on the results of another mousetrap. It is said that the mousetrap to buy back three years, is the first clip to my legs.

4. three years old, I think down the stairs. Zhang said the old lady next door to pull me down the stairs, so that hurt too much. The results speaks, she fell off the stairs directly. Fell down the stairs from the fourth floor the first floor, directly into the Alzheimer's stage.

5. four years old when the police pull me over uncle the road, I have not said thank you. He was hit by a motorcycle across the street, a disability.

6. five years old, my father sent me to kindergarten. Nursery praised my aunt looked beautiful. Soon as he finished, a vase fell on the fifth floor down, a direct hit aunt's skull.

7. six years old when the first on the zoo. I said, the other end male panda panda mother good-looking than the other end. The next day, the other end was I praise my panda died in childbirth.

8. the age of seven, I went to primary school. Final exam, math teacher said that I had 59 points, even 60 points better. The next day, math teacher died in a car accident.

9. eight years old, I praise our class girls who look so beautiful. Five minutes later, the girls catch a rare meteor shower.

10. nine when I learned of the robbery. I tried to grab one-year-old children. The results were beaten him up. He claimed to be the temple lay ****.

11. years of age, and the chubby one on my toilet. Chubby praise me to the toilet look so cool, I was prepared to say thank you, chubby has fallen into the toilet.

12. the age of eleven, when the teacher asked me thirty-seven equal to the number. I said thirty-seven twenty-one. The teacher said, you're smart, speaks from heart disease.

13. twelve years old, primary school exams. Invigilator said to me, fast hurry, time is running out. I said, thank the teacher's reminder. Just finished, the teacher dropped the head of the fan ......

14. The age of thirteen, I read the junior high school. I am scared no one would dare and experience before I close. Only a bold, surnamed Wang, the students called me said something: I do not believe you would be so back in the afternoon, King was two bull chasing a bold eight Street.

15. fourteen, when the teacher wants us to write the text,radii 420 top black nylon, the title is called . I mentioned in the essay: the city through the massive bridge is magnificent ....... The next day, I went to school, I found the tall bridge suddenly collapsed.

16. 15 years old, I like a girl. I can not say it, afraid of harm to her. But I can not control themselves, and finally I picked a sunny weather in the school with her open confession of the * field. According to weather forecast, the day is definitely not a meteor storm. But when I tell the truth, the earthquake happened, I looked at the girl cried and fell into a crack layer ......

17. Sixteen, I read high school. I liked playing football, I play, each boast a good goalkeeper. Thus, the goal suddenly collapsed ......

18. Seventeen, I followed the crowd to watch the real jump. A result, I was under pressure in the body that he ...... two months later, he and I both discharged in inpatient door, he said to me, thank you I saved him. So he jumped to the pressure by another in the body, this time he did not survive ......

19. Eighteen, I grown up . My first time on bank money, the results of the robbers hit a bank robbery. With the counter lady said: Hush ... Hush, or the robbers would kill. Voice I hear, the robbers hit counter lady was into cannabis ......

20. 19 years old when the university and fellow students drink, drank two bottles of four wine, three to go along with Hades. I was expelled from probation sanction ... ...

21. Two-year-old, I told the students that travel by plane than by train safety. As a result, the plane began to fall off ......

22. 21 years old when I told my father that there is a chance I have to go to the United States Twin Towers look. Thus, the 911 took place ......

23. XXII, when my colleagues and I bet the Chinese team in the World Cup will be able to achieve good results. So ...... later, there is a national seminar for inviting me to attend, the theme is why I so unlucky. When I submitted my story to the organizing committee, the theme into the why I'm so lucky I am to attend.

24. 23, when, in April, I resigned from the bank to an air travel company, and soon came SARS. Company closed down ... ...

25. In the same year, unemployment at home, do nothing else to talk about a girlfriend, same old after the ks, the result masks masks ... ...

26. see a lot of National People's Congress issued the Wait, not 350,000 of discussion, the third day, smooth a vegetable, vegetables began to rot, and quickly found a buyer, offer the other 3,radii shoes online,000, sold ... ...

27. China There is an old saying: what falls from where the meat is! I found a mask has been in short supply, prices rise, began to set up factories, producing With waste is to save money, one day earning a million. The next day, business, and Technical Supervision Baan factory sealed, and a fine of 30 000 ... ...

28. It seems I was not expected to do business, an officer now! I spent 4.8 million dollars to Secretary, he promised to give I get,radii footwear 2011! to work tomorrow. The next day, I went, the car's Procuratorate, the Secretary is away, I failed to be implemented not only money but also get into the Baan ... ...

29. A month later I bail, Gangdao Jia, his girlfriend is back in the hospital had heard of Lips wearing a With the The next day I made a post called 20-year-old pretty, but do not like boys mm; the third 21-year-old, beautiful, talented, likes boys, like me, met, I told her a joke, do not breath up, laughable ... ... ;

