
oakley mens sunglasses-The doctor told us the common sense

a, a, garlic is a treasure, eat good health
2, day two apples, wrong pass over
3, day one date, immortality
4, Walnut Hill in the Po , kidney and brain
5, no smelting of iron is not Gang, health unhealthy people do not
2, 1, carrots, ginseng; often eat, the long spirit
2, tomatoes, good nutrition, good-looking young and less disease
3, small cucumber is a treasure, slimming beauty ultimately
4, eat celery do not ask, lower blood pressure is very useful
5, onion dipping sauce, eat more fat
III. 1, summer, a bowl of bean soup, detoxification Qushu race Xianfang
2, morning, eat three slices of ginger, such as drinking Ginseng
3, three days continuously lotus women, men, three days continuously ginger
4, radish out of the way, doctor did not business
5, October eat eggplant, starved doctor Lord
four, 1, three days do not eat green, the two see stars
2, prefer to eat no meat, not No rice soup
3, before eating soup, better than prescription
4, noodles and more soup, so prescriptions
5, early drinking salt-like Ginseng, evening soup, such as arsenic drinking salt < br> v, 1, would rather store the pot, let the stomach fullness
2,jimmy choo shoes australia, leaving a meal, live to 99
3, often vegetarian, easy to keep belly
4, prefer non-meat , can not do without beans
5, eat a little rice bran, nutritional and healthy
six, 1, eat early, eat lunch, dinner to eat clever
2, overeating will get sick, regular meals can be peace
3, eat fast enough, the pharynx was busy, hurt appetite harm the intestinal
4, to the body strong, chew the food into a pulp
5, no life to all diseases, often with a hungry three
seven points, one, enjoy the tears flow, the more natural disease
2, her husband enjoy playing tears, tears are also heroic bloodshed
3, sleep for the heart, after the sleepy
4, drug supplement tonic , as the heart fill
5, rice dependents, Song Yang Xin
eight, one, people have childlike innocence, I, a young
2, smile, ten years less
3, three times a day to laugh, life hard old
4, smiling, youth often
5, cry for a cry, unhappy solution

1, usually late night. Will get cancer. Because the stomach no rest.
2, one week only eat four eggs. Eat too much. Of poor health.
3, chicken hips contain carcinogens, do not eat well.
4, eat fruit after a meal is a misconception. Should be eating fruit before meals.
6, Do not drink milk and sugar, add eggs. Do not drink too much.
7, fasting do not eat tomatoes, the best meal to eat.
8, woke up this morning. Drink a glass of water. Prevention of stones.
9,oakley mens sunglasses, do not eat anything three hours before bedtime. Will be fat.
10, a small drink milk tea. Because of the high heat. High oil. No nutritional value at all. Long-term consumption. Easy to suffer from high blood pressure. Diabetes. And other diseases.
11, fresh-baked bread should be consumed immediately.
12, away from the charging cradle. More than 30 cm away from the body. Never on the bed.
13, every day, drink eight cups.
14, ten glasses of water a day. Bladder cancer will not come.
15, during the day and drink plenty of water. Less water at night.
16, day do not drink more than two cups of coffee. Drink too easily lead to insomnia, stomach pain.
17, eat more fatty foods. Because it would take 5-7 hours to digest, and make the blood concentration of the brain to the stomach. Easy to sleep.
18, five p.m. after. Dinner eat less, because the five points do not need so much physical energy.
19,10 kind will be happy to eat the food: deep-sea fish, bananas, grapefruit, whole wheat bread, spinach, garlic, pumpkin, low-fat milk, chicken, cherry.
20, lack of sleep will make you stupid, one day shall be eight hours of sleep, not older than the siesta habit.
21, the best sleep time is 22:00. 6 am.
22, drink no more than a glass a day, because alcohol can inhibit the B cells produce antibodies, increasing the chance of bacterial infection.
23, taking the capsules should be swallowed with cold water (be the first to eat), before going to bed 30 minutes before medication. Avoid lying down immediately.
24, with a plum role in prevention of aging, eternal youth; anger impaired are advised to eat more.
25, hair factors: stay up late, stress, alcohol and tobacco, chicken breast. Spicy pan. Greasy food. Heavy seasoning dishes.
26, to help hair growth: eat more cabbage, eggs. Beans; eating sweets (especially fructose).
27, a daily cup of lemon juice, orange juice. Not only can white spots can also be diluted.
28, Apple is a motorcycle race, drug addicts, housewives standing medicine a day, an order giving himself a clean lungs.
29, smoking, eating and vitamins (B-carotene as a vitamin-A), cause cancer, quit smoking as soon as possible. Is the most healthy way.
30, women should not drink tea five periods: menstruation, pregnancy, birth before. Production after menopause.
31, smoking, relationships, most lung cancer, lip cancer, tongue cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, but also with bladder cancer.
32, drinking leading to cirrhosis. Cause liver cancer.
33, betel nuts can cause oral fibrosis, oral cancer.
34, food is too fine, the lack of fiber; contains a lot of fat, especially cholesterol, can cause stomach cancer.
35, the food is too rough, when inadequate nutrition lead to esophageal cancer, gastric cancer.
36, Aflatoxin in food. Nitrite things are carcinogenic.
37, do not smoke. Refused to second-hand smoking.
38, moderate drinking, do not fight for a long time. Do not drink.
39, to reduce the consumption of salt. Smoked, grilled foods.
40, daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruits.
41, daily intake of high fiber-rich grains and cereals and legumes.
42, daily intake of a balanced diet, but quantity.
43, to maintain ideal body weight. But fat.
44, keep the law of life and movement.
45, to maintain a relaxed and happy mood.
46, the right diet: eat in the morning, like the emperor, lunch like civilians at night to eat like a beggar.

1, cold feet harmful to health.
2, healthy summer eating bitterness.
3, drink plenty of water prevent kidney stones.
4, bare upper body should not sleep in summer < br> 5, winter health should eat porridge.
6, winter baths is not appropriate.
7, not long-term stay in a warm room in winter.
8, not a long stay in the winter mist.
9, winter should not use the scarf as a mask.
10, winter morning should not wash your hair.
11, fitness warm-up activities are very important.
12, sports injuries should be br> 13, walk the right amount to allow the brain younger.
14, walking the most beneficial to the health of the elderly.
15, take a deep breath negative healthy elderly.
16, elderly people should eat a morning exercise.
17, after exercise should be a cup of milk.
18, was healthy enough sleep.
19, poor mood may lead to stomach.
20, mobile phone film will damage the eyes.
21, staff not in the office to eat lunch.
22, an afternoon nap can help prevent coronary heart disease.
23, should not use boiling water, fried Chinese medicine.
24, serving traditional Chinese medicine should not be sweetened.
25, can not use 95% alcohol disinfection.
26, over three hours sunshine a day considered healthy housing.
27, broken tiles radiation greater.
28, the bedroom windows to keep the seam to help sleep.
29, morning not windows open for ventilation.
30, hot water bottle is more beneficial than the electric blanket health.
31, should not use plastic bags to save fruit and vegetable.
32, preferably six months for a chopstick.
33, bleeding gums replace the toothbrush as soon as possible.
34, proper brushing important than the choice of toothpaste.
35, should not immediately get up your bed.
36, drying the quilt can not be beat.
37, fasting should drink honey. < br> 38, drink honey can be hangover.
39, Chinese pay attention to early evening drink salt water to drink honey.
40, mainly vegetarian is more suitable for Chinese people.
41, kelp can prevent high blood pressure.
42, cold water wash Benefits.
43, brush warm water.
44, feet suitably hot water.
45, feet cold colds.
46, chew dry food prevent brain aging.
47, the morning sun is conducive to winter health.
48, Alice his legs will affect health.
49, wearing a hat should not be too tight.
50, often hair healthy .
51, long smile and their health.
52, Jiangrenleishui equal to suicide.
53, when the urine clenched teeth healthy.
54, can not Wuzui sneezing.
55, the morning a glass of water is important.
56, drinking water can not drink more than three days.
57. Benefits of a cup of coffee a day.
58, to drink hot coffee to go.
59, hypertension prone to drink a cup of coffee.
60, afternoon tea useful to enhance memory.
61, hepatitis and liver cancer prevention benefit of green tea.
62, Pangdahai not long-term drinking tea.
63, should not drink cold Kudingcha.
64, without applying warm cup of tea.
65, two hours after dinner drink yogurt the best.
66, not fasting yogurt. < br> 67, Hekou boiled water should be drinking milk.
68, drunk milk healthier.
69, brown sugar, eggs and milk should not be drinking from the same.
70, instead of cooking wine cooking wine should not be < br> 71, should not eat seafood drink beer.
72, the young fish to maintain blood vessels.
73, Fishbone card throat should not vinegar treatment.
74, high cholesterol who eat squid.
75 , jellyfish can cure high blood pressure.
76, meat too harmful.
77, the initial fracture should not drink soup bones.
78, chicken soup will not be salt.
79, fever should not eat eggs.
80, boiled eggs should not eat.
81, steamed rice is more beneficial than the zinc.
82, porridge and cooking can not put base.
83, dumplings nutrition overall.
84, food should not be roasted chestnut.
88, eat walnuts good for the heart.
89. peanuts with anti-aging effects.
90, eat peanuts can prevent gallstones.
91, eat raw peanuts can be cured stomach.
92, foam peanuts, vinegar can soften blood vessels.
93, watermelon stored for too long the refrigerator.
94, grapes help protect the liver.
95, eat strawberries helps prevent radiation .
96, sugar cane is called date have enhanced the role of body immunity.
100, Hawthorn prone to cause stomach stones.
101, kidney disease should not eat star fruit.
102, bananas are cheap diet pills.
103, pineapple can Huwei .
104, health effects of a large mango.
105, rotten fruit and rotten parts are not toxic.
106, fruits and vegetables less nutritious.
107, papaya can increase gastrointestinal motility.
108, aloe vera can ease the sub.
109, carrots have lower blood pressure.
110, carrots next cocktail poisoning.
111, turnip cabbage should not be mixed with food.
112, ginseng and radish can not eat.
113, broccoli nutritional value.
114, toon is covered drug is a treasure.
115, toon be scalded with boiling water.
116, sun damage can eat tomatoes < br> 117, a long hot dry mushrooms is best to use warm water.
118, after eating meat should eat vegetables.
119, eat cabbage Benefits.
120, leeks may help kidney Yang.
121, eggplant good cholesterol.
122, onions can protect blood vessels.
123, cooking starch to help protect the stomach.
124, cucumbers, tomatoes can not eat.
125,paul smith clothes, bean sprouts must be fried food.
126, before meals should not eat tomatoes.
127, yam is a winter tonic.
128, tofu eating more harmful.
129, fried tofu adverse health.
130, sweet potato leaves is a treasure.
131, can not eat sweet potatoes with black spots.
132, daily diet should eat pepper.
133, eat MSG affect vision .
134, and more salt causes high blood pressure.
135, a long soak dried seaweed to the removal of arsenic.
136, kelp is not more iron works best.
138, garlic should be eaten raw.
139, sesame oil is more suitable for the elderly to eat.
140, yuba highest in nutritional value of soy products.
141, wolfberry can Jingzhuang strong body .
146, anorexia and more jealous children.
147, children eat bread good.
148, using chopsticks to promote early childhood neurodevelopment.
149, students should not be compensated dinner.
150 children is not appropriate to use cod liver oil.
151, fruity vitamin C can not let children as candy.
152, breakfast oatmeal helps memory.
153, nose bleeding, do not rise.
154 children turn on the lights to sleep increased cancer rates.
155, table tennis can prevent myopia in children.
156, children can not eat hawthorn piece.
157, children love sugar more than angry.
158, children eating sweets easy frail.
159, young children should not always take cough syrup.
160, the game is very important for the psychological development of children.
161, need to let your baby exercise during the day and more Some.
162, when taking children to drink plenty of water.
163, can not be given medicines to the children milk.
164, colored T-shirt better withstand the sun.
165, not immediately after a bath make-up.
166, after-sun does not wash with hot water.
167, anti-acne effect of bitter melon soup, mutton good.
168, the waist too tight can cause hemorrhoids.
169, smoking will Shang Wei.
170, nicotine-free cigarettes are still harmful.

1, to no sleep, plus lotus porridge.

-2, effort gas shortage, longan simmer rice.

-3, radish small ginseng, eat a spirit.

-4, eat carrots and ginger, do not doctors prescribe.

-5, eat radishes often drink tea, do not take the medicine doctors.

-6, eat carrots, drink hot tea, doctor diverted to take rake.

-7, September 9, proceed to copy the doctor, where every family has the disease from eating carrots?

-8, radish cancer, blessed misfortunes.

-9, radish child not the money, diarrhea, dysentery race berberine.

-10, radish, ginger, pear, Zhike effective and inexpensive.

-11, eat celery do not ask, Hande lower blood pressure should be.

-12, fresh crisp cucumber, eat beauty Yan.

-13, eating eggplant October, starved doctor Lord.

-14, eat boiled rice, eggplant purple, jaundice, hepatitis, good fast.

-15, eat tomatoes good nutrition, good-looking young and less disease.

-16, carrots, ginseng, eat a long spirit.

-17, carrots, was supernatural, blood pressure lowering with outstanding service.

-18, leek roots leek leaves, blood stasis.

-19, salt, vinegar and a good anti-virus anti-inflammatory, kidney warm leek knee waist.

-20, Dragon White Tiger soup, throat disease, protect health. (Vulgar that the olive is the rule of throat disease,

-21, board with leaves, fragrance and antipyretic.

-22, lotus root bleeding, blood cooked lotus root.

-23, constantly on the 3rd woman lotus root, ginger man constantly on the 3rd.

-24, mutton up blood, lung deficiency the most affordable.

-25, garlic is a treasure, eat good health.

-26, a fragrant smell can drive one hundred one one hundred garlic can kill bacteria.

-27, as long as three garlic, a good half of dysentery.

-28, garlic is not worth the money, can prevent meningitis.

-29, garlic is a treasure, anti-cancer effect.

-30, day do not eat ginger, the body is not healthy.

-31, appetizers ginger, garlic, sepsis, strong bones and eat carrots.

-32, Ginger a bowl of soup in winter, to the wind to the cold season cents side.

-33, in winter there is ginger, not afraid of wind and frost.

-34, summer and winter to eat ginger to eat garlic, do not doctors prescribe.

-35, morning to eat slices of ginger, ginseng surpass velvet soup.

-36, nose blocked, eat green onions.

-37, summer, a bowl of bean soup, detoxification Qu Shu Xian Fang race.

-38, the usual green bean sprouts, purge the next lactation.

-39, red bean Lee organs, Qudu and nutritious.

-40, hot days of a melon, as strong as the drug caught.

-41, one day eat dates, fierce good health.

-42, eat three dates, life is not significantly older.

-43, dates capillaris soup, a good liver unilateral. (Dates two hundred grams and capillaries ninety grams of fried, fresh dates Decoction)

-44, dates celery root can lower cholesterol.

-45, dates astragalus soup, a good side effect blood Yang Qi.

-46, jujube plus sugar, sleep to help busy.

-47, walnut mountain treasure, kidney and brain.

-48, often to eat walnuts, black hair be soothing.

-49, the morning cup of short salt, than a doctor to colon hydrotherapy.

-50, early drinking salt water, such as Ginseng, evening drink salt water, such as arsenic.

