
paul smith swimwear-Zhuge Liang 's letter to his son

Zhuge Liang's letter to his son
Zhuge Liang wrote a letter to his son, took only eight set by leaders, but a man has to learn to streamline and specific advice.

eighteen hundred years ago, the wisdom, in today's technological age, the original still has its reference value.
young to hear people say:

wise teacher to let us learn ten class, settle down in the changing situation in, find strength in adversity:

> husband's trip to a gentleman, quiet to self-cultivation, frugal and Germany to support; non Danbo no to Ming, non-quiet no Heart. also learn to be quiet
husband, only to be learned also; only non-school without the broad, non-chi no to school.
neglect can not be Regent, the rule of risk can not be impatient.
years with the Chi, Italy, and years to go, then into the litter, do not take more than the world.
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first lesson: the quiet force

wise advice to children to be able to cultivate a quiet mind, meditation reflection. Can not calm down, can not effectively plan for the future, but the first condition of learning, is a quiet environment.
most modern busy, you should calm down in a hurry in, reflection direction in life?

second lesson: the power of thrift
Zhuge Liang advised children to be frugal in order to cultivate his own virtue.
prudent financial management, living within our means, not only can get rid of debt distress, but also live a simple life of discipline, will not become a slave to the material.
to encourage consumption of civilized society, you thought about saving benefits?

third lesson: the power of plan
Zhuge Liang advised children to plan life, not everything emphasis on fame and fortune to be able to understand their aspirations, to settle down and be able to carefully plan for the future.
the future, you have the ideal? You have a sense of it? You have your own values?

fourth lesson: learning the power of
Wise advice tranquil environment for children to learn a great help, of course with the peace of mind to focus on more efficiently.
Zhuge Liang was not a genius on the believers blue supra skytop, he believes to be the result of learning. Have you wholeheartedly
learning? Do you believe to have success?

Lesson 5: value of power

wise advice to children to value first determined, willing to learn, not be able to increase their abilities.
but the learning process, determination and perseverance are very important because a lack of willpower, it will give up halfway.
Have you thought about the big bang many people, few people adhere to in the end the truth?

sixth lesson: speed power
Zhuge Liang's advice not to delay things a child can quickly master the elements.
computer age is the speed of the era, put everything efficiency, think of the wisdom of eighteen hundred years ago, the same happens to coincide.
quick step, not only ideal to achieve, you thought, more time to fix and improve?

Lesson 7: strength of character
Zhuge Liang's advice not to cultivate the child is too impatient temperament.
psychologist said: . You have to upgrade their character quality?

Lesson 8: Time of power

wise advice to the children time flies oakley stores, willpower will spend over time, round the clock, no less, only to manage their own, make good use of every minute. You think you have wasted years of it?

Class 9: Imagine the power of
wise advice to the children time flies, and the world become out of touch when his only lament the wasted years, does not help.
To know how to be prepared to be able unruffled. Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.
you have from the larger sake, start small, down to earth, planning is life?

Lesson 10: more than wise to streamline the power of
a letter addressed to his son, took only eight forward a streamline to pass specific message.
I believe the expression comes from a clear concise idea of ​​the contents of lengthy, boring easily, streamlining the communication more effective. You know how to write with substance to streamline the communication it?

