
Gucci Sunglasses-50 Wolf motto , you will benefit from a lifetime

1: do not catch the prey, they see you have no ambition to go fishing; not something that can not be done, see you have no ambition to do it.
2: No game we went to look for prey, that we went to chase prey prey. Search, discovery, pursuit, get --- this is the wolf's life elements.
3: Despite the tens of thousands of Mongolian gazelle, the face of ferocious tigers, we are not flinch. But the human face of the muzzle, the appropriate transfer is wise. We do not lack belief in success, not wishful thinking but we will die a fool.
4: rushing to chase prey alone is not enough, especially in dealing with large prey, when the necessary preparations and procedures is to obtain success. The plan is the only guarantee to achieve all this.

5: We will not spend any extra time and energy on meaningless things, because our eyes are always staring at the only prey.

6: Nature is sacred great, living in the universal nature of God, under the aegis of itself require a strong ability to, if not change nature. Only adapt to the natural.
7: If you are doomed to suffer, then put the pain as a tempering, since everything is inevitable, let the storm to be stronger some of it!
8: To do a major event, it must be resilient, as long as achieve the ultimate goal. Process can have many choices.

9: Life is not blindly burning overdraft, even the most strong body also has fatigue, work and rest is a survival strategy. Body is to survive the capital, the rest is bolted prelude.
10: home is a cause of attachment, but the risk of falls, survival is threatened, we will choose to leave. Not to leave home to escape is to find a better tomorrow.
11: In the grasslands, even though we have nothing. At least I, have courage. This is our greatest asset, with the courage you can get everything.

12: the wolf's eyes, never see failure discouraged, because they know that no matter how many times have experienced failure, the final success must belong to them. So the wolf is always the king of the grassland.
13: Sometimes, by the judge alone and can not determine the probability of success, instead of waiting for the waste of youth, burning in the pursuit of better lives.
14: There is no fixed rule is the eternal rule, the vagaries of nature, earth twinkling of an eye watery, just forget about the past, in order to live better.

15: only to see their prey will never fill his stomach, under the sky will rain, fall out this kind of thing will never occur, just want to get prey, the only way is by their own efforts.
16: Success is the unremitting efforts with a chance, efforts addition, the opportunity is multiplication, a combination of both will get the maximum results.
17: no effort to mouth the food, not poison,ray ban jackie ohh ii, is the bait.
18: pain will not let me depressed, I can only inspire more fighting!
19: static, such as at the child, activities such as rabbits, do not it pours.
20: To get the food, it must have been looking for,kid surpa footwear, the only way a chance. Do not be discouraged, even if can not find the sheep, at least be able to find a rabbit.
21: Doo-yong more battle of wits, please use the mind to the game. Sometimes the curve between two points is shorter than a straight line!
22: If the By focusing your resources to attack the opponent's fatal weaknesses, you will be successful.

23: no freedom, or give me death!
24: caught not terrible, not terrible hunger, the most frightening thing is not the backbone, became a fawning dog.
25: Life with the era of high responsibility if linked, you will feel it immortal.
26: God gives us strong body, strong of soul to us, given our environment, to our air, water, things to us all, which, in a lifetime we are pregnant the most profound respect.
27: do not prepare for tomorrow's people will never have a future, ready for tomorrow, today things will never starve to death.
28: To successfully survive,Gucci Sunglasses, without fear of danger not only to the courage, but also have the ability to discover hazardous, if you can not smell the danger of tomorrow, then tomorrow perhaps your death.
29: King and the strong difference is that the strong force only has a strong, but the king is both the strength and wisdom, everything prepared, powerful as well prepared.
30: a most small fish bone can puncture the throat. A sparrow-sized meat may also be a danger to save the lives of the weak. Survival is no small matter, cherish each bite, put it as a life-saving one.
31: never be caught with a trap two wolves, one mistake can be forgiven, but committed two consecutive errors can only be hopeless folly.
32: Nightingale sound nice change not to eat, rather than the time cries, it is better to wear claws, howling if they can get food, then the donkeys will also worse than the wolf.

33: awesome, absolutely awesome, the team must manage this means. A no dignity, no rule of wrist wolf will soon be replaced by other wolves.
34: the individual is part of the group, only respect for the individual, in order to protect group interests. Learn considerate of subordinates, then when necessary, they will for you, for the entire group Xiaosi.
35: Garnett is the leader of the wolves, it is a group communication link, a no barriers between groups and Garnett will never fail.
36: not a single average fair distribution, nor is it cruel law of the jungle. Both were assigned to strong up the food and do not let the weak who go hungry, and this is fair.
37: a wolf can catch a sheep, one hundred wolves but they can slaughter ten thousand sheep. Four hands, fists face, Tigers no match for wolves.
38: the pursuit of people to enrich and share the people happy.
39: no loss no gain, so we need to pay in time, we never hesitated.
40: a moment of patience to a broader freedom, a time of discipline is to be more successful.
41: a wolf is a well-trained, disciplined force, unified action, obey, work together, this is the wolf of the discipline.
42: a brief argument to shake hands once again, the moment is to always fight for peace. The existence of personality differences is a necessary, but definitely not an excuse for the negative.
43: strongest wolf has its weak areas, in order to do the best just is not enough on their own. Only continue to learn from each other, will continue to progress.
44: my opponent is only their own, in order to climb higher, you should only go up yourself, other people should not be pressed down.
45: We are cruel, but we never demanding; us greedy, but we did not forget to tolerance!
46: For there is no hand of prey, we first need to consider is how to seize it, as tastes, can not eat, that is to seize what happened afterwards. As long as favorable, and never let go; as long as the useless, and resolutely discarded.

47: No I am not in the interests of the battle, no I do not make good friends, as long as the survival benefit, even if it is the enemy, can also become temporary friends.
48: survival battle is the source of knowledge.
49: a hundred times louder than actions.
50: wolf hunting high efficiency from the command issued immediately after the execution, this world is not always the excuse of a wolf, or they have been starved to death.
people to adapt to the development of society, after all, everyone in the world is dominated society

