
The whole constellation of network transmission ranking history-cheap supra vaiders

The most beautiful: 1. Scales 2. Bottle 3. Twin
most active: 1. Aries 2 bottles 3. Scorer
best husband: Taurus
favorite cleaning: 1. Virgin 2. Scales 3 . Capricorn
best Father: Leo
most greedy: 1 Taurus 2 scales 3 Cancer
best judge: Libra
the most fun: 1 bottle (2) Aries 3.
best shooter businessmen: Aries
most lazy: 1 scales 2 Taurus 3 Cancer
best salesman: Gemini
most arrogant: 1 Lion 2 White Sheep 3 Scorpio
Best Cleaner: Virgo
Best Chef: Taurus, Libra
best scientists: Aquarius
best athletes: Sagittarius
most likely envy: 1 Taurus (2) Scorpio 3 4 Virgo Sagittarius 5 Aries
desire the most easy to implement: 1 Aquarius 2 Aries 3 Pisces 4 Leo 5 Gemini constellation
most complete history of rankings ( 2)
best combination:
1. Libra + Leo 2. Taurus + Cancer 3.
Gemini + Aquarius Aquarius - Pisces
fear no spiritual freedom - fear real pressure
Aries - are most afraid of losing someone, fear of failure, fear of boredom
Taurus - are most afraid of change, fear of hunger
Gemini - fear falling behind, no fear of other people have their own
Cancer - fear no sense of security < br> Leo - Virgo
fear loss of face - fear making mistakes, fear of criticism
Libra - most afraid of loneliness, fear not friends
Scorpio - afraid someone betrayed him, not afraid of authority
Sagittarius - fear loss of freedom of movement, fear of being exhorted
Capricorn - are most afraid of money, fear of embarrassment, fear no place to hang
face the most popular boys and girls
1. Libra: your beauty and mature behavior are able to attract the opposite sex
2. Pisces: You emit a sense of helpless, others will not help to want to protect your
3. Sagittarius: They think you get along well, so you popular with boys welcome
4. Aquarius: You will dress very, fast response, and thus subject to their loved
5. Gemini: funny conversation and hearty image is popular because you
6. Virgo: You can move the pure temperament is the boy's heart
7. Taurus: You are very popular steady gentle personality, is the lack of points feminine
8. Cancer: love like a baby to make you popular , but you do not know how the wind blows
9. Aries: Your lack of feminine energy is too abundant to the boy on your back away
10. Leo: so proud of you boys stay away, afraid you will be riding the head
11. Scorpio: You exude mystery, so the boys think you are unapproachable
12. Capricorn: You cold and go its own way, so that they feel will be good to you, you show contempt
Aries: the first impulse, regret doing things first, Huoqi Da first, bold first, Ganaiganhen first.
Taurus: stable first, check the first section, the first love of money, the first reliable, hard-working first.
Gemini: gossip first, the first intelligent, crazy first, humor first, then more than the first.
Cancer: thoughtful first, eat first, the first love of family, filial piety first, sentimental first.
Leo: self-confidence first, love is the first to face first, the first taste, grace first.
Virgo: carefully first, pick the first shave, first love clean, fuss first, jealous first.
Libra: beauty first, hesitant first, lazy first, eloquent first, just the first.
Scorpio: love is the first, first pretending to be cool, attractive first, first cold, rational first.
Sagittarius: fun first, confused first, cute first, the courage to try first, with no subtlety first.
Capricorn: the first serious, calm first, the first patient, the first serious,purple supra skytop, conservative first.
Aquarius: first curious, eager to learn first, creative first, the first alternative, the first miracle.
Pisces: the first soft-hearted, sensitive, first, paranoia first, first love to dream, Huth chaos first.
up a strong woman: Twin
at least a strong woman: Cancer
most will be amusing: Libra
most will be opportunistic: Gemini
most will not opportunistic: goat
least magnanimous : goat
most magnanimous: do not discuss who the best striker
favor: Lions
will discuss the most people favor: Pisces
most afford to lose: Libra & Leo
the most emotional: Cancer
most knowledgeable: Virgin & bottle
most rational: bottle
most lovestruck: Cancer
love ran out: striker
favorite at home: Cancer
most no principles: Twin
the hardest to understand: most do not mind bottle
: Cancer
most no secret: The Lion
most easily understood: the most mysterious Lion & Aries
The most do not believe that people: Scorpio
most cautious: Virgin
most objective: the most subjective scales
: Lion
favorite stimulation: Sagittarius & Aries & Gemini
the most peace-loving: Taurus & ; Cancer & Sagittarius
most likely shy: Taurus & Cancer & Scorpio
most like to be alone: ​​the most demanding water bottle
: Pisces
angry worst: Scorpio
Man will face the most: the most dare distinctive twin
: bottle
dullest: Taurus
fastest response:
most indecisive Gemini: Libra
the least attention to discipline: Archer & bottle
least considerate: Twin
fell the most radical: Scorpio
most will climb Relations: Gemini
least momentum eye: Pisces
most not guilty: the most impulsive scales
: Aries & Aries & Leo
biggest male chauvinist: Scorpio & Aries
most trusted: goat
best memory: Pisces
most do not hate: Libra & shooter
most fair: Libra
most nostalgic: Pisces
the most contradictory: Twin
most important character: Gemini
often the most serious: Taurus
least like to make friends: Scorpio < br> The most patient: Taurus
most impatient: Sagittarius & Leo
favorite friends: Sagittarius & Libra
handed the easiest bad friends: most speak striker
Tel: Libra
most gentle: the most considerate
Taurus: Cancer
most will not see his face: striker
most sense of obligation: Scorpio & Leo
most lazy: bottle
the most eloquent: Libra bottle & can not stand being criticized
: goat
most likely to feel satisfied: Cancer
the most stubborn: the most orderly
Taurus: Taurus
most likely when the dark horse: bottle
most will be crammed: Gemini & Sagittarius
afraid to waste: Taurus
nauseating fear: the most motivated goat
: goat
the most daring: Aries
most important appearance: Libra
build up strong: Aries & Taurus
most petite women: Taurus
most will whim: Gemini & Sagittarius & Aquarius
most important spiritual dimension: bottle
least emphasis on the spiritual level: the best shooter
want to protect: most likely have to collect the lion
addiction: Aquarius & Gemini
most confident: the most afraid of the lion
lens: Aries
the most humane : Cancer
least romantic: goat
most Worship tendencies: most scales
its own way: bottle
most Pachao: Scorpio
most in need of self-space: most would drag bottle
Time: bottle
least serious: Twin
favorite trouble: Cancer & goat
most do not worry: Aries & Sagittarius
up guy: the most beautiful shooter
: water bottle
most Gu: Cancer
taste the most bizarre: a disaster in the most calm
bottle: bottle
disaster least cool: Lion & Aries
most vulnerable crime: Archer & Mu Sheep
most feminine: water bottle & Taurus
most masculine: Aries
most committed to something outside of school textbooks: bottle
most important self-esteem: The Lion
most Snooze: bottle < br> The most will be cranky: Pisces
favorite fantasy: Aquarius & Pisces
most likely to chat: bottle
favorite hard: most do not like hard goat
: striker
most likely International marriage: Up to get married in the Twin
: Gemini & Pisces
the best of luck: Twin
will spend the most: the most narcissistic scales
: Leo & Libra
favorite Nature: bottle
most likely body language: Gemini
favorite black: up to night owls
Scorpio: Pisces
most often as a face: the most honorable
Pisces: Leo
most non-gender concept: water bottle will tap
most secret: the most charismatic Scorpio
: Scorpio
most people think it is eccentric: bottle
favorite money: the most despised money Taurus
: bottle
soul to the most specific: Cancer
most do not know ways of the world: the best shooter
reciprocity: if at least
Taurus: Scorpio constellation
First grade ~ Entertainment ~
Scorpio (foresight, hidden, crafty, bold and ambitious, strong will, insight, strong, real stars of the 12 highest!)
Capricorn (hard-working, good time, there ambition, bite the bullet, perseverance, indomitable will, after the constellation of Scorpio's excellent!)
Aquarius (weird thought, the very people who can and, unusually calm, unique and eccentric, elusive. a very attractive external Star man constellation)
second constellation:
Leo (with leadership, courage, dare dare, disadvantage is arrogant, do not listen to persuade)
Libra (elegant and gentlemanly, handsome , a friend of many. But the star non-assertive,black supra tk society, enjoy good)
Taurus (stable, practical, artistic cells, more honest man, but the star mostly miser, and his hard work for money)
Gemini (mince words, thinking agile, reflects the swift pace, and strong communicative ability, but the star said, more mistakes, two minds, not qualitative)
Sagittarius (Zhixing Zi, interpersonal skills rated the highest in 12 stars, many friends, does not like free to be bound life, but lacks the star patient, do things halfway. and helping them, not practical, dishonesty)
Third Constellation:
Aries (the stars are mostly impulsive person, no brain, naive, good bucket.)
Cancer (this star only know my mother, children, love. freak. male crab is so good for nothing)
Virgo (analities king, nervous, preoccupied, over the top, not gregarious. more unpleasant constellation)
Pisces (I live in a dream among the 12 constellations in the constellation of the most vulnerable, not assertive, mercy. alcohol, tobacco, drug, while the 12 constellations of stars in the crime rate is also the first )
Pisces romance will be a drunk; Taurus will cry
Cancer will call complain; Leo will go to the beach hair
Sagittarius will look over all the movies; Virgin Block will be closed-door three days and nights
Capricorn will seriously examine and reflect; Aries, Libra will go to KTV screaming
all food will be endured; Scorpio lover will find the next book their tickets abroad
Gemini will relax; Aquarius will be feeling crazy Shopping
virgin born of anxiety Qingyouduzhong
Taurus is able to control their emotions
bottle very cold, do not speak more than personal feelings
Cancer change of mood is like the sea tide
scales occasionally angry, very reluctant to take orders from people
Pisces can not stand the pain of long-term isolation
striker will not be indulging in any negative emotions
lion All will be poor emotional Capricorn
hide their emotions and demand will be most reluctant to be critical
twin shackles of dull monotony
Scorpio can not stand love and clear, do not share with others their own the mood and feel
Aries unreasonable thing for the fight, often to hide his gentle appearance of anger
] [love test love like a lion
beef noodle soup bowl real goods ¤ Taurus
real love is like a warm sweater looking and useful
Cancer love is like eating a delicious cake to eat
want to love like a bottle of the same time then a revolutionary Sun Yat-sen
love scales like a lot of people like to eat chocolate but could eat as many
Capricorn's love of bread in your hand you get is a
Pisces love is sacrifice and dedication of so remember to cherish the love of a virgin Oh
inclusive washing your shortcomings as you wash stain
Aries love is like a fire in winter be careful not to allow the fire to put out a twin of love
like a gust of wind blew up and very comfortable, but never touched
Scorpio's love is like eating spicy hot pot eating some diarrhea
fun but love is like riding shooter war-like stimulation is not immediately killed by arrows shot
Aquarius period that feel wrong scattered early morning said good
Cancer hearts felt the sting! I thin he may be ah
Sagittarius say this blew up? Xiang Demei I want to seek justice
Scorpio that you dare? Give you an opportunity that otherwise would wait and see
Taurus Fortunately, I do not really suffer unconscionable calculate
Gemini said first account is true? If it is not a joke had to figure it
Aries said what's great Splendor in the Grass really do not know what
Libra has eyes that appear to leave on good do not revel in fact obsessed with haunting < br> Leo said here had no hope elsewhere, self-esteem smile masked sad
Capricorn secretly miss that some even do not know what to say but it will make him regret archery
Pisces Advisory Council said it was not even end? I have wrong? Wait for another one day
Virgo said bolt from the blue, cloud cover day, should be subjected to hateful Tiandaleipi
Taurus is too lazy to eat a big meal
Scorpio is the heavens down the reasons he lazy
Sagittarius is not unpleasant tone to prepare this sack
Leo is his thirty-seven twenty-one tube directly to his mouth to talk about accounts like
Cancer is best done a dream he is flat
Pisces is hiding to write a romantic love poems tragic, suffering
Aquarius is swallow whatever the outcome, some have cynically provoked me
Libra is close to his flattery, then he would knock on his meal
Capricorn is secretly afraid to stir up trouble will curse like things happen quickly put a brave face
Gemini is the main enemy of the joint secondary enemy to get rid of the absolute revenge on
Virgo is a good memory do not get mad years later when the guard until he did not want to take money to drop
Aries person is picked up, but still spend more able to take tokens vent
Scorpio: serene expression Next, there Kazuma Pentium
Pisces in his heart: There have long been feeling, and silently accepted, leaving endless aftertaste
Sagittarius: men and women on the hand on a shoulder, a male of woman very close, if not exclusive
Capricorn: still have not action, so let others worried the cold sweat, and finally said
Gemini: I am sincere, it follows that the action is like digging to Bao as happy
Leo: Can not find home plate and first base are there even archery, enjoy each other after so
Aries: kiss face, the slightest warmth well up, hurry to think Aquarius
the next step: as a joke and a little formal, a knowing smile to know what I mean
Taurus: very natural, but first base and second base line so clear,'ll see how
Libra: attempt to care, they meet the time available, the action to follow to
Virgo: inadvertently hands to catch the line, blush run, the time being to maintain the status quo it
Cancer: get closer and closer , so after a brief staring eyes, it all
Scorpio unrequited love in my heart that colic, I am not willing! I still have to try
Aquarius is one that I really love! No results, the fault is not that a bit I think ...
Capricorn, and a little do not want to, you can unrequited love, you can not love each
Gemini said well, I did not taste, I do not want to fall into unrequited love
Libra that I have indicated, have been paid, I know where the problem, the Advisory Council on how to do
Virgo said miss, appreciation, love, I have very hard, but also how
Sagittarius say that I love ! Do not accept? It does not matter, this does not mean the failure of
Taurus I said I really compare anyone? Think calm after, well, do not want to say a
Pisces awake, even dreams are like the two of us in the end there is no fate
Cancer that can not afford to cut, and chaotic, if it is really not never want to put the yearning heart
Leo buried in whatever way that I deserve? Even archery! I think I should still point to appreciate the opportunity
Aries I say, try again, if more did not respond ... hum! Do not know what's hidden personality
pure Virgo is actually a good color
practical Capricorn is very romantic
generous Libra is essentially petty
have cold gentle Pisces painted side of a very personalized
not pushy
Aquarius Scorpio will be careful and meticulous gift touched
seemingly candid Leo actually pay attention to each person secretly
seemingly indifferent Gemini will No hiding place in tears
adventurous Sagittarius do not like to order the destruction of life, seemingly careless
Aries actually enjoy housework
Cancer timid in fact give up all of the adventurous spirit < br> honest Taurus will lie and do not feel guilty
find the direction of Aries
can not create the work do not stay at home
actually Virgo called Aquarius Do not trouble, not cranky ... powder difficult to
naturally curious Gemini, boring face all day to learn something
talent of Leo, but do not even know the school of archery stuff
care of the Taurus full of money, seeing friends, eager to borrow money without
emotional return Cancer, was hit by ungrateful people
love freedom, to travel Sagittarius, is staying in school, to stay look
watch Capricorn is about to reach the goal, and has chosen to appear hindered
fear of misunderstanding Libra friend, one day was really good friends misunderstood
imagination of Pisces, are required to back these rote things
beloved Scorpio people actually dare to conceal it under a
too suffer, love, then rain []
Capricorn love you, my life regret choosing
Gemini love Valentine's Day next year you do not want to stop
Pisces that you are my most beautiful and romantic encounter
Leo said that no one can replace you in my heart position
Sagittarius say you are my only life, the ultimate Valentine's
Libra say you are my life, attachment, love you forever
Virgo said you know my heart, I look eager
Scorpio love you say you are my fatal attraction, love you love addicted < br> Taurus that without you, my world will not work, end of
Aries verge of saying Cancer, said Monday to Saturday, like you, love you, Sunday,cheap supra vaiders, I express to you I gave you my
Aquarius said has reversed

