
Quietly lost 22 years-supra sneakers

Quietly out of the 22-year

blink of an eye, but also to the second decade of life sub-junctions - the college entrance examination. The face in front of the exam, not their own little way, very reluctantly, knowing that even if the poor performance of our school first (is first) is also a test into the county high school, not to mention city high school. Result is failure. Setbacks in the human there will always be one or two when one will come to help you, will be the benefactor of your life. My teacher let me try again, repeat. This is what I encountered a problem, the problem is learned later, a neighbor of my dad suggested I will not let me read, and re-reading a few years spent enough money to build a good house. I am an illiterate mother, but she knew she did not culture, not let her children do not culture. Mother said the sentence, the house no matter how good it is just a decoration, and learn the knowledge it can make you good enough for a lifetime, enough to cover many good your house. I thought my mother and such a shock, and I'm proud of her. This mom did not tell me, is in high school until after that, the logical effort through the year, and because of the teacher's help, smooth admitted to the county high school, and free tuition.
now left an impression on me many things, but my most memorable high school or an era, where I learned how to look at a problem, learn how to read themselves. After high school, the kind of childish, naive, much less, more rational thinking. Each period of my teachers are good, because that the teachers are good teachers. After high school achievement is not how I highlighted, after all, the elite of the county are here, I'm just a stone which fills them gold. I'm in high school there was a fatal flaw, I partial classes, and on and on college entrance examination for the lack of an equivalent to zero. I'm good at in learning physics and chemistry, mathematics generally not very stable in our classes in my same chemical, biological, is dominant, but we need a comprehensive development. English class at school I usually have had a nervous feeling, very much afraid of an English class, so my school psychology career with serious consequences. Once tried to change this problem, but have failed. High school, I remember a lot of teachers and students, especially the second year, third year, when that period of time really unforgettable. Time to the students which has established a deep friendship, a knot in a lot of life and death, close friend of the friend. Although each school in the country, but our friendship forever. It is worth recalling too many things in the past too many good things, every thing gave me left a deep memory. Since high school, college entrance corridor we posted a lot of determined words. Let me in mind and heart of the word is It is these words of inspiration to motivate me to continually advance. Although difficult to learn, but very happy. Often it is that one or two people or a word or two in your frustrations, difficulties, encourage you to move forward, hard. At that time also develop some bad habits, and gradually produced a jealous, resulting in a good strong heart. And their own in the same level, so others get a little success, their will be a little jealous so that there is still a bad habit, but also a weakness I am, I also consulted our hospital counseling teachers, To eliminate this habit soon have to slow down, I will in future continue to change their life journey, and constantly reflect on their own. The days of the past, mixed with the complex problems of life with a variety of feelings to reach the third intersection of personal hygiene - the college entrance examination. As partial class seriously, or failed the college entrance examination. Standing the complex intersection of life how to do is repeat or direct examination and then go home farm. Face difficult choices, and then on the brink once again wandered, all kinds of invisible pressure overwhelmed his head, looked at their aging father, my mother was cruel hard to read. Three days of reading for two years, and high and read for two years, really tired, having chosen to boldly go down, so that all are not happy go to hell. I started again the third year of the three-line-type (classroom - canteen - toilet) life. Everything is forced out, learning though boring boring to stick with it for the future in order to achieve success. At first, the school also performed well in every respect, made great progress. God seems to often joking with you, in my forward to the successful, I contracted a network hidden, out of control, the net completely ruined me, plummeting grades, the teacher would not listen to the teachings, themselves once again sent himself to hell. People in life will always reflections themselves, as the successful people often illuminate their own mirror, do not let yourself fall into the abyss the occasion of an unguarded moment. There is no way that he destroyed himself to blame others, forced to choose a present to his alma mater.
high school all draw a full stop, but give your life has left an exclamation point. Since the days have been doomed, and that they go down, in order to advance to adapt to society, in the entrance end of the occasion, I experience a social life, I benefited a total of a feeling - difficult. Was attending the college entrance examination, I invited a few students to go to work in Yuncheng hotels, find a lot of hotels, restaurants, people in charge laugh. The first attempt to a difficult life, bit by bit, recall that the school really enjoy in heaven. Now out, must not be so empty on the return. Afternoon, and finally in a hotel to find a job Duan Panzi, 300 salary a month, then that Gaoxing Jin can not describe, but it is work the next day, a blow, as if the one who poured cold water to the body. As innocent helpless with no relatives in the city and students had to sleep in the plaza south of the city night. That night I felt the sorrow of the society, sleep until midnight woke me touch a while, that there are individuals felt in my pocket, I jumped up and ready to cry, the man took out a dagger, straight in front of me, the students also woke up and saw the situation, the students quickly got hold of me, and finally had subsequently disappeared. It is also the first encounter in life that matter, a person's life may be many for the first time, but the first time I had a restless society. After dawn the next day and found the pocket was cut last night, social ah you let me how to evaluate you, ah, in the school and believe that we all live in paradise do not have this happen, but it is not. Did not expect to find work is a hoax, the work of it after the hotel business is not good, not for months has been made in salaries to employees, and because of this reason, where I work three days after the first with the executive class cook their own team left, the hotel business is not much profit, so the hotel completely collapsed. I feel sad and dreary world, speeding the development of the economy today, how such a lack of human conscience. All things grow, as usual, the morning sun still rises in the east, I am no exception came back to the original starting point, not have to re-plan way out. My classmates and I bought a few newspapers began to look for information on a variety of candidates, and finally putting all fell far called Huacheng medical device company who benefits. Corporate offices in Yuncheng in which we accepted after three days of training was assigned to various parts of my classmates and I was in two places, I am under the Lingbao Sanmenxia in Henan, a subsidiary of the students in Taiyuan, Shanxi Qing Xu city. Arrive after the first sale of his career. The company's sales model is the so-called direct sales it is not pyramid selling, implementing a zero wage system, that you sell to a certain number to receive the salary, get commissions, sales and more wages to get more, and I was doing Amway similar. Whether the company manage and eat, eat eat their own, there was no way to only one fight, and good sales, and work hard for it for more pay. One company sent us a product to start his own work. The company's sales have a pattern, find a place set a working point, the work of each working point about 5 days, the first day about the company, as far as possible to let others know your company is doing, how strong How strong the strength and began to give free medical treatment apparatus, generally beginning Where we will contact the person in charge is responsible for the consent, we will broadcast through the form of posters and publicity. The next day a few simple mechanism of the disease. On the third day after the effect of used equipment, talk about the reasons for the disease. Repeat the fourth day of the third day of work and more equipment to customers that the benefits of the equipment and the usual treatment compared to treatment with the devices that allow customers to more cost effective treatment. The fifth day of the sale of hides cargo. Because it is free so try a lot of people, certainly very few people buy, but the first point I will sell one, I am very excited, this is my first time selling a man alone, sales increased for the later a lot of confidence, but after the sale is not wishful had never sold one. I have been to many parts of Lingbao,supra sneakers, it is these local farmers made me love deepened. Set point in the rural areas, farmers enthusiasm, hospitality, trust that I was deeply moved. You care for them, they will return your heart to, especially in the mountains as they would treat you like family treatment, with the best food, with a sincere heart in mind your good to him. I am proud of China's farmers proud. Where I once again experienced the lowest level of human life, let me be more clear understanding of their own but to work through continuous learning, with the knowledge to change destiny, I made a vow under the back to school must not be wasted time a waste of youth, the current consumption of the good old days in useless things.
time the elderly will not stop our mistakes, all as superficial, drifted away, leaving behind only a memory. 2005 is proud to be a freshman at my school, in the excitement and excitement unconsciously began university life. A country to stand tall among the nations of the world without care in two areas: national defense and economy. In defense, we have not much room for development, but we can get their own place in the economic field. Now is the Confucian era economy, in order to succeed, they must have to have a lot of knowledge base, and therefore come to the school before I developed a series of their own learning plan.
time rush, the vast sea, facing the constraints of university life in the end no one how to before, I thought about a lot. To keep time to devour themselves once again, I developed a general direction of their own: First, learn to behave; Second, learning to learn, three, learning to do. Gradually, through learning and I developed a certain amount of study habits, I call it my school Transmission of: Science look a gift horse, thinking and for learning, learning and useful, with some learning. In terms of my work has gradually develop their own unique side: honest talk, honest man, practical work. As well prepared to do in all learning and life was very fulfilling. Through the freshman, sophomore outside work during winter break, I get a lot of life experience, but also know a lot of truth in life outside is also very motivated to get to know some friends and a number of successful people. Through their own efforts, in the study also achieved excellent results, especially during the second year to get a lot of knowledge to our school, I think sophomore year is the time to be learned, specialized mostly in the school year, but also most of the sophomore year students most likely abandoned. Today's society without knowledge, but also how to deal with the complexity of life, and our students is not a game is to love, to a lot a lot of time wasted on useless things, and some are not useless, but what you can do the field Jiaojiao ones? Social competition is so fierce now, Why should we base ourselves on society, I cautioned myself you can not do that, you know where the value of your life, so I left a teaching 402,502,602,702 footprints to succeed, but also to stay I think about life under the traces, which has become my most memorable period in the university's one thing. Saturday, Sunday, a person, a book, a bottle of water, a piece of heaven and earth, in paradise only you can own any of the reverie, thinking. Idle free, relaxed and happy, a man the kind of exclusive leisure and contentment of a classroom feeling really is a pleasure, as if everything around you, only you can dominate that piece of space. I feel I am a lucky, no matter what time are a good teacher in guiding me through, when I encounter difficulties in the timely appearance of his own life. At school, I met a good teacher, I called him a mentor in the heart of my class - Zhu Xun Germany. Three years of university teacher gave my three years, under the guidance of the teacher learned a lot of knowledge and interaction with others the truth. In 2007, I had the privilege to participate in the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, in order to pay the teachers a lot of competition during the race back to the teacher, and I own a certain caution and grinding his teeth to get a good result, not only gain more of their own the teacher return, I know this is not enough, later in any case I will do my ability to reward those who nurture my selfless dedication of the teachers. Under the guidance of the teacher's hard work, through their own efforts, has made many outstanding achievements, 07 sections in our hospital in the first electronic design skills contest prize, in 2007 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest first prize, Hainan Division vocational group; in professional research has also achieved excellent results,supra skytop 2 navy gold, protel 95 research, quality professional and technical personnel qualifications (primary) research on the articles: 141, Xiapian 133 and obtain the Hainan first.
Third, in the political life by feelings
machine, economic globalization, development of information society of today, we as an ordinary vocational college students in front of us all how to face it, for the I thought about this a lot, but also a lot of insights. Looking at the twenty years of his life, I think life is very important, if even the most basic truth in life do not know, you completely ruined in the process of learning to be decided a lot of our habits, habits decide character , decided the fate. Once a bad habit to develop, you do not strive to correct, a person will actually shape a lifetime. In the present society is very difficult to do, a man more difficult to do, be a better man even more difficult. I have been with their own stringent requirements, but also frequently sounded the alarm yourself, do not step wrong, causing a knave. We want to save, the realities we have to learn to cherish all the resources, saving bit by bit, I start from, from small start, but seeing the campus I was shocking phenomena original in 5000 on the traditional virtues of so was wasted, I'm really sad, the quality is going there, and in vigorously promoting quality education today we just return to the community, I give my heart to play a big question mark. All are inseparable from our current parents, teachers pay, social culture, we must learn to be grateful, grateful families, Thanksgiving, many thanks for friends, always have a thankful heart. People have learned to Thanksgiving, the world better. General Secretary Hu Jintao said: To study hard, be good at creating, willing to sacrifice. Our dedication to the community how much they do, can not even protect their own personality, but who needs no service. Students of the credit crisis now facing us, how to deal with it, too many problems, but this is the most basic things, but we do not have, on what basis it is the business with others without your reasons, do not cry in China personnel surplus, when the Chinese are not excessive talent, but useful too little talent. Faced with these questions we should be more rational thinking, standing on the shoulders of giants to go up the present. I attended the so-called 2 +1 in our department, the feeling is more knowledge outside the reserve too little, simply can not cope with various problems, I regard such demands on themselves in the job: a sense of social responsibility, no matter what law must not do things, we must abide by the law, to make due contribution to social stability; Second, business interests, under the premise of the legal interests of enterprises as possible, which is why your business reasons and not others. Think of as much as possible, how can people with me, I have nothing to what they see, I have to create any value for the enterprise itself. Something worth thinking about life a lot, we should reflect on his moment, give yourself sounding the alarm. I was so demands on themselves, and I sincerely want to learn, with a sincere heart to sentiment others, and then learn to be grateful, grateful to my parents, teachers, students, friends and the whole society.
I am very ordinary, very ordinary, but I have been in the pursuit of truth, the pursuit of the advancement of life, 22 years of walking away, I do not regret, nor regret, I will not through their own efforts to the completion of the dream to get it finished, I will continue with their success has come to go on the road persist, whether ordered by or through the flames under, I believe I will be successful.

