
Delicious beef practice-supra shoes cheap


braised beef

1, beef cuts. Pot of water boil. Beef into a large fire to 1 minute. Remove the wash.
2, beef, wok, add water, not over 2 inches of beef. Add cinnamon, fennel, spring onion, ginger, cooking wine. 1 hour on medium heat.
3, In another pan, saute garlic granules, a little oil, add hot bean paste, Sichuan pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, fry 2 minutes.
4, to add beef fried sauce pot, add rock sugar to continue to cook for 1 hour. Turned several times during
, taste, add the soy sauce, where appropriate / rock sugar.
5, rotten meat off the fire to thicken the sauce Serve.

must not mean attempting. Not so Sulan not tasty. The process also allows burning more tasty beef.


Onion Explodes the beef

sinew 750 grams of meat (or meat, cucumber), a large light blue 120 grams, 50 grams of sesame seeds (baked good), large garlic, ginger, 3 grams, 50 grams of soy sauce, red pepper powder 1 g, 40 g soybean oil, 6 dried mushrooms, 250 grams of rice, rice wine 25 grams, 5 grams of salt, MSG 2 grams, 10 grams of rice vinegar, sesame oil 25 grams.

1, sub-Wash meat of bovine animals, to the fascia, soaked with water after 2 hours, remove, control dry, cut into small squares, and then pounded thin, the large light blue wash, cut roll blade. 2, within the beef into the bowl, add sesame seeds, large minced garlic, ginger, soy sauce 25 grams, red pepper, rice wine, monosodium glutamate Stir preserved, so that penetrated beef seasoning. 3, issued after the water dried mushrooms, washed, stalks, cut filament. 4, soybean oil into the wok, burning Bacheng hot, add beef, mushrooms, silk, white silk stir-fried green onions cooked into the large minced garlic, vinegar, salt, MSG, stir well, pour sesame oil pan. 5, when consumption, together with the hot cooked rice to eat, you can.

III: boiled beef

Ingredients: 250 grams of beef accessories: celery, lettuce leaf, garlic spices: ginger, onion, garlic, bean sauce, soy sauce, starch, salt, MSG, peppercorns, red pepper, cooking oil
【production process】
1. Sliced ​​beef with a little soy sauce and water after the starch slurry while; 2. Wash celery and cut into sections, cut into small pieces of garlic shoot loose ramp, wash, and cut section of lettuce leaf; 3. Onions, ginger, garlic strips, bean sauce with a knife chop; 4. Sit the pot, put a small amount of oil until the oil after the Heat put Douban sauce, Chao Chu marked and put into onions, ginger, garlic stir fry a few, put a small amount of water, boil add a little salt, MSG, and then placed vegetables, raw fish out into the bowl off, a piece of meat will slide into a good paste pot until cooked meat color after the soup into the bowl with; 5. Heat the pan clean, the peppercorns, roasted red pepper into the pot and stir fry crisp, the inverted set down ground board, sprinkle on the cooked meat; 6. Take the pot, pour a small amount of oil,supra sneakers uk, heat and pour over meat and serve.

without lettuce leaves, garlic, spinach can also

Four: boiled beef and practices 2

500 grams of beef. Away from the Sun Jian 100 grams, 50 grams of garlic. 15 grams of dried hot pepper, soy sauce 10 grams, 20 grams of Dan County Douban, wake up bad juice 10 grams, 2 grams of salt, pepper, 3 grams, vegetable oil 75 grams, 10 grams of cooking wine, soy flour 15 grams, 50 grams of fresh soup.

beef cut into about 5 cm, 3 cm wide, 0.3 centimeters thick slices, salt, water, soybean meal, wake up bad juice and mix well. Lettuce sharp cut of about 6 cm long slices. Garlic cut into sections of about 4.5 cm, Dan County Douban chop fine. Wok stir the oil in pan, stir until dark red pepper out, chop fine. Ping-pot under the Douban well, chili peppers and chopped fine under Sun Jian Hao a few fried, mixed with soup, add cooking wine, soy sauce and garlic, cook until garlic broken health, and garlic are taken out from the Sun Jian Sheng nest tray. Meat shake loose the pot, to be boiling when the allocation of casual, cooked pot, ladle covered dishes on the plate, sprinkle with pepper at the end, pepper side, and then poured boiling oil Serve.

Five: spicy beef jerky way

general through choice of meat production, cut, ingredients, bacon, torture, dried, baking and other processes.
1, purchase the refined fat of the beef aging net meat. Cut 1 cm thick, large 3 cm, 5 cm long. Ingredients for the peanut oil, soy sauce, spices, garlic, sugar, wine, pepper and other
2, into the pot to cook the raw beef to the bloody (no need to cook for a long time, that blood was found out was almost on it
3, boiled beef, picked up after a few minutes.
4, would've been bloody cut into thick strips of beef. At this point the middle still raw beef, it does not matter, while also continue to process, will make it the oil may have become brighter the pot a
8, note, has been used, the small fire fried Kazakhstan. Straight Scoop into a dark brown beef, beef has been fried and feel dry, the pot can be redundant The oil poured
9, then need to prepare chili, pepper noodles, sesame seeds and salt. (this is done a few days before I left when the second batch of sausage, red pepper, pepper and sesame mixture of surface
10, first mix salt into the pot, then add hot pepper, pepper noodles, sesame seeds and mix well. (at this time of the fire has been opened to minimum)


curry beef

Ingredients: Beef amount, one to two onions, potatoes, four or five
Seasoning: oil generation amount,supra shoes cheap, more than a dozen pepper tablets, a small piece of ginger, white wine (or cooking wine) a little, about 15 grams of curry powder, Salt to taste, water
1, the beef is cut into one inch square blocks, shredded onion, potatoes thinly and 2 cm square block, the curry powder alternate with 300ml water-opening;
2, in the pot add water, add beef, Ginger, a little white wine, the fire moved back under the stove to boil. Removal of root ginger, washed beef and set aside;
3, Block fire pot, heat oil until the oil temperature after the peppercorns into the saute, then add onion stir fry. Add beef and onion stir fry after eating the oil, then add the potato pieces with stir fry;
4, and then poured into of a good curry, stir a large pot cover and simmer gently open, sub-small fire stew, stirring from time to time during and to taste with salt trying to decide whether to;
5, until potatoes to pot stew to Sulan plate.

VII: carrot beef stew

This soup has the basic characteristics of breast health and the role of food in the girl's puberty, growth can lay a good foundation. Has the role of beef blood, suitable for feeding menstrual period, or anemia.
carrots 200 grams, 200 grams from the tendon, 8 red dates, ginger 2, 1500 milliliters of water, wine

a little seasoning, Salt to taste
1 will tendons washed, cut into massive reserve;
2 carrots, washed and cut the reserve;
3 picked up after the tendons boil for a short hot standby;
4 and boils the water, the release into the tendons, carrots, red dates and ginger to 1.5 hours for the stew, then add the seasoning sauce.
blood circulation, fitness, eyesight


Spiced beef

for raw materials: beef (or pork)
two garlic, pepper and pepper
vegetables processing of raw materials - vegetable and cut into sections, garlic Qiema ear (vegetables and two) < br> meat slices, the meat dish you can not cut too thin, so it will be very enjoyable, cut off the beef, add water, starch, a teaspoon of salt and cooking wine, you can put a little soy sauce ( for color), the starch to a little more meat in your mouth feel so smooth. And even the pulp on the fifteen minutes
fried chili pepper. Pot set the fire, dry out moisture, turn it into the fire to chili and pepper stir fry. Must be low heat, it will easily become the face of Guan Gong, could not participating beauty, and crushed chili pepper. Hong stir the above dishing out chili and pepper, chili cut into small pieces, crushed ginger pepper with a knife back and forth, light blue short, garlic four. Figure, ginger onion and garlic are sliced ​​half a spoonful of bean paste. Even like to use Pixian watercress, savory spicy.


Greenwood stewed beef

raw materials: a pound of beef to the fascia, sprinkle with 2 spoons of flour and 2 spoons of starch and mix into the pan fried
remove the oil control one minute standby.
for halogen Ingredients: 15 grams of dried tangerine peel, cumin 5 grams, strawberry one, put gauze in the truss openings. Re going to take loose the garlic, ginger and spring onion a little.
Add 2 tablespoons soy sauce in casserole, 1 tablespoon rice wine 1 tsp salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, 6 cups water. The brine into the feed bag and Cong Jiangsuan all, boiled beef, the fried into them to the beef stew Shulan. This is good
remove and transfer to a plate ~ ~! ! !

ten: beef mixed with raw silk

fillet of beef 300 grams, bretschneideri 100 grams, fried sesame seeds 25 grams, a little parsley, salt, MSG, soy sauce, vinegar concentrate, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, white pepper, garlic, onion, sesame oil the right amount.
[system of law]
1. Fillet of beef cut into the wire, with a vinegar concentrate mix, and then placed in cold water in the wash vinegar concentrate and blood, with sesame seeds and spices and mix well stand; the parsley Wash and drain water into the tray the bottom.
2. Tray cattle wire and Pear silk loin with coriander and mix well Serve.
spicy, fresh, fragrant, slightly sweet, crisp texture, distinctive flavor.
cucumber fried beef
【Ingredients】: cucumber 200 grams, 150 grams of beef
【accessories】: 10 grams of carrots, 5 grams of garlic, ginger, 3 grams.
seasonings: salt 4 g MSG 4 g, soup 30 grams, 20 grams soy sauce, sesame oil 5 grams pepper 1 gram.
】 【production methods:
1. cucumber slices, sliced ​​marinated beef stripes and a good, red Luo Buqie flowers, ginger slices, minced garlic cut.
2. burning pot of oil, add cucumber slices, save into the wine, add a little broth, transferred to a pinch of salt, MSG, stir-fry until eight mature, scoop aside.
3. burning pot of oil, under the garlic, ginger, carrot until fragrant, add beef, save into the wine, add the remaining broth, transferred to the sauce, stir-fry until just cooked beef slide, add cucumber all speculation, with the wet powder, starch, oil the end of the next packet, the dish Serve.


Pepper Beef

material beef 300 grams, 200 grams green peppers, 3 tablespoons of oil.

Ingredients: Beef 300 grams, 200 grams green peppers, 3 tablespoons of oil.


(1) wine Banchi, most spoons of soy sauce, starch spoon most of the water 1 tsp.

(2) diced green onion 1 tsp, ginger Banchi, garlic Banchi.

(3) 2 spoons of water, starch most spoons salt 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp, pepper half tsp, sesame oil, half teaspoon, half teaspoon of MSG.


1, shredded beef stripes, transfer (1) and mix well, add 1 tablespoon warm the pot before the oil,

alternate green pepper cut filaments.

2, heat 1 tablespoon oil, add the beef, stir fry until cooked beef, which picked up nine points. Silk green pepper into boiling water for about 1 minute to salvage.

3, 1 tablespoon hot oil, the spices (2) stir-fry, add beef,

green pepper and spices (3), the fire quickly fried dish mixed evenly.

features: green color into the dish, the taste fresh and smooth.

Twelve: potatoes beef stew

Ingredients: 300 grams of potatoes, beef 400 grams

materials: onion 50 grams, 70 grams of soybean salad oil, broth, wine, salt the right amount.

1, potatoes washed, peeled, cut into pieces hob; beef, washed, diced, boiled with boiling water, remove and set aside after the waterlogging; onion cut into strips.
2, set the fire on the hot pan, pour salad oil, and then down into the beef stir fry, depending on the meat surface water, the next into the wine, broth, salt, low heat after boiling with the fire cooked.
3, beef eighty-nine mature into the potatoes, then cooked.

Thirteen: Beef stir dry

tenderloin of beef, 250 grams, 100 grams of celery, ginger 15 grams, 25 grams Pixian soybean paste, hot pink flowers, each 1 gram of Sichuan salt, soy sauce, sesame oil 10 grams, 150 grams of oil.
】 【production process
1, the beef is cut into 8 cm filaments, celery, cut into 4 cm segments;
2, Heat the oil pot, Guo Chao scattered under the beef, salt, ginger wire to stir fry, beef and water in the dry, deep red, add fried bean paste powder, saute, stir crisp pork when you add soy sauce, sesame oil, celery fry, sprinkle with pepper to


sauce beef easiest way

Ingredients: Bovine key sub-three, a barrel of Lee Kum Kee soy sauce, aniseed one, a few slices of ginger
practices: key sub-washed cattle on the pot, pour soy sauce, beef that is not seen can aniseed, ginger thrown in, soak 8 hours ignition, put the pot, add some water, fire boil over low heat for two hours


Spicy beef practice


beef 400 grams, 150 grams of fresh cucumber, peanut oil 50 grams, 10 grams of salt, starch 20 grams, 40 grams of soy sauce, sugar 15 grams, 15 grams of MSG, 30 grams of green onions, ginger 20 grams, 10 grams of garlic, hot pepper sauce 10 grams, 250 ml beef broth, black pepper 2.5 grams, 15 grams of rice wine.
】 【production process
1, the beef washed Picked fascia, cut into 1 cm square D, with salt, black pepper pickled tasty.
2, Wash cucumbers, remove stalks, seeded, cut into large square with the beef Ding Ding; onion, peeled, washed, cut into large cubes section; ginger, peeled, washed, cut into side plate; garlic peeled, washed and sliced.
3, then the small pickled beef in the pan, into the bowl, add soy sauce, starch absorbed, add some oil stir and set aside.
4, in a small bowl, add beef broth, starch, soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, onion festival, ginger, garlic powder tablets blending into the sauce and set aside.
5, Heat wok, add peanut oil until hot burning troughs twelve months, down into the small pickled beef in the pan, stir fry evenly and after the diced meat spread, the next into the chili sauce, Stir fragrant, cooked into butter, stir well, pour into a good powder blending sauce Stir until the sauce boil after a few flip, pan, into the tray, you can. 【Features】
spicy taste, beef tender, tasty appetizers

XVI: tomato beef

like Wuhan cuisine. Eaten in Wuhan, mapping deep.

Ingredients: beef, about 500 (preferably sirloin) 1,000 grams of onion tomato a

Ingredients: green onions. ginger. aniseed. wine. Hongguo 2-3, (cloves. small to Hong. cardamom. kaempferol) or to taste a little. sugar. salt (instant when the release)

production process: first beef, cut into inch square pieces, placed in boiling water for 3-4 minutes wash stand picked up. Peel the tomatoes Wash the piece, on the bottom of the pot to uniform. shallots are chopped into the pot, place the beef on top of tomatoes and onions. add onions. ginger. aniseed. wine. sugar and spices. fire after the switch to simmering boil, salt to the instant when flesh soft, you can.

Note: Do not add water, tomato juice alone can beef Dunshu.

Seventeen: garlic beef


tendons 1, 1 onion, 2 slices ginger, garlic one, a half tablespoon of minced garlic.


1, 1 halogen soup pot;

2, 4 tablespoons of sauce, a half tablespoon soy sauce, sugar, 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 tbsp.


1, tendons removed before boil for a short bloody hot, and then water add onions, ginger cook for 40 minutes, remove when cooked soft;

2, the brine into the brine soup for 20 minutes, then turn off the heat, soak a little close to the dry fish soup, and then change the knife slice;

3, Leek shredded, soaked with water for 10 minutes then remove, drain, add the beef;

4, the seasonings (2) and garlic and mix thoroughly, pour in the beef, mix well sung into the tray.

eighth: skillet beef

ingredients: 250 grams of lean beef, pea starch 45 grams, 20 grams of flour, meat tenderizer products 3 grams, 1 egg, 100 grams of water, hair net fungus, wild salamanders, 50 grams of salt 3 grams, 1 gram of pepper, MSG 3 grams, 15 grams of water, ginger, cooking wine 10 grams, ginger, garlic slice of 5 grams, 1,000 grams of refined oil (consumption of 100 grams.)

system of law:

1, the lean beef chopped into fine puree, adding starch, flour, meat tenderizer products and a little salt, pepper, MSG, cooking wine, ginger Stir water into the puree, then set down on-board roll out into a half a centimeter thick film, cut into rectangular pieces aside.

2, pot set on fire, Liu Qicheng down into refined oil till hot, good beef will be made under the wok deep fry light brown remove and drain the oil aside.

3, the net pot set on fire, down into the appropriate base oil pan, step down and salamanders, ginger, garlic saute, fry fat fungus into the water off students, the next piece of beef, stir well, hook into the cooking wine, salt , pepper, MSG and adjust seasoning, transfer to a plate to pot.

features: delicate and delicious, hot and sour taste, very Sakamoriba are appropriate.

key: Do not block long-fried beef, not the adhesion.

nineteenth: beef mixed with raw silk


fillet of beef 300 grams, bretschneideri 100 grams, 25 grams of fried sesame seeds, a little parsley, salt, MSG, soy sauce

oil, vinegar concentrate, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, white pepper, garlic, onion, sesame oil and the right amount.

[system of law]

1. will be shredded fillet of beef, mix with vinegar concentrate, and then placed in cold water in the wash vinegar concentrate and blood, with sesame seeds and spices and mix well stand; the coriander washed and drained water into the tray bottom.

2. tray bretschneideri silk and silk loin cattle, and parsley and mix well Serve.


spicy, fresh, fragrant, slightly sweet, crisp texture, distinctive flavor.


dry mixing beef


beef 150 grams, fried peanuts 10 grams, 10 grams cooked chili oil, soy sauce 40 grams, five grams onions, salt, 1 g, 1 g sugar, pepper powder, monosodium glutamate, a little different.

[system of law]

1. beef, washed, cooked in boiling water pot, let cool, cut into pieces picked up; onion cut into 2.5 cm long segment; peanuts grind fine.

2. will be poured into a bowl of beef slices, mix with salt first, so tasty, and then put chili oil, sugar, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder and then mixed, the last servant fried onions and peanuts fine ( or fried sesame seeds), mix well and pour into the tray Serve.


delicious spicy, Sakamoriba are appropriate.

the twenty-first:

spicy mix of beef


ox leg 750 grams, 25 grams of rice wine, a large light blue 15 grams, 50 grams of soy sauce, sesame seeds 5 grams, 1 gram of salt, pepper 30 grains, 5 grams of sugar, sesame oil 15 grams, 2 grams of MSG, chili powder 5 grams, 15 grams onion, broth, 1 500 grams, Ginger 1o grams.

[system of law]

1. the bovine hind leg washed, cut into two pieces, soak in cold water picked up after 1 hour, on the soup pot, add broth, spring onion, root ginger, pepper, rice wine, lit boiling , skim foam, turn a small fire and cook for 3 hours until the beef Jiucheng bad, the remove control to the soup and let cool.

2. sesame seeds fried, let cool; light blue wash, cut at the end; put chili powder bowl, add appropriate amount of water conditioning, poured into Bacheng heat the sesame oil and stir well. Put pepper pot, Wei Huo baking to brown, remove and research into powder, and chili oil, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder, soy sauce and mix thoroughly into a spicy sauce.

3, the cooked beef, cut into rectangular slices, the code in the dish,supra vaider tuf black, doused with spicy sauce, sprinkled with sesame seeds and spring onion cooked, eaten last.Mix.

[Features] beef flexibility, shiang spicy, the most suitable Zuojiu.


steamed beef


beef. 50 grams of cooked ham, water soaked bamboo slices (water bamboo, bamboo shoots can) 60 grams.
Ingredients: salt 25 grams, 10 grams of cooking wine, MSG, 10 grams, onion 40 grams, ginger 20 grams.

production methods:

1) the beef slices, boiled, clean look; ham, bamboo shoots are cut into small pieces aside.
2), respectively, the beef into the pan, and then were put ham, bamboo shoots, onion, ginger, MSG, cooking wine, salt, stir on the cage steam for 20 minutes Serve.

features: Tang Qing delicious, beautiful color and rich nutrition.


roast beef

materials: Net foreign beef tenderloin 600 grams, onions, carrots, 50 grams, 25 grams of celery.
sauce: 75 grams of cooking oil, bay leaves 1 slice, 25 grams of brandy, pepper a little powder.

Cooking Method: Wash the beef; onions, carrots, celery, washed, chopped; spare. Beef, salt, pepper, onion, celery, bay leaves, carrots and mix well put together and marinate for about 4 hours. Pour oil into hot wok until the oil temperature when 5 percent, into the beef, fry color, code into the pan, the remaining oil fry the other preserved matter


tablets】 【colorful beef


beef tenderloin 200 grams peas, 200 grams of red pepper half a yellow pepper 2 slices ginger chili half the number of

garlic chili sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml) cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml) soy sauce 1 tsp (5ml) dry cornstarch 1 teaspoon (5 grams) 2 tablespoons oyster sauce (30ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams)


1) beef tenderloin cut into 5mm square Ding, into the bowl, pour wine, soy sauce, garlic sauce and dry starch grasping uniform, marinated for 10 minutes.

2) peeled peas (or frozen peas), boiled into the boiling water, remove and drain after use. Red and yellow peppers cut into 5mm square Ding.

3) of oil into the wok for 7 into a hot, add dried chili peppers and ginger until fragrant, then add beef and stir fry 2 minutes, grain, peas and pour off after birth the small red and yellow peppers, and then transferred to oyster sauce and salt and stir fry a few you can pan.

** pesto sauce could not do directly with wine sauce and pickled'll be all dry starch.

** no peppers, no yellow pepper, do not put in just fried beef and pea grain has been very good to eat myself.

