
Miss you-pink ray ban sunglasses

Tonight I sit in a corner quietly despair
want to know what you think you are missing me
want to know when you are staring into the distance your eyes
whether my figure
to know that when you walk into sweet dreams
I dream of seeing an intersection waiting for you

I like to sit here quietly quietly think you
; although I do not know
quietly to each other whether a person feel
If you often feel a sense of heart
you know this is because I I think of you so quietly

to quietly think you

in my heart I really want to call you a quiet night in this call you
Even though I know
dark night can not be my calling very far but I always feel

no matter how far you must be able to hear

to miss you so quietly
In this flat because I think of you night

the night seems nice and blue

I think you
want to ignite an orange light
wait quietly return
tired of you want to pass you a cup of warm tea
slowly disperse your tired face
want to use my slim fingers gently smooth around your eyes gently
want to use my soft and sweet whispers
soothe your troubled mind
Moving quietly and then looked at you. . . . . . . . . . . .
I pray pray for the eternal peace of this moment

I like to think you
brings tears to my heart in the sweet pain and happiness I
static inadvertently
quiet your name to figure

think you think you hearty laughter
want to hug you walk in the rain
want to join you under the starlit dependent
Yuet Wah Then slowly growing old together

if I would rather be a bird can fly thousands of miles

stopped at your window,pink ray ban sunglasses, your window,supra tk for cheap, trees
The old tree is the lonely silence of the night sky
bright moon is a lonely lonely

but I will not because I was so far away from you
your window,purple supra shoes, the faint light warm and serene
I can actually feel your breath but I will not call and

will not disturb your peace and quiet
just gently comb your wind tangled wings
put my tired heart
then silently stand by your window

you silently waiting
Maybe I wait for you to give me a miracle
But I'm still a bit scared
afraid this is just a distant dream
I know I can not desire a lot of

I only wish I could have been so quiet like you

so many times like a person quietly
is actually a happy one kind of hoping

Buddha's past lives only in exchange for five hundred times in this life
Review I will pass
Review with a million in exchange for a meet with you and then I like lotus
quietly in a distant corner of the think you

moonlight outside the window of my hut

mind already accumulated a sip of the tea

so faint diffuse
Nocturne as tassel-like flying mood tonight

I quietly think you ... ...

ah my bad mood in general

