
Shocking , terrible scam , you spend ten minutes of view , definitely worth ! !-supra footwear skyto

※ Please serious about this text! Up to ten minutes to spend your time allows you to see a lot of companies do not see your school
things, if you are useful, do not forget to look at the top

※ 1 Today on the bus, the station opened the door, a man suddenly blocked the door, said his phone was gone, not to let anyone off the crowd in uproar. Then the man next to some people that play mobile phone to see who is who in the ring who is thief. The man on the edge of a borrowed cell phone to dial his number, and suddenly a man near the door and ran off Batui crowded, this man did not have people clamoring for cell phone on the recovery of the past, have instant gone. So, this really was lost cell phone .....
※ 2. a friend accidentally stolen mobile phone.
two weeks later, when traveling abroad he received a cell phone to send Shenzhen short message: You can choose to shut down, thank you! phone, you can choose to shut down. Kang asked each other why, the other answer is the test; then hang up. Since then, Kang received approximately once per minute by a call from this PHS, Kang each answer, the other called him off. Call each other constantly, Kang finally unbearable, had to shut down. Half a day after the boot, he called the family in Chengdu, said it was called to the house, said the health of emergency is the rescue, ask them to immediately exchange a certain amount of money to account, and claimed that, if not in the long adductor to save money will stop.
※ 3. on the road met a person, asked one more side of the road, and then said the car does not really go in to help you look at the goods on board, he pick up people to discharge. If you promised, you ready to be taken in it. Because you keep the goods, there will be a car to drive the truck, is that people want them to, the car left, and a bunch of people that come looking for you in trouble, if you do not come up with your body money, you go away this time!
※ 4. a girl just out of the box on the station side ic phone, start dialing, and when she stood behind a man holding a card, as if in the queue call. While she had just finished my number call, the man held out his hand back suddenly Then the girl turned and looked very angry man, the man immediately smiles, he kept saying sorry! Said it was not intentional. Then told the girl, you press the replay button on it! ! ! The plot is like a net at the moment has opened his! ! ! Girls face puzzled turn, pressed the replay button. This no longer hang up, pass it! However, is another strange voice. The girl asked: it? × this place, just very close from here, sorry ah, to apologize to go where I send you!! That poor girl silly to believe the man then followed the man to go, not the man to thank when!!! When we arrived at the station next to the Liuhua time, the man seems to have encountered an acquaintance, hello. The man said, grinning: Then suddenly like a younger, be aware of what, after more than ten seconds of thought, and immediately understood their situation. At this critical juncture, a cry heard from the front of security ran over. Note: The phone is tampered with that of IC! ! ! Alleged Wuchang, Chengdu, Xi'an Railway Station has such a thing. Do not talk to strangers, or soon you may be in a place Shangougou inside.
※ 5. 10 pm, a pedestrian is not a lot of the road, a girl walking alone. Then handed over to its sales personnel to a flyer or promotional materials; but it took a few minutes after that a few leaflets, suddenly felt dizzy mind up, then head ever feel the pain, then she felt something bad, quickly stumbled reaches the entrance, stopped a taxi straight to the vicinity of the Ministry of Provincial People's Hospital. Hospital diagnosis, the girl is due to contact or inhalation of a drug can lead to coma (scientific name: Dyclonine, doctors said that if the excess easily lead to death caused by the above !!!!) symptoms. This is a premeditated attempted robbery incident, leaflets sprayed on the drug.
※ 6. CCB a comrade forward: Today through a front door, the door has an ATM. There is a old man, has been looked at me and walked beside him, suddenly stopped me. He said he did not read, I get an ATM card to help him in the front door of the ATM withdrawals. I replied I can not help you get, called guards to help you. The results, he replied that no, keep looking the other passers-by to help him get money. Friends remember ATM, but there are cameras --- yeah. He said if I robbed or stolen his ATM card, and even his card is stolen, to help him pick up the money left in the ATM video, definitely makes you a fair hearing! I will warn! Because my colleagues have taken, are still lawsuits. Clearly this is scam looking for a substitute! Please force spread out ~ ~ ~ scam is really endless, believe it will enter the trap, I am really very hard to detect!

※ 7. Shaoyaoju a landlord, a sudden power failure at home, outside the window to see other people have electricity at home, went out to view their own meter box, opened the door it was a knife wore a - burglary, robbery and assault with a knife at home a power outage, do not rush to open the door view, there are multiple observations for a cat outside the movement, not cat's eye also Gezhao Men listening for some time, no abnormal ring and then open the door.
※ 8. the female compatriots attention! This is the latest scam fellow female compatriots Please note that male attention, please call their friends out of the new situation, a female friend to special attention to it: a young lady working the way home from work to see a child crying, very poor, then asked the children how the past. kids just like that lady said: on the simple-minded to go with children. most people are sympathetic, and then to the so-called children's home after she rang the doorbell like a high voltage, on the unconscious. wake up the next day was naked in an empty house, surrounded by nothing, she did not even see the prisoners Sha Yangzi long, so now people commit crimes is the use of compassion ah, if you encounter like this, and do not take He went to take him to the police station to go on with a good, child wandered off into the police station must go wrong, please notify all the women around, for the general safety of women, after reading the trouble to forward it to everyone.
※ 9. Forward: We pay attention! To ATM withdrawals must be doubly careful! ! ! ! ,supra footwear skytop!
last night in the sea of ​​gold the bank ATM withdrawals, back to the old woman asked if I could get money, and said what cash machines have a key may be bad, I do not know what time the next one The little girl, always wanted to go up around me, I did not care, child naughty thing, but she actually hand over the money I put towards the preparation to take my money, I feel wrong, and immediately pushed her to the side , waiting for the money taken out. After that I thought for a moment, they both gave me a set of set up: the old women are in charge and I Xialiao to attract my attention, I was not looking to take advantage of the little girl stole my money! If I did not prepare, then maybe the money was taken away, so, I went into set up: (I immediately catch a little girl, to recover my money, but who would believe a girl can I grab an adult's money? more alarming is that the old woman standing behind me my card will get light all the money, because my ATM card still inside; two I did not immediately chase the little girl , so get the card catching, then the little girl disappears, the money has gone ah (they are really ; ※ 10. Recently I was told, his friend the door in the night I heard the baby crying, but was already late, and she thought it very strange, so she called the police. The police told her : in any case can not open the door the police think this is a serial killer, the use of infant crying tapes, inducing women to think that the baby was abandoned on the outside, they look out, although not yet confirmed this, but the police have received many women play phone, they are at home alone at night, I heard a baby crying outside the door, set the message to others, not because the door to hear the baby crying.
; ※ 11. two days before the fight night, from Lo Wu to Futian spent a total of twenty pieces, and I gave a hundred blocks to the driver, he Taomo for a long time, that there is no change, change for me to take care to him great misgivings I asked said the black kid actually secretly changed.
※ 12. a person says no money home, asked me a dollar, I said nothing gave him, he was told in which the car, take the first few road. look after him a little bit wrong, do not go to bus stop, but also to move forward, he and I just give a lift, then He also saw other people for money, some people have not When he finished and walked away, and I knew cheated. is too good or I was too stupid, well ......
※ 13. When you withdraw money from the bank out, or to the post office to save money, then there will be two next to collude good men, one pretending to throw a bunch of money on the ground, move forward, behind the liar deliberately in front of you to pick up the money, Then you aside to pick up the pile of money into your body while losing money in front of the liar is back, and asked whether the back picked up the money cheat and a liar to the back of the search. behind the liar said no, Then you aside and said, picked up the money equally, and now the money in your body, I told him to search, I'm afraid you're behind me to search away, so you want your body part of the money bet on me If you do your own part of the money charged to them, they could not find the person you picked up a pile of money to open it, you will find the surface is one yuan, which are all white. ;

※ ※ Case 1:
※ There is a women's handbag was stolen, there are mobile phones, bank cards, wallets, etc. 20 minutes later, she opened up her husband's phone, told his stolen things. husband exclaimed: the.
Do not expose your mobile phone address book and contact relationships, avoid using .
※ ※ Case 2:
※ traveling by car with three friends car carrying the man accidentally fell one hundred fifty meters deep in the valley, caught 4 days 3 nights before we were rescued, during which they repeatedly want to phone out for help. helpless one was hurt, one is dead, a reception and their also repeatedly move the location to find a better send and receive signals, but without success, if the three people usually know 112 lines, emergency, to know how bad it only charge the phone dial 112 information line, I believe They can be quickly rescued.
common 112 lines across the country, if not after the phone is open to receive the signal, even a very weak power, any brand of mobile phone anywhere Jieke dial. allocate 112, immediately after the voice note will be entered as follows: Here is the mobile phone 112 emergency rescue line, if you want to report, please dial 0, we will transfer your call the police; If you need assistance, please dial 9, we will Fire Department will transfer your call. The Chinese had finished,radii footwear uk, repeat it again in English at this time just dial 0 or 9, some people will answer. to the circumstances in which three people, or lost, or encounter other difficulties climbing should dial 9 to get timely relief.
※ ※ Case 3:
※ One study students like to eat instant cup noodles, and later, the students go to the hospital because of illness, doctors found that his stomach wall attached to a layer of wax! original, cup noodle containers containing an edible wax! you next eat Cup Noodle time Feel Beibi is not that slippery, that it wants to while eating cup noodles for a long time, will cause our liver can not break down the consumption of wax.
; ※ Finally, the students had to seek surgery to remove this layer of wax,supra skytops, tragic death.
those days, try to face out, another bowl for the hot food, do not with a bowl of noodles, cup noodles container attached to direct red water consumption. even if it is a business trip, but also bring a big mug of instant noodles with the order to your body, do not be lazy ah!
※ ※ Case 4:
※ a very terrible thing: One day, a 21-year-old boy wearing contact lenses to attend a barbecue party wild ! As he began to charcoal fire after a few minutes, he suddenly screamed, and then very painful jumping, rolling on the ground ... ... the audience who are terrified, no one knows exactly what happened ? we quickly sent him to the hospital, a medical examination regret to say, his eyes blind!
participate in outdoor barbecue or any possible exposure to the fire source, please do not wear contact lenses ! because contact lenses are made of plastic, hot temperatures will melt our eyes contact lenses!
※ ※ Case 5:
; ※ Susie fell, Shirley fall to see Susie Susie immediately asked, Susie's blood pressure is normal, do not look like a stroke, but because Shirley has
sometimes difficult to identify signs of stroke, because stroke patients often not timely found next to people, delay treatment in patients with brain damage leaving our patients to ask three questions are: requirement disease patients show a smile; patients required two hands are lifted up; asked patients to say simple words, if patients can not do these three points, the people around you should immediately call 120 ambulance calls, and told the ambulance attendant This is a sign of stroke staff if we can be widely delivered and the application of this inquiry approach, the test of stroke symptoms, the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients quickly as possible to avoid patients with brain damage.
※ ※ Case 6:
※ quoted: My parents are retired yesterday morning to a strange middle-aged man, said he did not open motorcycle oil , and gas stations too far, motorcycle and not move too much, so would like to ask my parents to buy a Coke bottle of petrol, began, say it is impossible to buy an empty bottle out of 2,3 million good. my mother Take the empty bottles to him, not to mention his pocket money really, but a few hundred dollar bills, but also let my parents find the money. my mother's sudden and devastating alert, say forget, but it is an empty bottle He broke open the non-take 100 dollars to buy down, but still goes on hundred dollar bills. Fortunately, my mother has not yet Longzhong, nor is it the kind of people who love petty.
; ※ ※ Case 7: a newly married couple to honeymoon in Paris, in Paris, his wife, in a fashion clothing store trying on clothes, as her husband waited outside in the dressing room, but waiting for more Shique seen wife to come out, the husband asked the clerk to help tension to the inside view, where they discover the dressing room empty. husband wife jokes that make fun of people want him nervous. then back to the hotel so she came back. A few hours later but could not see his wife's trace, I discovered that the situation was serious with her husband rushed the police, and all the clothing stores and hospitals in Paris asked the whereabouts of his wife. three weeks later, as if from his wife disappeared, vain, sad her husband packed his bags to return home only because of can take heart from despair, the motivation to work her husband has been living alone, decide their own exile, wandering to the local a few years later, he impulse to Bali, in an old house to visit a deformity show (freak show). He saw to a dirty, rusty cage, there is a woman no limbs, body including the face, like a rag-like dilapidated, full of scars, she twisted on the ground, and issued XXXXX sound like a beast-like, and suddenly a man panic screamed to his kind of woman since no one saw his face, familiar to him, is he just married his wife on the missing face of the red birthmark.
another version is in Shanghai A few years ago a woman notified police of her cousin when shopping in the Shanghai unexplained disappearances, but turned and lost, until five years later a friend saw this cousin begging on the streets in Bangkok, Thailand. XXXXX is that she somehow did not hands feet, the body was tied to a lamppost next to the chains.

Last updated
things are mass-mailing colleagues informed her friend, referred to as small A bar, on the week and two girls, referred to as small B and small C, teach Luohu Commercial City. Luohu Commercial City is Shenzhen counterfeit goods distribution center, Longshehunza, close to Shenzhen Railway Station and Hong Kong at Lo Wu, the flow of people is very great. words a small C of emergency, go to the bathroom, a small A and small B in the bathroom outside, etc. etc. for a long time, or not a small C out of two people a bit strange. so two people urging her into who knows into a look, figure no two people stood on an air-conditioning, a cell phone is no answer. a large living, do not see it so alive but not dead corpse of the missing? so quickly to the police. the police came and asked what had happened after the situation, said It has a very chilling words, small A suddenly think of it, there have been a cleaner dressed people pushing the car into a clean, then they come out ... ... the police told them that this kind of thing is not the first place, and now Shenzhen police initially suspected a criminal gang, have organizations in the management of osteoporosis, low-end commercial city, taking advantage of people, especially women's awareness of the cleaner is not psychological, the organized kidnapping, crime, trafficking in human organs. Do not forget, the Lo Wu Commercial City from Hong Kong and Shenzhen Railway Station how to close now has a few days later, that poor little girl C is still alive but not dead but not dead and my colleague said, small A, which is my colleague's friend, still waiting for news of a small C. but it is likely, and perhaps if lucky, living in a small C will be thrown which corner, but lost her kidney, but, more likely, and perhaps a few days or months, years, small C head and body, limbs in Shenzhen, the urban-rural LJ heap was found. If you see this side of living in terror, please tell friends and relatives around the female, must take precautions to prevent cleaners dressed people, because He / she is likely to pay attention to you while you are knocked dizzy, put away clean car, then waiting for you is very scary living, drawn and quartered
strongly recommended reproduced: Let your the people around him are no longer fooled by these scams like.
※ I am going to say a thing happened last week, my students in the Internet cafe, when playing the game, very excited, suddenly next to a man, shot him, said: Brother, you lost money, and then my friend saw on the ground, there's five, there are two one coin, two coins also placed different places, and then think about my friends went to Jianqian, etc. After picking up his money, not a cell phone on the table, that , and laughed to death.. I think if this happened in my body, I can not guarantee, I do not Jianqian, because people are very greedy, but this thing I know, the If we happen to my body, I will put the first cell phone pocket, and then go Jianqian, picked over, I even told him to say thank you..
※ If feel that this diary brought to you harvest, do not forget to look at the top Oh.
※ reproduced into your space, so that the people around you, do not fall into a similar scam!!!

