
wholesale gucci-Love you , I do not regret it !

( Woo ... very moving , almost cry )

one day the boy the courage of the girl crush on for years, said: that if he did not deserve a little success, then the girls, but girls do not want to suffer with her. He has since worked very hard every day to work quickly to forge ahead a year later with his spirit and outstanding expertise has been the boss of her, promoted him to do the marketing manager's seat, a monthly salary of thousands.

he was very happy, because he has the ability to let the girl can live a better life. His first time to the good news to tell the girl, not even call home to tell their parents because the girl he wants to share their happiest moments. A month later, he got his first salary after promotion. The next day is a weekend, he's got up early, because the girl he had arranged to go out to play! He was himself dressed up to go out, driving a rented car came to the door to take the girl's school girl. (College girls) very happy the day they play, especially boys, because girls do earlier promised her girlfriend. Since then they have been very happy until one year after the girl graduated from college, assignment to another city, parting the night before the girl cried very sad, because they must split up! This is the first time the boy saw her cry, because she is a very stronger girl, she's vulnerable side are themselves hidden, only the front of the boy, when will vent out, the boy will be very patient because of it her laughter, She likes watching the boys look like coax her. The boy sad to see her cry so sad, today he could not coax her, but she soon left the rest! The girl was puzzled, thinking that the boy does not attach importance to her, she cried even more sad, and slowly the crying tired, they sleep!

looked at the boy woke up the next morning to help her buy a train ticket is two in the afternoon, and good grooming that the bow ready to leave the rental He did not call the boy, because she thought the boy abandoned her. She called a taxi to the train station. Out of cell phone at the time, there was a text message is sent to the boy,: The girl did not understand, to the train station. The boy saw the girl at first sight, ran over, smiled and patted the girl's shoulder. The girl saw him immediately after the very serious and asked him: I want them transferred to your work in my city, so we can be together! Oh, if you go late yesterday, then on the Lai Buji, today there is no way to accompany a car with you! Oh, on the Mongolia, the boy can not imagine how she would work hard for her to give up out here all her flute and asked: less than half of the original! Cry very happy, because she found a man worthy of his love life.

Two days later, boys and girls to this strange city, and rented a house, but the boys behaved. Gradually entered the track of life, they will occasionally noisy quarrel, but each time the boy is the first to admit, whether or not his fault. Time flies are gonna get married to each other's time! Both men and women are in favor of the parents with them. In this way, they are engaged.

But ... they are ready to get married in the first, the girl had a car accident, just to give the boy to buy a watch. Doctors also diagnosed the girl may never stand up, and the girl lost fertility. The boy's parents on the spot will cancel the marriage, but only to force the boy to death threats he and the girl with parental consent. Since then, the boy during the day when he hired a nanny to take care of middle-aged girl, come back at night to yourself, take care of boys to girls is almost every possible way, but from that day the girl did not laugh in it! One day, a weekend, the boy with a girl pushing a wheelchair to go out shopping, they came to a mall, bought a lot of things the boy to the girl, and girls are the favorite brand before. But the girls still eyes glazed.

At that time suddenly felt the earth shaking, shaking the mall, people are shaking, the boy immediately threw himself to the girl burberry suits, and then use his body surrounded by girls. H ... H ... only to hear the voice sounded, an earthquake! No one would have to react, but the boys relying on superhuman reaction bar girl under pressure in the body to protect the girl from harm.

girl cry! The girl has finally revealed her vulnerable side of it! so wake up on the outside, okay?

boy smiled and soon fell asleep the girl hard phone from his pocket, open the recording opening: to take good care of yourself, although we did not get married after the happy played together, but I do not regret it, because I love you, ah! Keke cough ... I pressed the back of the precast panels have been two hours I had! I see I die, I hope your future can be even more happy, do not think I do not cry for me, because I love your smile! The only pity is that I did not see your last smile, really really miss ah ! Oh, goodbye wife, my next life wholesale gucci, if possible I would also like to be your husband, you like it? Remember that year you promised to do when my girlfriend how much I happy? Oh I did not sleep continuously for several days, I die happy, Oh! my wife asked me before you always worthwhile, I have only words to tell you, girl, I do not regret it! I will never regret doing everything for you! goodbye to my wife, I go ahead!

is no gas! woman still gas, hurry this man and this woman pulled out, the man's body do not mess do not get, is what this woman's man! but also miraculously stood up, probably because the doctor said the earthquake pressure to the nervous system to correct because of it!

girl holding the boy's cell phone, stood before the tomb of the recording came to sit down and kiss the boy's said: your words, I will take good care of their own, will smile and laugh, and do not worry, there is, if my next life, then I also willing to do you silly girl, girl I do not regret it. the grave radii timeless, to tell him what happens in this she, laughing unknowingly spent a few years back ...! Really could not stand the girl's mother, told her that you're young, you should choose your own happiness ... the girl laughed, and laughed very light ... the girl said simply: I am very happy in the face of his pictures' ... < / p> If moved, please

reproduced, you will be happy Oh! -

