
radii strangler high top-Method to restore your eye sight .

Pilots are used , in order to please your eye collectionsWay to restore vision in your eyes, please right collections

myopia in the end can not be treated? Do not do laser surgery, then what can we do it?

1, distant gaze:
Find a 10 meters away on the grass or trees: green because shorter wavelength, the image on the retina before the eyes adjust to promote relaxation, ciliary muscle relaxation, to reduce eye fatigue. Do not squint, and do not always blink, eliminate distractions, concentrate, concentrate the gaze of 25 seconds, to identify the contours of grass or leaves. Then the left hand slightly higher than 30 cm in front of the eyes, one by one from start to finish to see the palm, about 5 seconds. Palm reading and then staring into the distance on the grass or leaves 25 seconds, then look at the palm. Repeated 20 times 10 minutes a day to do three times, decreased vision training to increase the number of powerful.

2, crystal gymnastics
blink of an eye: Tuosai hands, so that the eye press up, down, left and right rotate the order of 10 times, followed counter-clockwise, clockwise rotation of 10 times.
looking for a 3 m outside of the scene (such as: wall paintings, etc.), while his left hand raised slightly away from the eyes at the straight (about 30 cm), hand lines to see the palm of your hand, look at Qingyuan things, as fast moving in between the two eyes, and from 20.

3, massage operation

taken sitting or supine can be, the two natural closed, followed by massage the acupuncture points around the eyes. Requirements acupoints accurately, playful approach to the local sense of the degree of soreness.
rubbing days should point: thumb gently with both hands should point Rouan days (below brow, eyes outside the corner office.)

squeeze out points by eye: the thumb gently with one hand Rouan Jingming points (nasion Department within the next two canthus) first press down, then up the crowd

knead four white points: the central part of the cheek with the index finger Rouan four white points (the lower edge of the orbit until the middle of the next cross fingers).

by the temple, scraping round eyes: Use your thumb to press the temple (in the middle of the outer corner of brow and Wang pointed backwards), then the index finger with flexion of the side section II of scuffing around the eyes, by the on the inside -> outside of the -> external next -> in the next, so save the bamboo fish eyes around the waist, empty string and wind, Tong Zi Liao, ball, bearing weep and other points by massage. For the pseudo-myopia, or prevent the deepening of the degree of myopia is good.

protect the eyesight of the four training methods

one instant method
choose a quiet place, sitting or standing, relax, clear thoughts, two head open, head and neck does not move, turn the eye alone. Below the first gaze, slowly go to the left, then go to the gaze is at the top, to the right, and finally back to beneath the gaze radii strangler high top, so that the first 9 laps clockwise. Let the eyes gaze from the bottom, go right to the top, to the left, then back to the bottom, so that 6 and then counter-clockwise circle. A total of 4 times. Each rotation, the eye should be possible to reach the limit. This method can be an instant eye muscle exercise, improved nutrition, flexible and comfortable to the eye, bright and piercing.

Second, eye concentration, breathing fresh air law
election, or to sit or stand, relax, and second, head straight ahead, slowly enough to absorb the gas, along with wide open eyes, pause for a moment, then the air exhaled slowly, his eyes also will slowly Weibi christian louboutin shop online, do it 9 times.

three iron eye method
This method is best to do sit, relax, close your eyes, then quickly friction between palms to make heat, Serve hot with his hands to his eyes, hot After the hands suddenly removed the loose, two also exert oneself opened, so 3 to 5 times, the eye can promote blood circulation, increase metabolism.

four, wash basin after disinfection method
first, into the warm water, regulate water temperature, face into the water, opened his eyes in the water, so move left and right eye up and down nine times discount oakley, and then then clockwise, counterclockwise rotation 9. At first, the water into the eyes, the eyes very uncomfortable, but with the rotation of the eye, eyes started to feel very comfortable. In this exercise, if difficulty in breathing, may wish to lift the face from the basin to the outside, take a deep breath. This method can wash away the eyes of the harmful substances and dust, but also effective for mild cataract, and to improve the astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, refractive error level.

