
herve leger gown-Teach you sleep well !

Sleep five minutes is equal to six hours of methods ( stay up all night must-see ) ( rpm)Stay up all night is normal, but often stay up late on the body will have a bad effect, happened to see this article, reproduced over, perhaps a friend who often stays up late will help.

of medical know-how to sleep and my experience, observation, sleeping when a person really only a maximum of two hours, the rest are a waste of time, lying on the pillow dreaming , no people do not dream. As he did not wake up that dream, it is because he forgot.
usually a person to sleep two hours is enough, why do some people to sleep seven or eight hours? that you stay in bed resting on a pillow lying on the habits, not so long that we need to sleep, especially do people who know martial arts meditation, eyes closed, really asleep at noon as long as three minutes, is equal to two hours sleep, but to noon for a good time. Will have to fall asleep at night is midnight, five minutes is equal to six hours.

on this big time science, and the same universal law, rule the Earth, I Ching Yin and Yang of the truth of a relationship, and you will feel, literally the heart following the existence of a power down, and pubic region (kidney) and fusion power, the so-called
insomnia or so people who really want to stay up late at night, midnight is the time, even twenty minutes is also necessary to sleep, sleep must train yourself to sleep.
had a positive after midnight about half past twelve, you will not be sleepy, and this is very bad. More serious, to the dawn, four, five o'clock, five, six mao shi, you and sleepy sleepy, then sleep if one day would faint head.
so wish to engage people who work late at night, is a house, even if there is a big thing should be put down to sleep it half an hour, to the Mao Shi want to sleep do not sleep, the spirit of that day is enough.
But people are surviving the twelve insomnia, tossing and turning in bed, the results fell asleep almost dawn, to feel dizzy the next day afternoon, so you will feel insomnia asics onitsuka tiger fabre, lack of sleep, in fact, you do not have experience.

a sleep and health, sleep doctors rule
Warring States Period of Emperor WEI of QI Zhi Wen said: prime location, only the growth of humans and animals only sleep, sleep help the stomach digest food, so, so sleep is the first health Dabu, who do not sleep a night, the loss of one hundred days is difficult to recover. point to 5 am for the effective sleep time. People are animals, and plants belong to the same biological, daytime (5:00 to 21:00 pm) activities to generate energy at night (21 pm to 5 am) to begin cell division, the new energy into the cells, human cells recuperate , get rid of the time, but also the people back on the sun as the Earth rotates to the side. Yinzhu Jing, is a human sleep really good time, this time to rest, will have good physical and mental state. This baby sleep longer and more fat, grow fast, and playful sense of stunted children is the same reason.
sleep is a major function of health, support is to use a large number of healthy cells to replace the corruption of the cells, such as the night can not sleep on for the new cells. If the demise of one million cells during the day, one night just make it up five hundred thousand cells, then your body will be deficit, a long time, people bran, like bran carrot-like. Why does the world have centenarians? Because they are in the 21 o'clock every night to sleep on time.

plants to absorb the energy of sunlight, night the growth of crops in the countryside at night so the ground could hear the voice of jointing. Belong to the same human and plant biology, cell division, roughly the same time period, missed the really good time at night to sleep, fall short of the newborn cells die, people will premature aging or illness, people want to go with the flow, it should follow the sun to go that day I wake up wake up, day sleep I sleep. In front of the sun as small as dust, This is an objective truth.
real life, many people have difficulty falling asleep, sleep problems is not high quality. Poor sleep is a comprehensive issue, such as excessive anger, sleep alert; excess stomach fire, sleep disturbed; liver and lack of sleep tired.

two, sleep and disease

modern living habits and lifestyle to bring a lot of people's negative impact on the body to form the disease, TV PC disease, stay up all night sick. There is a feature of liver: lying is the return of blood, sitting outside the blood supply.
midnight (23:00-1:00), in fact, 23:00 is the beginning of a new day, not the 0:00 start, which is made of false consciousness. Hepatobiliary phase table, each one, 23 points gall bladder was opened, if it does not sleep, sap courage, because eleven organs are also dependent on bile, courage of a virtual, decreased body organs function, metabolism, immune system have decreased , greatly reduce the human body, courage to support the central nervous system injury prone courage of all mental disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, restless psychosis. Midnight to replace the bile bile, gallbladder getting busy person who does not lie, bile adverse change, too thick and crystallize into stones, gallstones that was a long time, if the gall to pick up a pick on the timid, the body's immune system declined by 50% or more, it can not pick, use its enormous potential of this system to dissipate it.
Chou Shi liver by the most prosperous, Chou Shi (1:00-3:00), insomnia, toxic liver can not lift the thing off, resulting in fresh blood, the blood due to the adverse possession, leaving it blue, long susceptible to various types of liver disease, now Some human liver is not very good, particularly in Europe have an average of four a HBeAg or three positive, mostly because of violation of the laws of nature do not sleep after a midnight caused. Better treatment of hepatitis, hepatitis B is very difficult to treat. Hepatitis B virus carriers, is often not sleep at night because people are too weak, and that order is too messy, the virus has reached inside the cell. That hepatitis B virus has reached inside the cell, but now it can not afford to cause hepatitis, when people are most vulnerable when the body is formed as hepatitis, hepatitis B means that in the future 40% - 60% of cirrhosis. Intelligent person should know heaven, earth, human relationship between people is not smart people who should be eliminated.

junk sleep bring much harm to the liver?

Liver Shuxie, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver Shuxie negative, liver qi stagnation, showing irritability, headache, dizziness, red eyes, eye pain, tinnitus, deafness, Sternocostal pain, female irregular menstruation, constipation can also cause liver with less than l, one would head tired Shenpi, weak knees, dizziness, insomnia, heart palpitations, trance, heavy will be collapsed in the street, unconscious.
liver stores the blood, regulate the function of blood, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, can also cause vomiting, epistaxis, subcutaneous bleeding, gum bleeding, retinal bleeding, ear bleeding bleeding card-like.
liver opens into the eyes, over neutrons do not sleep, can lead to liver deficiency, then blurred vision, presbyopia, night blindness, photophobia, Yingfengliulei, and other symptoms, but also the formation of glaucoma, cataract, retinal arteriosclerosis, retinal disease and other eye diseases.
liver reinforcement, the Chinese in the claw, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, appeared tendon pain, numbness, flexion and extension problems, cramps, convulsions, could easily lead to onychomycosis, calcium, chondromalacia patella, epilepsy, osteoporosis embolism.

liver and heart, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, the main one as heart blood, liver function blood storage and regulation, will cause the heart insufficiency, causing palpitation, fibrillation and other symptoms, severe form of heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
liver and spleen, after midnight does not sleep, can cause disharmony of liver and spleen due to liver to help digestion, the liver can not help the stomach digest the Void, make bad stomach digestive function, the performance of thick fur, a long time will cause the gas collapse.
liver and lungs, too neutrons do not sleep, can Yin and Yang, liver and loss, anger caused by excessive burning lungs, dry cough, or cough, expectoration of blood and other wooden stake gold card-like, easily lead to psoriasis and other skin diseases.
liver and kidney, do not sleep through midnight, liver deficiency leading to kidney failure, due to liver and kidney origin, likely to cause reproductive disorders, infertility, bone disease, dental problems, hair loss, diabetes, kidney failure and other diseases.

Third, sleep method

traffic rules - you do not know it is easy to accidents. For example, 23 pm to 3 am to Zaichou, the liver and gall bladder by the most active, liver and gallbladder to return to the blood, If you lie down every night around 22 o'clock, do not speak too quietly, to 23 point, also fell asleep. Hepatobiliary started back to the blood, the blood to filter out toxic, resulting in fresh blood, to be a hundred no gallstones, no hepatitis, cysts of a class of disease. If you are staying up until 1 am every day, the liver can not return the blood, the blood of toxic discharge can not afford to, not a raw fresh blood, gall bladder and bile can not be changed, so these people prone to gallstones, cysts, three positive, three positive variety of diseases.
In Europe, there is an average of four carriers of hepatitis virus, which is called not understand the rules. Best not to talk for half an hour before going to bed, sleep, not to speak, like a talking, moving through the lungs, and then they move through the heart, (because the focus on the heart and lung total) who are likely to enter the excited state, so it is difficult to sleep.
21:00-23:00 for the Hai Shi. Haishi three Jiaojing Wang, triple burner through Lotus. Haishi sleep, Lotus Ru Yang Chieh-te, it was common characteristics that centenarians 21:00 (Haishi) before sleep. To maintain the appearance of women Jiao good long-term, should be early to bed early.
bed to shut the window, not open fan, not air conditioning, a lot of people sick with this herve leger gown, since the person being in sleep, blood circulation is slow, the temperature drops, the body will form a surface layer yang, This makes it yang layer called Air conditioning, open fan, not the case, open the window, the window is taking the wind, into the muscle, if air conditioning, but also the wind, the wind into the bar, cold Life, morning, yellow body cheap radii straight jacket shoes, face, hair yellow, stiff neck and back piece of tendon, joint pain, fever and even some people, this is the wind and the cold penetrated to the tendons and bones in the reason, this gas is injured. If the window does not sleep at night, no air conditioning, do not open the fan, even the door is shut, the best, if hot, the door opened, the windows shut, the effect will be quite right, but the next day he will not up in the morning, tired, back stiffness.
air conditioning was the open living room, the bedroom door open, and direct air conditioning is similar to sleep, open air after that cold air into the bone, so cold heart, heart in which heart in the brain, the brain is sea of ​​marrow, bone marrow, there are cold, my heart was definitely cold, and how to do, kidney yang, up in the air, when added to the heart is not cold, burning on the back, went out cold.

sleep to try to go to bed early, sleep late, hurt Shaoyang of gas, must be tired the next day unable to close the window, no air conditioning, fans, protection yang.
hepatobiliary next focus, if the stomach problems, he will be sleep disturbed sleep, one is cold stomach, the stomach if the sun were already inadequate, too much to drink green tea, there will be Wei Han, Wei Han When people sleep well, or eating things with too much sediment, stomach faint for the cold, definitely sleep;
another one stomach, is the heat going up, breath of his mouth are hot, as this is also not sleep well; then a dry stomach, dry mouth, stomach felt dry;
is a stomach and a thick smell of taste, stomach thick, this situation is tired of eating the taste of this thick, it was seafood, fish, eat chicken, tastes delicious, eat more, not more delicious with these things in it to dilute it, do not dilute it, taste it in there too thick, so this is also not sleep well;
Another abdominal distention, abdominal swelling was up, could not sleep, could not sleep over and over again; Another is Wei Qi Void, cold sweats, which sleep good sense, these reasons are likely to form the stomach, restlessness, stomach restless sleep well.
to sleep warm limbs, limbs to warm, as is the yang of the limbs, this we all know, limbs not warm, certainly kidney is less, should cover their hands and feet before going to bed to warm hands and feet and navel, behind Vital to be covered.

sleep method varies, the following describes three kinds of practice:

1, a simple stretching before going to sleep, then sit cross-legged on the bed natural, hands placed on the legs overlap, natural breathing, feeling the body with the breath, one of a pore, the best results if tears yawn, to fall to sleep when they sleep.
2, supine, natural breathing, breathing feel like a spring breeze, first melt the big toe, then the other toes, then foot, leg, thigh and gradually melting. If not yet awake, and then to do from scratch.
3, people can fall asleep fast right lateral, right palm right ear care. Palm heart is fire, the ear is water, fire and water that is formed between the two economies, the formation of the kidneys in the body intersect. A long time, Yang Xin ney.
sleep must get up early, even in winter, not more than 6 points to get up, spring and fall as much as possible before getting up at 5:00, because people in the yin shi (3 -5 points), when lung-wang get up to the lung anger to stretch to conform Shu yang long to complete the metabolism, the aggregate of the Su-down, so that lung clearance, which helps Nourishing and adapt to the situation of days the sun rises the body yang, yang enough people one day Otherwise, just like the engine, and have a good time this is difficult to mobilize the body yang, yang deposition in the lower body the body can not start rising up from the Gate, will form a kinky gas, serious damage to people's physical and mental health.

5:00 to 7:00 is the most popular of the large intestine through the body when the body needs to excreted metabolites of the cloud at this time if you do not get up, get the large intestine full activity, complete the row can not be a good cloud, enabling the formation of turbid matter stayed toxins harmful to human blood and organs Bai Hai. 7:00 to 9:00 the human stomach by the most prosperous, 9 to 11 most popular human spleen, then the person's ability to transport and absorb the best, if not then get up, a serious erosion of human gastric acid the human body to absorb nutrients in the best time to get nutrition, long suffering from stomach diseases, resulting in malnutrition, in the gas collapse. So do not stay in bed, stay in bed can cause dizziness, tired, feeling of lack of sleep, and should get up, many great men in history are three or four o'clock in the habit of getting up, like Washington, Napoleon, Emperor Kangxi, Tseng Kuo-fan and so on. Another early can increase the effectiveness of the work, saying:
Modern medicine has proved less pressure early hours of spirit of the people, not prone to mental diseases. Do not go out too early morning exercise, because the sun did not come out in the morning before the underpass of the Zhangzhou gas, sewage is going up (especially cities), the gas on the human body is a very serious injury.
cultivation three events, a sleep, two facilities, three restaurants, the rest of living, clothing etc are secondary.
sleep in the first three things. However, no appetite and who, disturbed night sleep, so as to facilitate the second pass. The diet-free festival, over those who hunger and eat, the stomach will hurt, and diminishing nutrition. Sleep to soothe the nerves mainly God with peace of mind-based, should be compatible with the age, middle-aged up to seven to eight hours, sleep the intellectual faint dizziness jealous inflation, limb weakness, childhood will get enough sleep eight hours, or over nine hours not to obstruct , the old or the patient up to six hours is enough.

sleep disorders can not be ignored warnings
should be noted:

(a) should sleep early and not more than ten, the elderly with eight point is, do not over nine. Where to pay 11 am, when the sun, is a kidney, then insomnia, loss of renal water will, heart and kidney connected to the water loss is Huo, most likely to trouble. Ten million not to be sleeping tablets to help sleep.
(b) pillow avoid thinking about the calculation of future things, sleeping all the time should not think, breath and mix thoroughly, listening their own gas, from thick and thin, the thin and fine and interest rates. Depending on the body as nothing, or as sugar into the water, come to naught, natural sleep.
(c) any idea, can not be safe with, not on the pillow Zhuance minds, the most exhausting, can sit up a time to sleep.
(d) as in the noon, to the point that eleven o'clock, when the shade, is a heart, then if they can not sleep, can sit a quarter of an hour, eyes closed, gas is a strong heart. Where heart disease Qieyi attention, pay attention to two o'clock this day, the strength stronger by the day, no diarrhea or frequent urination, heart rate of the disease.
(e) should be from the early summer, late winter should play. Home should be cold northern air, such as Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, to get up early in the disease, anti-malaria Sam Rainsy. Do not sleep after eating his back, get up early as three to five points in the Yin Shi, Yu Nu avoid this time, will damage liver and lung injury, Wan Wang attention.

