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the ground for the rich to endure Weili, to care for those to busy for the sake of

the ground for the rich to endure Weili, to care for those to busy for fun. Wutan no desire, to meet freely. Meet people free, contented face can always wearing a smile.
so-called not find nothing, but what are contented.

no war is peace of mind with people, do not compete with the home security, Like the national security, real peace of mind is the
world for our own use, not my all authentic chanel purses, people only have the right to use, but not ownership.
the same over a lifetime, the desire people have to spend a great big effort in order to meet demand, and desire to weak people, can often be secure in the end of life.
everything from in the realm of karma, so everything must be impermanent.
the world stage, life is a drama, all sorts of personnel troubles, are off the screen with the curtain rose and, without clinging to mind.
no cult of personality, do not blindly try to be brave, not superstitious power, not bent, do not map one has the private, not for a moment quickly. Those who know how to harmony and balance with the people the truth, you can health and longevity.
more carefully listen to how people say, do not rush to express personal views.
mouth bad temper, can not be good no matter how carefully.
smiling face every day is good, Qi Bafen who are not old, leaving the spring meet burberry mens, Mowen surgery, medicine better than being indifferent to quiet.
the sky over the vast ocean, the mind than the vast sky.
angry, is to get someone else to punish their own fault.
non-tortuous see clearly, what debate? Empty words to make his life off welfare, what lies? S wisdom wrong, Diao what? Too expensive at the loss of cheap, greedy for? A rare opening to laugh, what pain? Children and grandchildren their own children and grandchildren Fu, worry about what? Brothers and sisters of the same root, what trouble? Deceptive is a curse Raoren Fu, rape what? After the death of a text with not, save what? All things are impermanent, strive for what?
field without me copies of the tongue, dangerous place without me leaving a trace. Non-nest, use language, I use the ear. Crowded field, one forward, and I behind.
wealth does not belong to people who have it, belongs only to those who enjoy it.
money is relative need, when you need it is very important; when you have to use enough money in the bank, leaving nothing but a number .
a central control: Health First; two basic points, a little confused herve leger buy, a little chic.
kind rather than harsh words, is more happiness of the people, who speak harsh and sharp, is Baofu person.
progress, in order to seek to calm, popularity, to rejoice in the service in order to develop.
wisdom is all that the world perspective, and not be fooled by false impression.
excuses for their own people, will never progress.
do not ever waste a single minute. Think about any of you usually like. If disturbed heart, life will form the punishment to life, make fun of and suffering.
handle non-method: 1, do not listen to right and wrong, 2, do not say right and wrong, 3, ignore right and wrong, 4, do not pass right and wrong.
in front of you who hurt others, they will certainly attack you on your back.
frustrated, rule in order to endure; Fiat, rule in order light; often makes no Guaai heart, is wisdom of the people.
This body is only temporary just by us, such as housing. One life, we should move, not persistent.
mouth to talk about things, thinking that well-intentioned, good body lines.
each one of the greatest weakness is that he thought he was the smartest.
reason why ordinary people, is not beyond their own. How can this world as I do
meaning, but to be worthy of my heart-General.
his life cultivation revel heart, light meals are also content with coarse food.
speech too sure, often regret it more than sure.
ancients said:
Loose lips sink ships, as little as possible to give yourself that chance.
who thinks wealth is actually owned by wealth.
will find difficult not to do, if we really do, is not difficult, it's difficult to not want to take the first step.
saying more, will destroy the original state of mind, make you lose serene. The real enlightenment is the knowledge, confirm their own back lost complete life awakening.
life is a stage. Some people get bitter sweet. Some people get after a bitter sweet, so that life is impermanent. Who can say who is happy to conclude it?
fate stay at the bottom is not terrible, terrible mood never stays at the bottom.
to heart, do not worry, worry. Trouble heavy people, Zhimaxiaoshi makes his troubles. Wise man, big things are bound not to him.
eloquent words carefully than good; appropriate wording better than the compliment.
Do not fear the fate of your sudden attack. Pain, often bears hope and opportunity.
good to the people, although not to the blessing, has been away from disaster. Human evil, although not to the disaster, has been away from the blessing.
success is a strong play, the failure is the accumulation of disadvantage.
and the biggest enemy is himself, and the biggest problems is selfishness. And the greatest tragedy is the ignorance, and the maximum error is bias. And the biggest worry is the desire. And the biggest problem is right and wrong. And the biggest failure is the pride and the greatest wealth is health. And the greatest virtue is compassion, and courage is the biggest mistake. And the largest owner is Thanksgiving, and get the maximum income is contentment. And the greatest hope is peace, and the biggest accomplishment is tolerance.


radii strangler high top-Method to restore your eye sight .

Pilots are used , in order to please your eye collectionsWay to restore vision in your eyes, please right collections

myopia in the end can not be treated? Do not do laser surgery, then what can we do it?

1, distant gaze:
Find a 10 meters away on the grass or trees: green because shorter wavelength, the image on the retina before the eyes adjust to promote relaxation, ciliary muscle relaxation, to reduce eye fatigue. Do not squint, and do not always blink, eliminate distractions, concentrate, concentrate the gaze of 25 seconds, to identify the contours of grass or leaves. Then the left hand slightly higher than 30 cm in front of the eyes, one by one from start to finish to see the palm, about 5 seconds. Palm reading and then staring into the distance on the grass or leaves 25 seconds, then look at the palm. Repeated 20 times 10 minutes a day to do three times, decreased vision training to increase the number of powerful.

2, crystal gymnastics
blink of an eye: Tuosai hands, so that the eye press up, down, left and right rotate the order of 10 times, followed counter-clockwise, clockwise rotation of 10 times.
looking for a 3 m outside of the scene (such as: wall paintings, etc.), while his left hand raised slightly away from the eyes at the straight (about 30 cm), hand lines to see the palm of your hand, look at Qingyuan things, as fast moving in between the two eyes, and from 20.

3, massage operation

taken sitting or supine can be, the two natural closed, followed by massage the acupuncture points around the eyes. Requirements acupoints accurately, playful approach to the local sense of the degree of soreness.
rubbing days should point: thumb gently with both hands should point Rouan days (below brow, eyes outside the corner office.)

squeeze out points by eye: the thumb gently with one hand Rouan Jingming points (nasion Department within the next two canthus) first press down, then up the crowd

knead four white points: the central part of the cheek with the index finger Rouan four white points (the lower edge of the orbit until the middle of the next cross fingers).

by the temple, scraping round eyes: Use your thumb to press the temple (in the middle of the outer corner of brow and Wang pointed backwards), then the index finger with flexion of the side section II of scuffing around the eyes, by the on the inside -> outside of the -> external next -> in the next, so save the bamboo fish eyes around the waist, empty string and wind, Tong Zi Liao, ball, bearing weep and other points by massage. For the pseudo-myopia, or prevent the deepening of the degree of myopia is good.

protect the eyesight of the four training methods

one instant method
choose a quiet place, sitting or standing, relax, clear thoughts, two head open, head and neck does not move, turn the eye alone. Below the first gaze, slowly go to the left, then go to the gaze is at the top, to the right, and finally back to beneath the gaze radii strangler high top, so that the first 9 laps clockwise. Let the eyes gaze from the bottom, go right to the top, to the left, then back to the bottom, so that 6 and then counter-clockwise circle. A total of 4 times. Each rotation, the eye should be possible to reach the limit. This method can be an instant eye muscle exercise, improved nutrition, flexible and comfortable to the eye, bright and piercing.

Second, eye concentration, breathing fresh air law
election, or to sit or stand, relax, and second, head straight ahead, slowly enough to absorb the gas, along with wide open eyes, pause for a moment, then the air exhaled slowly, his eyes also will slowly Weibi christian louboutin shop online, do it 9 times.

three iron eye method
This method is best to do sit, relax, close your eyes, then quickly friction between palms to make heat, Serve hot with his hands to his eyes, hot After the hands suddenly removed the loose, two also exert oneself opened, so 3 to 5 times, the eye can promote blood circulation, increase metabolism.

four, wash basin after disinfection method
first, into the warm water, regulate water temperature, face into the water, opened his eyes in the water, so move left and right eye up and down nine times discount oakley, and then then clockwise, counterclockwise rotation 9. At first, the water into the eyes, the eyes very uncomfortable, but with the rotation of the eye, eyes started to feel very comfortable. In this exercise, if difficulty in breathing, may wish to lift the face from the basin to the outside, take a deep breath. This method can wash away the eyes of the harmful substances and dust, but also effective for mild cataract, and to improve the astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, refractive error level.


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battle, a U.S. military helicopter because of
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the U.S. military said the way to deal with Osama bin Laden remains fully consistent with the provisions of Islamic tradition .
Some people worry , In the past 10 years, strict preventive measures the United States asics casual shoes, terrorists may be in Pakistan, Afghanistan , Iraq, North Africa and Europe in waves . Among them, hidden in the Yemen


new herve leger dresses-Playing a fool 's touching story DNF

fool rarely go to Internet cafes have never played online games, many people saw in Internet cafes playing Dungeon and Fighter, so he joined them. Fool picked a sharpshooter's job, because he felt very handsome. -
DNF started on this journey, fools do not know how into the game after the shot, to accompany a long time to play hide and seek goblins, and finally rescued after clearance Sai Liya MM. NPC Sai Liya habits say thank you brave, silly fool has said no thank typing. -

stupid fool spent several hours into the Heer Ma Dayton town. Along the way a lot of NPC and greeted him, he was very happy. He was pleased to meet so many new friends. -
A few days later the 16 fool slowly, and learn to master that Kelly learned skills, very carefully to help you complete the task. Whenever the NPC to complete the task back to some of the equipment he would send him extremely happy. -
This day he was going into the map, suddenly saw a little man was shouting in MM: Does any brother band with me ah? I was three. . Cried for a long time did not care for him. Poor fool that she was walking past, said: I brought you. So fierce poison fool with her brush thunder ruins, as a fool 16 easy to play this strange, fool called MM stand far will hurt you. MM said the fool really considerate. Oh the laughter of the fool. Fool that you be careful, walking will fall down, really a child. MM said that you call me child. I like to hear you call my child. Child that likes to play down the strawberry tree, a fool to say that I picked you. Children say of you. Children fool my heart feel very happy.

fool day ate breakfast went to Internet cafes on the rush of the game, as they team up with about a future upgrade ... she was not yet come, fool in the game on a daze. Noon when the children hurry to say sorry to the game late, ask a fool not dined? You had better take the afternoon battle. . Fool said early on so you eat. So leveling fool kids go, kids say the ice pretty good sister and sister fire Ah. Not cute smile fool you, the children called cute face ^ - ^. See the other children in the street wearing a magician shouting that if the fashion to wear on me definitely better than them beautiful. Blushing fool not to speak in front of the screen, and he really wanted to buy a fashion for children, but a fool really poor, poor with no access fees. Not to mention less expensive fashion game although he did not know how much. Fool decided to buy a child must be a fool to think. Feeling like a fool the first person, as long as she is in the side pieces of happiness. -
Daguai side so they fool a lot of chatting to tell the children the knowledge of the game: in the West Coast side has a beautiful city in the sky, in the days of hangings, there lived an evil monster remains the leader in control of good GBL, Qi Qi in the snow with a snow-capped mountains of lost years of Bing Xin young mind, with an old castle in the dark crusade against the devil, who died can not be laid to rest many, many ..... Headless Horseman fool listen carefully, the original DNF of the world is so big fool said that the best way we go together. Ah child said softly. Fool the children also told he has a 50-class large, so you had to send you high-level point of equipment, fool eyes wet, for the first time he was so good. -

fool never done anything to find work, someone asked what a fool can do, fool shook his head. They look dull fool refused to see him go elsewhere you say, a fool to run a lot of places, bottled mineral water in a place to get hard to fool the boss pleaded with him, myself not a lot of money, earn as long as Internet access fees on the line. Uncle very sincere look fool said to him very poor, three hundred a month, get a bucket of water commission 5 hair. Come to work tomorrow, right, fool stop Xie boss, fool very happy to find their first job. . -
Child is a fool's 7th qq friends, the children made a video that would like to see over the guy, fear a fool not to pick him up like a child would see their silly to ignore him, so that the children in Internet cafes No video. Forget the children free to say that I Caicai space. Fool the children into the space inside a good point of view, the child that is very beautiful inside, the children get their flowers that are a lot of time thinking, boast fool the children really hard. Fool unwittingly point into the child's photo album to see the children, pony-tailed children laugh very bright people are beautiful. Fool that she is an angel, fool secretly under the photo to your mobile phone. At night, when children are thought a fool, looking at the pictures fool the first time the child sleep .... -

then fool 17, a child 15. . Children right here that we did not kill zombies experience, and a fool aloud said no problem, so the operation is very into vegetables Figure fool do not understand how to use skills, hang out. Kids say you stupid, idiot embarrassed child to say sorry herve leger buy, try again. The second weakness is also out, the child she grumbles when I can over 18 levels of a king. Blushing fool not to speak. He feels that now can not protect the boy decided to wait in the powerful come to her practice, so I fool the children said so. The body of only 40,000 gold trading to a child, she said nothing and turned away. . -
Weak fool looking back after the disappearance of a child has turned into a dark thunder ruins ... -
money to buy medicine because of weak fool does not know how many times, and again rushed to copy, starting from common to the adventure. Fool to the 18's when he took a turn roaming, because he knows the child is roaming large, the transfer task fool spent a day on his last completed. Their own efforts as long as no fool not finish. -
Slowly .. fool to fight zombie warrior class diagram of the still very difficult. Collection on the road side of the strawberry tree, even if you are going to hang up can not bear to eat strawberries, because he does not forget the kids like strawberries, he gave her.

try to fool the 19 two days when he could easily have been the king of the JS. Fool that can now find the child to protect her, send messages in the past did not reply. . Fool did not see the child for several days on the line, made a lot of mail, but also to leave a lot of space made a fool not in the mood to go anywhere Daguai weak back. At that time, the children are all fools. So every day the kids or fool. A few days later saw the child on the line, fool, fool the children ran to look far to see the children's side there is a high-grade fashion great general, they are working together toward the west coast city in the sky .. idiot wanted to run in the past called the children, but the pace has stopped. Fool heart sour taste of the first to feel jealous. . -
Fool the next day to see the children, asked her how she did on-line these days. Child that went to play the tuba. Silly fool to say: go, children can now pass JS I can protect you king. Fool the children of your own that go `I'm going to Sky City has had a friend waiting for her on the west coast, and in the transaction column put the 20 purple revolver. Turned to go. Fool knows that person is waiting for her yesterday, suddenly seemed to understand what he was afraid of losing her fear of never see her again. He Erma Burton in the street with this fool never had the courage students shouted: so, the child I always liked you. -
Children Lengle Leng said of the fool: I do not like a low-level poor fool, had just to let you take me with you just leveling it ... -
fool begging to say: Give me a chance. -
Child ironically said: so you have a gun in the title of God, come to me. Children want to fool quit, so stupid she thought a fool can not be done. Because she knows how much the gun is a difficult road to God. A person, a gun. -

fool know that God is roaming 48 gun transfer of the title, she put up fool transaction strawberries and the remaining 99 gold, fool just said something waiting for me. Turned away. Children feel a little guilty watching the strawberry heart ... -
did not accompany the child, a little lonely fool, fool took the child to get level 20 weapons and warm heart, this day is going to complete fool Uncle Norton to his last mission to eliminate zombie king. Into the chart at the time saw a little man shouting to find someone with a magician JS Wang, looking a fool could not help think of her children, she said I'll take you close. The girl said you can do it, how much? Fool say money. Fool hearted always eager to help the girl down several disk tasks are done. PL fool run out, the girl said goodbye to the next. Girl surprised there are such people now the game is not fool it. Fool was added friends, became the first girl friend ...-< br> The next day on-line to fool friends bid farewell to the town of Hull to the west coast city in the sky set foot on the road, facing the new copy of the fool very hard, a person from the ordinary to the king because he said he did not want to let their children stupid. -
Turn the Summoner girl because she felt very comfortable in this job, the baby came out he can not Daguai. Girl a long time leveling will be bored, so looking for someone to practice with the team, but others are not willing to see her group is calling the girl, said she would move the baby card, the girl felt wronged. . -
Day, the girl turned to see a fool the next list of online friends thought he, -
sent a message in the past: Hello! -
Fool saw him close a window, a fool can not remember the girl said something had to send Hello. -
Fool remember that girl, very pleased with the team on the fool that leveling it. -
Fool is an accident, had their own group who do not, said roaming brush chart junk. On the girl said yes. -
Girl strode past to find a fool, fool 23. Girl 21 .-
fool that girl how do you keep so many monsters, the girl cried, the baby is his, not the monster = =. Fool know that the girl is Summoner. Very happy girl that day, a fool not hold anything against their cards, but also to help themselves to complete the task, so a fool and girls re-acquainted. -
Fool on the road hit a scholar wrist, the girl said that the value of the envy of a lot of money, since their money will not buy one. Fool that I send you. The girl looked a fool that you refuse equipment or sell it to buy their own equipment. Fool said to later be able to play. Girls say sorry to take over the wrist after the money also you. Fool aloud. It turned out he really thought the girl was a fool. . .
after the girl on the line every day to find a fool with the leveling. Find and fool with it anxiety. Girl fool that I am the master do it. Fool that I do not have the ability to teach you, the girl that you can help me with my leveling off task, although a girl can be completed. Fool first time I felt was needed, so the girl became a fool's apprentice. -
Fool and girls successfully boarded the last floating city, the girl is really a beautiful city in the sky seat, fools think of a child, they had an appointment to come along, but now is not at his side, fool a little sad. -
Said the girl asked the teacher how you play the fool a difficult practice of roaming, fool says to a child, he liked people, and said she was waiting for him. Girl listening to fool about his and her story is also very touched that silly fool, that if someone on the fool so well for me, I'll marry him. Fool laughed and said you would meet people like you. To quickly master the girl decided to help 48. -
To-day monster tent, through the jungle with them want to turn over the first ridge refining, fool feel very relaxed, the girl that you really powerful master. Fool said laughingly told me that you master, fool just do not know, because there are girls. Daguai distressed when the girl holding a whip pumping her baby, ask them to play quickly. . Then fool 35. Girl 34. -
Fool not to go to work that day, when the girls saw a very fine shopping, 35 revolvers, though a bit expensive, or buy the girl down, and add it to 7. Fool on the line when the girl handed the revolver hand that sent the master of a fool. Fool said no, I have a weapon. The girl could not bear to send their children to know that fool the weapon, the girl was angry that she did not mind this apprentice chef. See the girl angry fool does not know how to do but to put her to send weapons to send their children carefully put his revolver backpack. This girl laughed. -
Girl fools that want to see your master looks like. When the apprentice fool only the girl so then the video, the girl saw a thin very handsome boy, the girl felt a little red face. -
Apprentice fool said to the girl you really cute. -
Cute girl you just said, do I not beautiful? -
Fool to say beautiful. The girl said something stupid. -
Girl is very beautiful, even more than the child is still beautiful. -
Fool girl not allowed to say that after looking the other disciples, and a fool to ask why. The girl said that if you have 10 apprentices a little time with me on leveling up. -
Fool who said to me that a low level and poor people who do the master, and only you silly apprentice, the girls laughed. -
Girl my heart like a fool, fool heart, but she knew that only a child. -
Princeton snow, rescued by Charlie fool fool Bantu warriors to give the title of patriarch. Time off soon, to 45 the blink of an eye fool, a fool am glad God is so close from the gun, the girl is more treasure and fools with the time. - -
Girl asked the fool said: If you and your child master the future together, what will be leveling with me. -
Fool said: stupid apprentice you can not always follow the master Yeah, you like people and the future there will be people like you. -
Girl murmured: he likes the person, -
fool that you so well, who does not like is his loss. Girls :......-< br> fool approaching 48, the girl in order to congratulate a gun fool fool God decided to give a gift, she wants to fool strengthen the hand of a rapid-fire revolvers +11, the girl has never been reluctant to buy their own equipment, though very cheap. Girl in her memory to the gold coins to buy weapons, but to strengthen the 11 is not so simple, failed after a few girls, the bag of gold is running out, she had to save hard to warehouse the material crystals are what sold the last successful, the girl is very pleased. -
Upgraded to 48 today, fool, full of joy to find the gun the awakening of God, Master Kelly, but Kelly said that while on the fool that you have access to the Warriors, but God is not enough for the gun, so you can defeat an opponent Come get 1000 points in the victory. PK field has never been a fool, a fool alone how to play to win infighting among those who earn only a little bit of victory points, the girl in order to fool a fool brush to help win early completion point, for a whole night and finally awakened the fool, girl but cold sick. The next time the master of a fool that God congratulate you as the gun, apprentice to send your gift wish you happiness and love people. Fool to go to find children. . Girl looking at a fool .. -
fool the children have not seen more than three months, a fool to find a child to see her again when the child has more than 50 levels, and dressed in a beautiful fashion the elements of the Master. Long time no see fool that I agreed to come to you to complete. -
Child was surprised to see a fool, even a little bit forgotten him, the child can become a fool not think God will come to their guns, the children looked a fool a garbage equipment, there is a good weapon, she does not know how the fool over. The child silent. After that we fool the children with it. That just happened to fool the child fills a gun as long as the patience of God no one can, only fools Folly. Children dropped icy cold word: so you have a bamboo bracelets, Sage rings, necklaces in Nima animal come to me. The kids think this fool know what that means, right .... -
fool just a simple person, fool told the girl where these three things to play, the girl told a fool listening to the words of a fool say that kids do not like you. Fool said no, she was waiting for me. You silly girl, you know these three things more precious you, she is a liar. Fool the first time the girl angry that children not allowed to say bad things about, and lifted the mentoring relationship. The girl cried. -
Days fool and girls did not speak, the girl wanted to fool, fool initiative to find a teacher that I was wrong. Fool has said the word sorry. So again thanks to the division. Even a bamboo poor fool did not the money, let alone the other, the girl that can not afford our own play, they check the information floating out of bamboo bracelet, then brush vacant, the seventh day out of bamboo. -
Forbidden line that rings map out the sage, then went to brush off-limits, one week, two weeks herve leger clothing, lucky 20 days out of the drawings. -
Fool happy for the girl, as long as the work can not do nothing. Perhaps the girl said it ... -
last one is Nima necklace, brush off the spiders and children fool ridge cemetery, one month, two months. -
Fool to believe that nothing is impossible. -
How hard some things is not even in the results, just like you and I never meant, the girl my heart says. -

girls go online to spend several hundred dollars to buy one, when the figure in the brush while a fool not pay attention to the necklace thrown on the ground. Wow girl that `teacher of fools hit a necklace. Smiling fool's necklace on the girl picked up, said: finally hit, and tomorrow you can go to the children, thank you apprentice with me playing for so long. Girls blessings heart fool. Then fool and girls 50 a. (-
Fool once again to find the child new herve leger dresses, this time she has 60, 3 kind of jewelry handed to fool her hands, the children looked surprised fool, a fool is a really original feel guilty like his, but the children have husband of the great generals that they long ago together. -
children do not want to lie to fool said to him: you find a good girl, and I just a bad boy. and put things back to a fool - < br> fool said: I just want to be with you, no one can replace you. -
girl said: I have a husband, and I'm sorry you go. -
fool that I did a poor or What? as long as you say I must do to. -
cruel ruthless girl said to the fool: If you can collect 99,999 strawberry, I promise to marry you. -
fool or silly, said a sentence such as I, turned away. child looking a fool just the words forget me.

years to come, in the Forest Glen has always had a level of more than 50 received strawberry fool in the shouting, some people cried every day to see a fool deliberately closing strawberry strawberries sell very expensive, so a fool, or even bought, and soon ran out before the deposit of gold. -
Out about this after the girl said nothing, but quietly accompany the fool around, fool if you can meet nice breakfast. -
Fool when strawberries will be in the brush with those new people, just asking him to drop the strawberries will also selfless to hit some of the low-level equipment and gave them gold -
but 99999 Strawberry so within the foreseeable future, but as always, adhere to a fool, or, looking at the warehouse slowly pile up strawberries, no fool would believe that efforts can not do. Why fool novices asked to collect strawberries? -
Fool Oh said there was a girl waiting for him, so he married her. Well, they agreed, they say you are silly, fool smiled. Over time we will be picked up strawberries to give the fool. -
I do not know how long, still received a strawberry fool, one day, Glen these come two very senior people - an element and a large general. Association of income in that shouted, looking at that fool slumped forward element that recalls elements are also looking at what a fool. Association boss said pointing to fool my wife you see that fool, do not know what the day with money as long as people do not really fool ha ha strawberry. -
Elements said to him that allowed him a fool. Man and her noisy. He fires, and where few people will be called to brush frequently scolded fool. -
Silly fool to be stations that accused a group of people do not know how to run. The girl ran past a group of men and judge. Even those who criticize the girl with the curse. -
At this point, do not know who made a speaker, said that a fool and girls in the 10 channels being bullied, and before long, a lot of Grand this to people, more than a dozen novice level, but also five or six ten of the very high number of some well-known union leader have come, in fact they are subjected to a fool and rookie helped the girl who brought them to Grand fool has graduated, and for them fool Like the girl is their master. A lot of people blame the union leader that accused a fool, not the server has been stopped horn, some people brush union boss that the frequency of the curse, and some call girls who bully and a fool he had not in the service, diving, and some proposed said the man pulling the black. Soon the group of fools just bully head appeared on top of the title Wanted, dingy off the assembly line. -
Abusive voice over, we added a lot of encouraging words fool, a fool can find a blessing day and the children together and wish them happiness `````` -
fool silent for a long time, bought a speaker only Thank you for writing the sentence `` `and then off the assembly line. -
Girl found on a child asked why such a fool, if you do not like to say it did not need to directly deceive his old feelings. The child said no, but if he did not understand what I mean it. -

to the point of watching everyone evaluation ah


paul smith online-18 kinds of very delicious practice of large bones tutorial Daquan ! ! Ah ~ ~ I wa

18 kinds of delicious

very large bones approach tutorial Daquan!! ah ~ ~ I want to eat! Eat reproduced this log on it!

1, to prepare a bone, the bone can be a rod, it can be bone or spinal cavity, suction bar bone marrow, tibial spine eating meat. Oh, but remember, at least 2 pounds more, less is not worth the trouble is not enough to eat.

2, boiled in water, to the bloody, remove and wash with warm water floating foam.

3, cool pan heat oil, stir fry under the ribs, a little wine and soy sauce, sugar, Stir sugar color.

4, prepare seasoning packets: aniseed 2, a teaspoon of pepper burberry tie, cinnamon and a piece of ginger, 4, 2 bay leaves, fennel and a teaspoon (about 3g), sugar , 2 cloves of garlic, onions, bean paste Northeast 30-40g; 1 tablespoon soy sauce, a tablespoon of soy sauce.

5, if there is such a stainless steel seasoning packet, put the spices into full swing, so do the vegetables, spices are also Nana does not get is, remove seasoning packet, open, drained, washed and then use the next time, to facilitate easy.

6, meat and spices into the electric pressure cooker, add 2 small bowl of hot water. Time 25 minutes. No pressure cooker, then it slow cook it, the taste will be better, of course, take longer, at least one hour before the meat Dunlan.

7,25 minutes after the open electric pressure cooker, flesh and blood to be separated, put everything back into the pan, the fire in the sauce.

8, pan friends, looking at the attractive, light sauce, open eat them ~ ~

< br>

1, ribs

Black Bean Sauce Ingredients: rib half a catty, drums two teaspoons ginger, ginger, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt

1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, ginger drum clean, pressed into pieces with a kitchen knife blade-like, so easy tasty ribs; < br> 3, take a little ginger, ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, and the ribs, ginger drums, a little soy sauce, a little peanut oil, a pinch of salt with marinated for 15 minutes;
4, into the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.
2, soy braised ribs

Material: ribs half a catty, soybeans twenty-two, a little ginger, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt

1, soybean clean, add a little soy sauce, put pressure pot 20 minutes;
2, the ribs cut into 3cm-long pieces, flying water;
3, with a little peanut oil, saute ginger, silk, add pork stir-fry 2 minutes, saute the ribs, the pressure pot of beans and sauce to join the pot, and stew with pork ribs;
4, cover and simmer 20 minutes, add a little salt on it.
ribs combines a touch of soy beans, fragrant, and taste very fresh feeling.
3, dried tangerine peel small ribs

Material: ribs half a catty, nine less than half the package system of dried tangerine peel, raw powder 3 teaspoon, two teaspoons of soy sauce, salt, peanut oil

1, the orange peel soaked in water 10 minutes;
2, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
3, dried tangerine peel water by adding ribs, soy sauce, a pinch of salt, cornstarch with marinated 1 hour;
4, with a pot over medium heat until golden brown, drain the oil you can eat.
sweet aromatic flavor of orange peel into the meat, after eating all aftertaste oh ~ ~ ~
------------------- --------------------
4, pumpkin ribs cup

material: ribs half a catty, a small pumpkin, two teaspoons ginger drum , ginger, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil


1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2 , ginger drum clean, pressed into pieces with a kitchen knife blade-like, so easy tasty ribs;
3, take a little ginger, ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, and the ribs, ginger drums, a little soy sauce , a little peanut oil with marinated for 15 minutes;
4, the pumpkin in 1 / 5 cut, excavated inside the capsule and melon seeds, the flesh with a spoon to dig down, dig the small pumpkin into a hollow shape;
5, until the water, dug up the pumpkin's flesh with the first steam for 20 minutes;
6, the marinated pork ribs and sauce into a small pumpkin, the inside of the pumpkin and mix a little meat, steam for 20 minutes.
pumpkin flesh and ribs have been fully integrated with, deep pumpkin flavor, appetite ~ ~ ~
------------------ ---------------------

5, garlic ribs

material: ribs half a catty, garlic twenty-two, egg, cornstarch, ginger, soy sauce, peanut oil


1, ribs, cleaned, flying water;
2, the chopped garlic, add a little salt and pork ribs marinated for 20 minutes together;
3, two teaspoons cornstarch , take the egg, plus 4 teaspoons water and mix well with the ribs;
4, the pan hot, add ribs;
5, see the ribs meat shrinkage, clear out the bones, the ribs on the familiar, if you want some beautiful yellow color crisp, deep-fried for a while on the pot a little and then you can.
garlic bone blown overboard or not the better, although deep-fried golden golden seems very nice, but the one is not very healthy, and second, deep-fried too long and the meat will harden fat coke, not the meat with garlic gravy, much weaker taste slightly
----------------------------- ----------

6, steamed bone

material: ribs half a catty, steam meat powder 1 bowl, 1 tablespoon bean paste, fermented bean curd 1 small block, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, salt


1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, shredded ginger, chopped garlic, add 1 tablespoon bean paste, fermented bean curd 1 small, a little soy sauce, salt, steam meat powder and mix well with pork ribs, marinated for 15 minutes;
; 3, marinated and put into pressure cooker for 15 minutes, 30 to 40 minutes or steamed.
If you can put in bamboo steamed, or steamed with the new Xian Heye wrap it better, bamboo scent or the smell of the leaves can be steamed bone gift for the taste.
7, farm fry bone

Material: ribs half a catty, ginger, ginger, garlic, green pepper, soy sauce, peanut oil


1 , the ribs cut into 2cm-long pieces, flying water;
2, in Guo Lifang a little peanut oil, the garlic, ginger, silk into the saute, add pork stir-fry 5 minutes;
3, add 3 teaspoons soy sauce, 3 teaspoons of water, fried green pepper over medium heat 10 minutes;
4, add chopped ginger, a little salt and fry for 5 minutes Remove from heat that is available.
8, grilled ribs

material: ribs about 82, ginger, strawberry, garlic, ginger, soy sauce


1, wash the ribs flying water;
2, ginger, garlic, chopped ginger, strawberry shoot open, add soy sauce and spare ribs marinated for 20 minutes together;
3, preheat oven to 200 degrees, the ribs are meat side submerged in spices, bake for 10 minutes;
4, flip ribs, grilled meat of the side, adjust the oven temperature to 180 degrees, bake for 10 minutes .

9, sweet and sour pineapple bone

material: ribs half a catty, cooking wine 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 two, 2 tablespoons rice vinegar , dried 1 tablespoon cornstarch paul smith online, ginger


1, the ribs cut into 2cm-long pieces, flying water;
2, plus a pinch of salt, soy sauce, dry starch, wine mix, marinated 30 minutes;
3, the pan hot, add ribs and deep fry crisp yellow pot;
; 4, pan some oil, add ginger, silk, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, brown sugar, vinegar, 3 tablespoons water, fried pork ribs 3 minutes, a small fire simmered 15 minutes;
5, then saute 1 minute to fire in the juice when you can just thick silk.
10, fragrant chili ribs

material: ribs half a catty, green pepper, red pepper, ginger, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil


1 , the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, green, red pepper strips, respectively;
3, take a little ginger, ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, into the saute pan, add pork, green with red chili fry 5 minutes;
4, add 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 2 teaspoons water, fry 5 minutes over low heat simmer for 5 minutes.
---------------------------------------< br> 11, radish stew ribs

Material: ribs half a catty, a white radish, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil


1, the ribs cut into small blocks, Fei water;
2, white radish peeled, the iron spoon to dig into hemispherical;
3, the white radish balls into the pan, add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoons boiled for 10 minutes to salvage;
4, in Guo Lifang a little peanut oil, the garlic, ginger, silk into the saute, add pork stir-fry 5 minutes;
5, by adding a pre-fried balls of white radish, small fire simmer 10 minutes, add a little salt on it.
12, ribs cup radish

Material: ribs half a catty, a white radish, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil


1, the ribs cut into 3cm long pieces, flying water;
2, white radish peeled, cut into 4cm pieces, hollowed out with a spoon into a small cup of iron;
3, with ginger, silk, garlic, soy sauce and marinate ribs 15 minutes;
4, the ribs Ruluo Bo, the steamed for 30 minutes.
13, steamed taro ribs

material: ribs half a catty, taro 1, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


1, the ribs cut into 3cm pieces , flying water;
2, with a little soy sauce, salted ribs 15 minutes;
3, after peeling taro, hollowed into a cup, steam for 10 minutes;
4, add the marinated pork ribs and then steam for 20 minutes.
taro buy another on that, after eating cooked up like sand as thick taro flavor, so eat up ~ ~
-------------- -------------------------
14, fresh mushrooms fried ribs

material: ribs half a catty, fresh grass mushrooms, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2 , mushrooms cut in half;
3, take a little ginger, ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, into the saute pan, add pork fry 5 minutes;
4, add 1 teaspoon mushroom soy sauce, 2 teaspoons water, fry 5 minutes over low heat simmer for 5 minutes.
15, wrap the bone

Material: ribs half a catty, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, fermented bean curd, allspice


1, the ribs cut into small blocks, Fei water;
2, the ribs, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, fermented bean curd, allspice and mix well together christian louboutin pink pumps, marinate for 30 minutes;
3, the foil cut square, made of bowl, the ribs and marinade into the bowl foil package tightly;
4, 220-degree oven bake for 20 minutes, carefully install disc out, cut the foil can be consumed ( careful water vapor).

16, Sour Bamboo Shoots ribs pot

material: ribs half a catty, Sour Bamboo Shoots 2 2, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


; 1, the short ribs cut into 3cm, flying water;
2, Sour Bamboo Shoots cut into 1cm wide and the sheet;
3, take a little ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, into the saute pan, add pork fry 5 minutes;
4, adding Sour Bamboo Shoots, soy sauce, fry 3 minutes, loaded into a small clay pot simmer for 15 minutes available.
first Hunan Restaurant, eat in a dish, and this is the beginning can not imagine what the taste, eat with a friend grand recommended, so try to see holding the psychological, the result of a love to eat on. Home imitate do, not very authentic, if the rate of pepper, spicy and sour Sour Bamboo Shoots integration into the hot and sour hot and sour, it should be perfect.
---------------------------------------< br> 17, red wine braised ribs

Material: ribs half a catty, half a bowl of red wine, 2 tablespoons cooking wine, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


1 , the ribs fly water;
2, the ginger with the pan, saute garlic, add pork stir-fry 5 minutes;
3, add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, cooking wine 2 tablespoons , 2 tablespoons of water in the fire stew for 5 minutes;
4, add red wine bowl, a small fire simmer 10 minutes, season with salt.
the taste of red wine when cooking on the fat spread very fragrant, almost tempted to wait until the photo shoot, hee hee. This is the practice of imitation red wine braised beef, eat them with thick grape fruit, sweet and sour, there is a very special flavor Gan.
18, bone lemon fragrance

Material: ribs half a catty, half a lemon, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


1, the ribs fly water, add 2 tablespoons soy sauce, a little salt and marinate for 15 minutes together;;
2, the ginger with the pan, saute garlic, add pork stir-fry 5 minutes;
3, add soy sauce, 2 tablespoons water, simmer 10 minutes, even into the pot before you can squeeze the lemon juice.
looks a bit like sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour pork ribs are plenty of different pineapple flavor, this is a lemon scent, and taste very appetizing.

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fact, there is the issue even more sad; it is the first month it! I told the friend said: Friend's answer made my heart faint pain. My first and very presumptuous one, I thought with him (her) relationship very iron. Well, I quickly said is a joke, then I have been very embarrassing. Alas! Just shame. Fortunately, not face to face. Otherwise I would die of shame. But I really penniless ah! Through this a few things right! Let me know how much self-respect. Caution yourself: Do not self-righteous, do not be blunt! Otherwise is to find the ugly! Hey!
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herve leger gown-Teach you sleep well !

Sleep five minutes is equal to six hours of methods ( stay up all night must-see ) ( rpm)Stay up all night is normal, but often stay up late on the body will have a bad effect, happened to see this article, reproduced over, perhaps a friend who often stays up late will help.

of medical know-how to sleep and my experience, observation, sleeping when a person really only a maximum of two hours, the rest are a waste of time, lying on the pillow dreaming , no people do not dream. As he did not wake up that dream, it is because he forgot.
usually a person to sleep two hours is enough, why do some people to sleep seven or eight hours? that you stay in bed resting on a pillow lying on the habits, not so long that we need to sleep, especially do people who know martial arts meditation, eyes closed, really asleep at noon as long as three minutes, is equal to two hours sleep, but to noon for a good time. Will have to fall asleep at night is midnight, five minutes is equal to six hours.

on this big time science, and the same universal law, rule the Earth, I Ching Yin and Yang of the truth of a relationship, and you will feel, literally the heart following the existence of a power down, and pubic region (kidney) and fusion power, the so-called
insomnia or so people who really want to stay up late at night, midnight is the time, even twenty minutes is also necessary to sleep, sleep must train yourself to sleep.
had a positive after midnight about half past twelve, you will not be sleepy, and this is very bad. More serious, to the dawn, four, five o'clock, five, six mao shi, you and sleepy sleepy, then sleep if one day would faint head.
so wish to engage people who work late at night, is a house, even if there is a big thing should be put down to sleep it half an hour, to the Mao Shi want to sleep do not sleep, the spirit of that day is enough.
But people are surviving the twelve insomnia, tossing and turning in bed, the results fell asleep almost dawn, to feel dizzy the next day afternoon, so you will feel insomnia asics onitsuka tiger fabre, lack of sleep, in fact, you do not have experience.

a sleep and health, sleep doctors rule
Warring States Period of Emperor WEI of QI Zhi Wen said: prime location, only the growth of humans and animals only sleep, sleep help the stomach digest food, so, so sleep is the first health Dabu, who do not sleep a night, the loss of one hundred days is difficult to recover. point to 5 am for the effective sleep time. People are animals, and plants belong to the same biological, daytime (5:00 to 21:00 pm) activities to generate energy at night (21 pm to 5 am) to begin cell division, the new energy into the cells, human cells recuperate , get rid of the time, but also the people back on the sun as the Earth rotates to the side. Yinzhu Jing, is a human sleep really good time, this time to rest, will have good physical and mental state. This baby sleep longer and more fat, grow fast, and playful sense of stunted children is the same reason.
sleep is a major function of health, support is to use a large number of healthy cells to replace the corruption of the cells, such as the night can not sleep on for the new cells. If the demise of one million cells during the day, one night just make it up five hundred thousand cells, then your body will be deficit, a long time, people bran, like bran carrot-like. Why does the world have centenarians? Because they are in the 21 o'clock every night to sleep on time.

plants to absorb the energy of sunlight, night the growth of crops in the countryside at night so the ground could hear the voice of jointing. Belong to the same human and plant biology, cell division, roughly the same time period, missed the really good time at night to sleep, fall short of the newborn cells die, people will premature aging or illness, people want to go with the flow, it should follow the sun to go that day I wake up wake up, day sleep I sleep. In front of the sun as small as dust, This is an objective truth.
real life, many people have difficulty falling asleep, sleep problems is not high quality. Poor sleep is a comprehensive issue, such as excessive anger, sleep alert; excess stomach fire, sleep disturbed; liver and lack of sleep tired.

two, sleep and disease

modern living habits and lifestyle to bring a lot of people's negative impact on the body to form the disease, TV PC disease, stay up all night sick. There is a feature of liver: lying is the return of blood, sitting outside the blood supply.
midnight (23:00-1:00), in fact, 23:00 is the beginning of a new day, not the 0:00 start, which is made of false consciousness. Hepatobiliary phase table, each one, 23 points gall bladder was opened, if it does not sleep, sap courage, because eleven organs are also dependent on bile, courage of a virtual, decreased body organs function, metabolism, immune system have decreased , greatly reduce the human body, courage to support the central nervous system injury prone courage of all mental disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, restless psychosis. Midnight to replace the bile bile, gallbladder getting busy person who does not lie, bile adverse change, too thick and crystallize into stones, gallstones that was a long time, if the gall to pick up a pick on the timid, the body's immune system declined by 50% or more, it can not pick, use its enormous potential of this system to dissipate it.
Chou Shi liver by the most prosperous, Chou Shi (1:00-3:00), insomnia, toxic liver can not lift the thing off, resulting in fresh blood, the blood due to the adverse possession, leaving it blue, long susceptible to various types of liver disease, now Some human liver is not very good, particularly in Europe have an average of four a HBeAg or three positive, mostly because of violation of the laws of nature do not sleep after a midnight caused. Better treatment of hepatitis, hepatitis B is very difficult to treat. Hepatitis B virus carriers, is often not sleep at night because people are too weak, and that order is too messy, the virus has reached inside the cell. That hepatitis B virus has reached inside the cell, but now it can not afford to cause hepatitis, when people are most vulnerable when the body is formed as hepatitis, hepatitis B means that in the future 40% - 60% of cirrhosis. Intelligent person should know heaven, earth, human relationship between people is not smart people who should be eliminated.

junk sleep bring much harm to the liver?

Liver Shuxie, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver Shuxie negative, liver qi stagnation, showing irritability, headache, dizziness, red eyes, eye pain, tinnitus, deafness, Sternocostal pain, female irregular menstruation, constipation can also cause liver with less than l, one would head tired Shenpi, weak knees, dizziness, insomnia, heart palpitations, trance, heavy will be collapsed in the street, unconscious.
liver stores the blood, regulate the function of blood, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, can also cause vomiting, epistaxis, subcutaneous bleeding, gum bleeding, retinal bleeding, ear bleeding bleeding card-like.
liver opens into the eyes, over neutrons do not sleep, can lead to liver deficiency, then blurred vision, presbyopia, night blindness, photophobia, Yingfengliulei, and other symptoms, but also the formation of glaucoma, cataract, retinal arteriosclerosis, retinal disease and other eye diseases.
liver reinforcement, the Chinese in the claw, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, appeared tendon pain, numbness, flexion and extension problems, cramps, convulsions, could easily lead to onychomycosis, calcium, chondromalacia patella, epilepsy, osteoporosis embolism.

liver and heart, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, the main one as heart blood, liver function blood storage and regulation, will cause the heart insufficiency, causing palpitation, fibrillation and other symptoms, severe form of heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
liver and spleen, after midnight does not sleep, can cause disharmony of liver and spleen due to liver to help digestion, the liver can not help the stomach digest the Void, make bad stomach digestive function, the performance of thick fur, a long time will cause the gas collapse.
liver and lungs, too neutrons do not sleep, can Yin and Yang, liver and loss, anger caused by excessive burning lungs, dry cough, or cough, expectoration of blood and other wooden stake gold card-like, easily lead to psoriasis and other skin diseases.
liver and kidney, do not sleep through midnight, liver deficiency leading to kidney failure, due to liver and kidney origin, likely to cause reproductive disorders, infertility, bone disease, dental problems, hair loss, diabetes, kidney failure and other diseases.

Third, sleep method

traffic rules - you do not know it is easy to accidents. For example, 23 pm to 3 am to Zaichou, the liver and gall bladder by the most active, liver and gallbladder to return to the blood, If you lie down every night around 22 o'clock, do not speak too quietly, to 23 point, also fell asleep. Hepatobiliary started back to the blood, the blood to filter out toxic, resulting in fresh blood, to be a hundred no gallstones, no hepatitis, cysts of a class of disease. If you are staying up until 1 am every day, the liver can not return the blood, the blood of toxic discharge can not afford to, not a raw fresh blood, gall bladder and bile can not be changed, so these people prone to gallstones, cysts, three positive, three positive variety of diseases.
In Europe, there is an average of four carriers of hepatitis virus, which is called not understand the rules. Best not to talk for half an hour before going to bed, sleep, not to speak, like a talking, moving through the lungs, and then they move through the heart, (because the focus on the heart and lung total) who are likely to enter the excited state, so it is difficult to sleep.
21:00-23:00 for the Hai Shi. Haishi three Jiaojing Wang, triple burner through Lotus. Haishi sleep, Lotus Ru Yang Chieh-te, it was common characteristics that centenarians 21:00 (Haishi) before sleep. To maintain the appearance of women Jiao good long-term, should be early to bed early.
bed to shut the window, not open fan, not air conditioning, a lot of people sick with this herve leger gown, since the person being in sleep, blood circulation is slow, the temperature drops, the body will form a surface layer yang, This makes it yang layer called Air conditioning, open fan, not the case, open the window, the window is taking the wind, into the muscle, if air conditioning, but also the wind, the wind into the bar, cold Life, morning, yellow body cheap radii straight jacket shoes, face, hair yellow, stiff neck and back piece of tendon, joint pain, fever and even some people, this is the wind and the cold penetrated to the tendons and bones in the reason, this gas is injured. If the window does not sleep at night, no air conditioning, do not open the fan, even the door is shut, the best, if hot, the door opened, the windows shut, the effect will be quite right, but the next day he will not up in the morning, tired, back stiffness.
air conditioning was the open living room, the bedroom door open, and direct air conditioning is similar to sleep, open air after that cold air into the bone, so cold heart, heart in which heart in the brain, the brain is sea of ​​marrow, bone marrow, there are cold, my heart was definitely cold, and how to do, kidney yang, up in the air, when added to the heart is not cold, burning on the back, went out cold.

sleep to try to go to bed early, sleep late, hurt Shaoyang of gas, must be tired the next day unable to close the window, no air conditioning, fans, protection yang.
hepatobiliary next focus, if the stomach problems, he will be sleep disturbed sleep, one is cold stomach, the stomach if the sun were already inadequate, too much to drink green tea, there will be Wei Han, Wei Han When people sleep well, or eating things with too much sediment, stomach faint for the cold, definitely sleep;
another one stomach, is the heat going up, breath of his mouth are hot, as this is also not sleep well; then a dry stomach, dry mouth, stomach felt dry;
is a stomach and a thick smell of taste, stomach thick, this situation is tired of eating the taste of this thick, it was seafood, fish, eat chicken, tastes delicious, eat more, not more delicious with these things in it to dilute it, do not dilute it, taste it in there too thick, so this is also not sleep well;
Another abdominal distention, abdominal swelling was up, could not sleep, could not sleep over and over again; Another is Wei Qi Void, cold sweats, which sleep good sense, these reasons are likely to form the stomach, restlessness, stomach restless sleep well.
to sleep warm limbs, limbs to warm, as is the yang of the limbs, this we all know, limbs not warm, certainly kidney is less, should cover their hands and feet before going to bed to warm hands and feet and navel, behind Vital to be covered.

sleep method varies, the following describes three kinds of practice:

1, a simple stretching before going to sleep, then sit cross-legged on the bed natural, hands placed on the legs overlap, natural breathing, feeling the body with the breath, one of a pore, the best results if tears yawn, to fall to sleep when they sleep.
2, supine, natural breathing, breathing feel like a spring breeze, first melt the big toe, then the other toes, then foot, leg, thigh and gradually melting. If not yet awake, and then to do from scratch.
3, people can fall asleep fast right lateral, right palm right ear care. Palm heart is fire, the ear is water, fire and water that is formed between the two economies, the formation of the kidneys in the body intersect. A long time, Yang Xin ney.
sleep must get up early, even in winter, not more than 6 points to get up, spring and fall as much as possible before getting up at 5:00, because people in the yin shi (3 -5 points), when lung-wang get up to the lung anger to stretch to conform Shu yang long to complete the metabolism, the aggregate of the Su-down, so that lung clearance, which helps Nourishing and adapt to the situation of days the sun rises the body yang, yang enough people one day Otherwise, just like the engine, and have a good time this is difficult to mobilize the body yang, yang deposition in the lower body the body can not start rising up from the Gate, will form a kinky gas, serious damage to people's physical and mental health.

5:00 to 7:00 is the most popular of the large intestine through the body when the body needs to excreted metabolites of the cloud at this time if you do not get up, get the large intestine full activity, complete the row can not be a good cloud, enabling the formation of turbid matter stayed toxins harmful to human blood and organs Bai Hai. 7:00 to 9:00 the human stomach by the most prosperous, 9 to 11 most popular human spleen, then the person's ability to transport and absorb the best, if not then get up, a serious erosion of human gastric acid the human body to absorb nutrients in the best time to get nutrition, long suffering from stomach diseases, resulting in malnutrition, in the gas collapse. So do not stay in bed, stay in bed can cause dizziness, tired, feeling of lack of sleep, and should get up, many great men in history are three or four o'clock in the habit of getting up, like Washington, Napoleon, Emperor Kangxi, Tseng Kuo-fan and so on. Another early can increase the effectiveness of the work, saying:
Modern medicine has proved less pressure early hours of spirit of the people, not prone to mental diseases. Do not go out too early morning exercise, because the sun did not come out in the morning before the underpass of the Zhangzhou gas, sewage is going up (especially cities), the gas on the human body is a very serious injury.
cultivation three events, a sleep, two facilities, three restaurants, the rest of living, clothing etc are secondary.
sleep in the first three things. However, no appetite and who, disturbed night sleep, so as to facilitate the second pass. The diet-free festival, over those who hunger and eat, the stomach will hurt, and diminishing nutrition. Sleep to soothe the nerves mainly God with peace of mind-based, should be compatible with the age, middle-aged up to seven to eight hours, sleep the intellectual faint dizziness jealous inflation, limb weakness, childhood will get enough sleep eight hours, or over nine hours not to obstruct , the old or the patient up to six hours is enough.

sleep disorders can not be ignored warnings
should be noted:

(a) should sleep early and not more than ten, the elderly with eight point is, do not over nine. Where to pay 11 am, when the sun, is a kidney, then insomnia, loss of renal water will, heart and kidney connected to the water loss is Huo, most likely to trouble. Ten million not to be sleeping tablets to help sleep.
(b) pillow avoid thinking about the calculation of future things, sleeping all the time should not think, breath and mix thoroughly, listening their own gas, from thick and thin, the thin and fine and interest rates. Depending on the body as nothing, or as sugar into the water, come to naught, natural sleep.
(c) any idea, can not be safe with, not on the pillow Zhuance minds, the most exhausting, can sit up a time to sleep.
(d) as in the noon, to the point that eleven o'clock, when the shade, is a heart, then if they can not sleep, can sit a quarter of an hour, eyes closed, gas is a strong heart. Where heart disease Qieyi attention, pay attention to two o'clock this day, the strength stronger by the day, no diarrhea or frequent urination, heart rate of the disease.
(e) should be from the early summer, late winter should play. Home should be cold northern air, such as Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, to get up early in the disease, anti-malaria Sam Rainsy. Do not sleep after eating his back, get up early as three to five points in the Yin Shi, Yu Nu avoid this time, will damage liver and lung injury, Wan Wang attention.


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REVIEW: songs you like it? I believe few people would not like to answer. In fact, everyone has so few first 'drinking song'. Whenever the mood happy or sad, you always used the song to fill his heart. Lyrics, as the main part of a song, many times we are through the lyrics to express their inner feelings. Remember, there are so few beautiful and brutal lyrics.

1. If he is always someone using an umbrella as he waited for you so why not in the rain ---- Fish Leong

2. Unfortunately, not you, to accompany me to the end ---- Fish Leong

3. We have close to a heart that heart, I think I care about you more rights, but others you have entered the landscape - Fish Leong

4. If we were not so stubborn, and now not so sorry ---- Rene

5. Only later we are still alone, you stand for a few, I have been wandering --- Rene Liu

6. I think I should gently open your hand, but I have no strength to do so ---- Fish Leong

7. Do not miss is the kind of results, go back to retain what ---- Hsu

8. When we can have, do not know how to grasp, know that to lose before we understand that love is so precious - Hsu

9. That the right people are still waiting for the farthest place, it is worthwhile to give up all ---- Hsu

10. May always have to wait until after the loss to be moved, in order to find out that they also have so much ---- Hsu

11. See you again, I must let yourself to a firm. See you again, I must make their own, pretending to be very firm --- Hsu

12. In fact, I really am, there you have been waiting for has come to end up holding your hands - Hsu,

13. Since I can not together, you stop close to the ------ Hsu

14. I know both know we love a few seconds to concentrate on good ----- Fish Leong,

15. Love what you have taught me fit ---- twins

16. As long as I grow up, you can love you, love you taught me to recognize but can not touch it until I grow up, can love you, my heart is not control it, you take ---- twins As long as I grow up

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18. Hear your name discounted jimmy choo shoes, and heart feeling. After many years, scars will be invisible --- Chiang, Mei Chi,

19. Friends of friends, our last association ---- Chiang, Mei Chi,

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21. So we go, you have less, you have elsewhere have been ---- Chiang, Mei Chi,

22. I believe you just afraid of hurting me, not lie to me, though she loves too who are willing ----

23. There are still good yesterday, but tomorrow is his ---- Stefanie

24. That is how long after the incident, and one day you suddenly asked me, at that time, though she is also in love with him ----

25. I also want him, we are the same, his body had found wings. But then he, because he began to fly you ----- Stefanie

26. Turned up they would understand that the happiness to come back ---- Stefanie

27. I believe you are good, but love it ---- Fish Leong

28. I believe you gave me the oath, as will come in the spring ---- Angela,

29. In the beginning of that second, some things already destined to go to Old ---- Angela,

30. Just because I do not want to bother, just because you can not explain the fear, just because your eyes, more important than me --- she was Penny,

31. Do not ask, do not want to be notified to, anyway I can stop the world if you would like to ask, if do not want to be notified, put the blessing to stay in the corner ---- Penny,

32. Who think you are all over the world, but that day has been good far ---- Jolin Tsai

33. We are all right, just do not fit ---- Jolin Tsai

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37. Perhaps the final placement of the different, may meet again ---- Sammi Cheng

38. Love has finally been deleted in the past ----- Cyndi you

39. Occasionally I will think of him, my heart has some worried, some have the security of love End of the World --- Jie

40. You're next to me, just called face to face, sunny day in May, the flash power ---- Faye Wong

41. I lost too, cherish with ---- Tanya

42. I will not cry, because I believe that our brave love ---- Tanya

43. Then you run in the playground and shout, I love you, you know ---- Wang Zheng,

44. Although you still holding my hand, but I have not in your heart ---- Stefanie

45. I really understand, you do not hate the old, I did not accompany you around the time when you are lonely - Stefanie I am not sad, that's nothing, but why the tears will flow, I do not know ---- Stefanie

47. Or this is the best result, the break up better than you do not love me drags on. Loosen your hands, leaving you so, I move forward. This will be my real relief ---- Stefanie

48. You know, I am waiting for you back ---- twins

49. The most beautiful, than I heard that you remember. In fact, I also appreciate that when I heard that you believe in love ---- Rene

50. I heard there are new faces around me, I heard you bless me ---- Rene

51. Only embrace the air, pretending it was you, never far from the ----- Sun Li

52. More important than your own. I also wish to change the good ---- Fish Leong

53. Fingers intertwined, but not live forever ---- Hsu button

54. Say it slowly, thank you ever love me ---- Hsu,

55. Still love you, with a little hate, but also time to balance ---- Landy,

56. From the same hand and broke his hands, so back to friends, but I do not know why retain ---- Stefanie

57. You have to live in my heart, now empty, a place ---- Gigi

58. Familiar with the intersection, still coming and going, who in place waiting for me ---- Tan Weiwei

59. Was who held the hand and promised that he, in the immortal memory of Tan Weiwei ----

60. If I never loved, never met a wound, and life will be more lonely --- Tan Weiwei

61. You do not give promises, do not say sorry, to predict the risk, but I stuck in there ---- Jolin Tsai

62. That day, the ancient with the fingertips, do not ask anything, I believe we will always be that year, no declaration, but to hold you, I hold the world ---- Jolin Tsai

63. Rather sober reluctantly abandon you, do not dream in love wronged their own ---- Tao Ching-ying asics running shoes online,

64. I was just lovely, Rainie still not loved ----

65. That one I love you, always like less courage ---- Fan Fan

66. These days, occasionally think of your love, the face is still the warm memories ---- Landy

67. I will hide your warmth ---- Landy

68. How happy you finally do ---- Fish Leong was not a

69. In any case, what will hurt, hurt and how ---- Fish Leong

70. Back to reality before we say goodbye to each other in good faith. Do not remember me after I said, it happened when we had nothing - Qin Hailu,

71. In fact, I rarely think of you, very few memories, but in the evening ---- Rene Liu

72. A person when I forget my loneliness ---- Rene Liu will be

73. Life count for too long, the future has no end, enough to take me to go ---- Jin Haixin

74. You see I was so tender, but it is a friend of a friend ---- Bibi

75. I played a lock of your photos, but I still remember your birthday ---- Bibi

76. Happiness is a bubble, but I at least have caught ---- Yeung

77. Obviously that should be forgotten, but all remember ---- Luo Meiling

78. I am very happy womens radii shoes, please do not say love me ---- harp

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80. Before I turn you see me cry the way ---- SHE

81. How lost time ---- love Cyndi

82. What a pity I also share, please, this is not sympathetic to the feelings ---- Jolin Tsai

83. Happiness is not say sweet and sour of sugar ---- Fish Leong

84. I know that memory is a kind of ignorance, this life just let me back ---- Hou Xiangting stupid one,

85. Love is too short, but memories of long ---- Hou Xiangting

86. Dream too short, unfortunately, has too long ---- Elva

87. Never no one comes to my mind, I'm just over halfway station where ---- Elva

88. In fact, I have always wanted to personally say to you, you love me it is not easy, but you do not ask the price - Karen

89. Have to leave together when nothing is immortal ---- Faye Wong

90. I met you, is the most beautiful accident ---- Stefanie

91. Sometimes I think the same without you, big deal once more red eyes ---- Jin Haixin

92. I just want to wish eternal afterlife of light to illuminate the world game, I just want a kiss deepest, years later you are still gentle ---- Lin Chen Xi,

93. Just want someone with, no matter where tomorrow ---- Rene

94. If I do decide to pay my heart, can someone tell him do not make me sad --- Rene

95. I am not your eyes the only generals, but the humble soldier ---- Faye Wong

96. Anyway, everyone is finally alone ---- Faye Wong

97. You after me, more love yourself ---- Elva

98. How long had I not moved, if you so strongly to protect me, if your sentence, you and some small, but the best are willing to leave me ---- Penny

99. Tears of the next second, I completely understand that you are someone else, then nothing I love the ingredients --- Evonne Hsu

100. I will learn their own out of the past, Cyndi blessing tomorrow ----

101. I am messy world of your fingerprints, your heart is not a kiss. ---- Stefanie

102. You would not let me listen to the eternal, we would not let me superstitious, would not let me selfless. ---- Stefanie

103. We can see that I love, devotion, we can see that I am superstitious us. I can see a rare laissez-faire. ---- Stefanie

104. Will miss the pain of breathing, which live in every corner of my body. Close will not regret the pain and hate do not know will hurt you, imagine not see the pain. ---- Fish Leong

105. I swear I will not lie, the more love you more than you'll hold tight, my smile is fake, and the soul like floating, you better back it up. ---- Fish Leong

106. I point you to change the world one day you did not find, you can not see all of my pay. As long as after today, they will love themselves more, my world will not have your oath. ---- Jade Kwan,

107. If one day we destined to goodbye, you will not think we ever said. ---- BY2 I do not believe that love is difficult, there is no point temperature is left behind. ---- Genie

109. I was reluctant, but time to go back. Love is worth, but that stopped. You have to carry on without me. I was reluctant to hold you the last time, we missed, wrong wrong, do not worry about me, I do not love you. ---- Xuanzi

110. Who remembers exactly who said love me forever, after the previous sentence is wound. ---- Mei

111. After a long no one remember when those gentle. You and I go together hand in hand, said to be the last. ---- Mei

112. I can not find, I can not get that so-called love of the beautiful. I do not want anything, know, if you know me this second. ---- Fan Fan

113. I want to see, I'm looking for, you so-called good will, I firmly rely on, keep firmly in prison, afraid to miss the slightest, you would like to see. ---- Fan Fan

114. Heart belongs to a person, what is fair in love. ----

115. Love is the mind alone, do not understand the meaning of your smile. Only like a sunflower, the insistence in the night quietly. . ---- Blue and when the

116. Was too young, but absolutely sincere, I love to always headstrong, but not the flowers of love only once. . ---- Blue and time

117. I do not want to forget you, if I can, I would rather remember all the sad. ---- Guo,

118. Or fear of the dead of night is always thinking of you, or the fear of inadvertently hear your message. ---- Stefanie

119. I was brave too long, a person you decided to live, not to say it, so lonely. Illuminate the silent, lonely love the original. ---- Mei

120. I miss that then do not say I miss was a dream, I still miss is the argument after impulse to want to love you, I miss you very excited and begged me to forgive all the pain I hold. ---- Stefanie

the Editor: When you are listening to a song, whether there is a feeling of joy or sadness; after this, when you taste the lyrics, does have a beautiful and cruel feeling. Savor a song, not just the rhythm of pleasure song, the lyrics are even more important is the expression of emotion. You have a beautiful and brutal lyrics it? May wish to leave a sad, we Dramas!