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is nothing we Shaanxi military personnel, also a number of Zhang Qian, Lu Bu, Li Jing , Guo Ziyi, Wei Qing, Huo, Meng Tian, ​​Yang, ... ...
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monuments, also out of a Terracotta Warriors, Han Chang'an city site, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, Qianling, Xianling Tomb, Beilin, Daming Palace, Weiyang, clock tower, tomb , Yandiling, Famen Temple, the Silk Road starting point, Xi'an historians included in the Various kinds of cultural relics 53000 ... ...
If China is a five year history of the tree and she is buried in the ground root of today's Shaanxi Province.
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Shaanxi nothing here from cow B, but the first discovery and use of oil where it
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Called, came to see her husband , her husband ashen face , silent to the house naked , I Lin Hui .

1 I am a male teacher. Hemorrhoids made, pad of a sanitary napkin (sanitary napkin is the wife). In the school playing basketball, and that damn thing down the leg fell out, well above the blood ~ ~ ~
around a lot of students around the stadium watching, NND, pick up is not nor does not pick up the line ... ...

2 high school boarding school, some students go home to let him take along something to help me, they send text messages: I boil clothes and money.

3 cooked crab last night, after the water, I threw one crab pot. Crab is very fresh in the pot tamper.
good wife to play carefully, you can not see this, then hiding behind me, afraid to look over his eyes.
I relieved said: Allison, we are not too cruel? Wife: ah ... ... ... ... salt it?

4 us that the old man to teach chemistry 800 degrees of myopia, a class on the blackboard after blackboard turned suddenly pointed at my big
call: do you stand! ! I sit down! ! I was sitting on the last row of seats, and I hung on the wall behind my coat ... ...

5 college classes on first aid, CPR, Professor said as he Demo:
Professor: hands, press the chest, can not make the effort too much pressure can be 2 ~ 3cm, awkward too easy to press down the ribs of the patient!
professor: see below demonstration (hands, rearing a pressure), Kacha soon! Model of broken ribs.
embarrassed to say, the University of class ~

6 to Shenzhen painting, visiting with students on the road, suddenly a male student walked to the side of the road, took a shoulder to ask: is not squeezed his head in the door, even to ask the members of the bank's charge money! ! Members may also charge money not hear. Looking back, nervous with a gun (large jet) pointed to him: . . . .

explosive waterfall sweat. . . . . . .

7 in primary school when I bought an evil graduation book, because it says January 20-February 18, the constellation is -
--- Block
tank was in a very long time people ask me what sign you are, I say that is the tank seat!

8 to work with former colleagues in the company across the street to go to the station, came across a man, staring at me a moment and I just want to ask him know me. The man looked at me, then spit it! That ah! ~ ~
Man is drunk!
I am speechless, and colleagues laugh spray, spread through the ages from the matter open. . .
colleagues everyone that said, *** that ugly ah, the man looked at her to spit. . .

9 times my friends drunk, according to his mom, he was in the toilet, phone-like right hand, left hand according to the mirror, and mirrors in the good? recent prison control is tight it? for the early out ah ...

10 once, as something to contact a classmate, but the phone did not save his number, then to another and he familiar students send text messages, In desperation, can only send text messages to big brother again,

11 I just had never been seen on the university, special soil, another class teacher to do the ppt show, never used before, just say that my first go, a long time to open a computer projector did not respond.
following a few buddies call, press F2, press F2!
so I hesitated and asked: is both key and press it?

12, a little girl went to the counter, said to me: 'Auntie, give me a packet of ketchup.'
my boys, at least this card is written.
so I smiled, handed her a while to her side, said: 'No problem, brother.'
girl shocked: 'I am not a little brother ah!'
me: 'I am the aunt that you ? '
little girl ran away hurriedly took the tomato sauce!

13 graduate school when the class two boys and a girl to help her something from the seventh floor will be moved to the first floor of the five boxes, tired The two boys almost breathe, property inspection can not see past the aunt, said something that I lament to this day,

14 day to go and make a telephone call to friends, let her come with me, and I on the bus, the way a phone call to her: ? > I feel wrong, look crazy to see the same people across at me, subconsciously back and saw my friend sitting behind a small M seat: .......Not many people were on board, she is relying on me and the other MM standing, I subconsciously placed his bag in front, next to the MM can be looked out the window, but unaware. Soon, middle-aged women who had a hand into his bag of MM, said that at that moment, I suddenly put a fart sound, and smell and sound ah, kicking cars full of people look at me, I shame wait to find a hole drilled ah. However, middle-aged women Xunde quickly withdrew his hand to cover their nose! Ha ha!
one evening talking together, we gathered in front of the computer search picture, search results only to a small box and packing the kind of pictures have not been touched, not the kind of start, so we decided collectively to curb the kind of slot machines where to buy one.
results to those machines are rusty, we a bunch of people around the box that there is no discussion in the end what a waste of a coin worth of classes, we estimate that pedestrians are met Khan ... ...
was finally bought one, one girl was shocked: How to cover up that person? Director of the moral high school, talking very tough.
classic paragraph: Now we have a very civilized behavior school, many students Guangzhuobangzi play basketball, and most of the boys!
Is there a small part of the light the arm of the girls what?

18 high school students nearly a degree of myopia, glasses do not a play can not people ...
smashed the glasses also continue to fight, continue to head one-third ...
results also into a hollow ...
the audience are quiet ...
then I (he and I have different teams) picked up the ball and then throw him his tee ..
the ball back into the me and said: you are not out of bounds, you tee ...

19 Video: 23 [TV] set
sniper Comments:
Cool 6 User IP: 58.57 .7 .* 2009-08-16 22:08 Post
seen a lot of anti-Japanese theme of the film, how traitors are Chinese.

20 Lianju with an aunt ~ ~ One day her husband motorcycle car she went home ~ ~ on the road, there is a man want to stop them, and said to them ~ ~ in front of my car was stolen, take your car to chase him - I did not care for her husband aunt He continued to open aunt sitting in the back that said something ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I lend you my car, I wait for the next car chase what means you - -.....< br>
21 a drink with friends, drink from the afternoon of the evening, drinking white wine does not move on all replaced, and the last cup of wine one hand holding my hand patting his shoulder, just to say dig pit of the stomach, he put his mouth as well as the absorption of red wine all spit him, and he froze for a second, your head burst into tears, then a miserable heart crack lung, I reluctantly said: Do not cry, small A happily ran the financial room to receive paychecks, and then ... ...
accounting, said:
this time come to do presentations to each person in turn made a banana
I told the students that ah hey - happy listening to lectures but also eat the fruit 8 8 wrong
wrong person next to her side and speech talking and laughing while eating banana peel a happy
This time the teacher came each made a TT
that banana is used to set the original TT, but my students with the
hand where only a banana peel..

24 high one time, that soon the college entrance examination radii strangler white, the third year our school is certainly tense on Monday flag-raising, there is a High School female student speech on the screen: ... you sister school seniors must seriously face the entrance, play to their best level, do not repeat the mistakes in the test ...

25 chemistry teacher do dilute hydrochloric acid and zinc in vitro experiments to what he's ready to pour the point of hydrochloric acid down such a long time did not respond wondered then called a classmate to answer: The students do not see why you talk about bubbles it?
students: teacher, you do not release zinc!
teacher : The students answered very well!

26 school, became popular Wenquxing, my students have money to buy a 98-year 200.
I would like to take his play a while, playing to a local requirements lose the password, the password I asked him how much.
he did not say, he said not to Kanla personal information.
So I gave up, but my curiosity heart has not disappeared.
One day, I saw him play out the Wenquxing, I accidentally saw him lose to steal passwords, I saw him lose the same six characters, heart barely disguised pleasure, The original password is simple, he looked for opportunities to look through to peek.
So me one day while he went out, took his Wenquxing turned out burberry handbag, and quickly lose I saw 6 m **** character **
....< br>
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such as traffic lights, bus next to police cars.
man I do not know why so hate pol.ice supra sneakers for sale, with the boy said: pol.ice
know what they are son of the people. I am the people, pol.ice is my son! determine chicken
they laughed at me that I have not bought a taste of something so ugly I am not convinced
say how loud how the chicken is a chicken with dignity (I was also keen to say xx dignity)
Having found that the whole hall of people are watching me ...

29 day.
death: to prepare the hand in papers, to see my
at the same table sat on his stool, and holding his little table.. the outward turned down... I was shocked, do not know why, He slowly struggled to climb from their tables and chairs up piteously said: I think you have to stand up and hit me TT ... ...

31 days before finally crush the guy from the junior high school dating a brother out
I wear that dress ah - great collar as the clothes, then paste the chest paste ...
very sweet after dinner, walking on the street in the business.
suddenly, handsome brother to stop asked me, under your clothes stick to what ah?
me confused and looked down, OMG! chest paste actually slip out! and stuck in the clothes of hem ~
I am calm remove it , thrown into the trash: ...

32 in the bedroom, gossip, and we chat while a classmate, while mobile phone recharge cards by hand stripping the password, the more talk the more vigorously, and so she recovered, the password that a prepaid card She has been stripped to wear, and later to her craft paper with a talent for blowing out dust in the password, but also top-up.

33 have a physical education, teachers face a serious one up on the board to announce : Today, I want to criticize the two students, a man and woman. stop a boy behind me whispered: Gou Nannv! one pair Gounan Nv! teacher cried, I say that you, and XX (another woman) the whole class roared with laughter ~ ~ ~ ~

34 days ago to see a mobile Internet news: singer smiling drug arrest ...
I wonder ...
on drug abuse chant, why do smiling drugs?
why the news but also a smile highlighted drug addicts do?
later learned, had a smile is a singer ...

35 years ago, the company do secretarial, in urgent, hurried toward the bathroom and found the ladies room door ajar, for single pit toilet, dare to rush into, then knock on the door test, only to hear a female voice calmly replied: Come ~~!!< br>
36 when I dig the pockets, a key out, was not found, then go back and look!
a pair of young lovers in the street where the man suddenly said excitedly: Who? in the end is Who?
I thought is the key to quickly say: My, my! my
later learned, turned out that the woman was pregnant 。。。。< br> my face ah poor. . hurt a young child

37 days of ignorance, I only saw my mother wearing a bra, bra they thought that my mother is the exclusive things. so for some time, every day I hold to hold clothes pole the yard all the bras are back home. neighbor women come to my house to ask for day bra, I dedicated a day guarding the door, they shouted toward, all my mother's! ~

38 I am a Cuozao, I am not accidentally rub the tattoo of a society gone boss

39 to go to school when the school was built, opening in September to a lot of new life. One day a newborn is like holding a pile of work on behalf of class, asked me:
man who went to the male toilets on the right facing the shouting their ....< Br>
40 on the primary school, night dreamed and dad fight, it is gas is gas, the gas actually woke up. After woke up next to my father to see
see, or the fire, up pops two mouths = =

41 a mathematical morning exercise, the class did not finish. Cheeky puzzled math teacher, said: Last night I finished with the advertising time, your speed is too slow. Against a student on the spot, and shouted: Hunan, Taiwan, the teacher is to see the ads now! Class rolling on.

42 News: Tong Dawei, his wife gave birth to female
Comments: This is really great

43 TONG Da One time a friend's house to get things ready to go downstairs, three upstairs downstairs to see a few a child playing with a friend eventful
sunflower acupuncture hand up saying: look at my sunflower hand acupuncture point to one of the children upstairs to our
we dawdle at least half an hour in the upstairs downstairs when I saw The child was still standing motionless
friends go to the one blamed for children sunflower Jiexue hand jump

I Kuanghan .................. .......< br>
44 morning just to get up in the balcony to see a woman across the floor wearing only a bra to do breakfast. Called, came to see her husband, her husband ashen face, silent to the house naked, I Lin Hui.


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10 Scorpio

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-20 bedroom feng shui you have to look at

(1) put the flower bed, easy to commit peach
couple will have an affair, over time, will be split, broken families.

(2) bed from the air through the windows too close
helpless, can not be down to earth, affecting the development. Front of a modern metropolis is often building, floor after floor, floor, side and flat, bed too close to the window, making the bedroom can not be well to maintain its confidentiality; In addition, because the city has become increasingly complicated, and annoying noise will This fan is not too thick through the glass window and affecting your sleep; According to the previous record of feng shui books, bed too close to the window, easily lead to

(3) bed embedded mirror, ghost
owners often provoke headaches, insomnia. Romantic to talk about principles and feng shui can not be affected because of the romantic health. Many young people, the house renovation unconventional. Everyone knows all things orderly, counter to the subject unburdened.

(4) Bedroom Furniture hanged
uneven uneven, which represents harmony, living in the mouth are prone to trouble.

(5) bed and the ground clutter will affect the owner's luck
in life, many people do not understand the clean truth can bring people good luck. In fact, feng shui is not so complicated as you want it at your side. Some people deliberately did not like it a mystery, Pengdao the sky, not like some people just do not understand feng shui, said it was superstition, to step on the ground. Feng Shui is all around you, everywhere, simple and easy to understand. Everyone knows people who can not make big mess, like, so pack up your environment, give yourself a good mood. Good luck will come naturally.

(6) like to use the whole bedroom windows, avoid using separate two or more window on the side of the window wall
always been something, but it is divided into several pieces and wanted to have trouble . Feng Shui is no wonder that also avoid this. Many things there are differences, can not go. When buying a house to see more.

(7) placed flowers for the living room is not suitable for the bedroom
bedroom hi zoom leaves, broad-leaved plants. Enhance the feelings between husband and wife, and enhance the owner's wealth. Handy work efficiency. Easy to get boss ages. Lobular flowers will make the owner into trivial situation. Old things are repeated.

(8) Bedroom Bedroom lobe shape is not appropriate shape for the hypotenuse Founder, suitable for bevel or polygonal shapes. Hypotenuse on the line of sight likely to cause the illusion, polygonal easily lead to oppression, thus increasing the burden of the human spirit, long-term illness Luo down easily and accidents.
9) bedroom during the day should be bright at night should be dark
bedroom should be located There are windows in addition to air movement during the day but also light, makes the spirit of fun, and night windows should be equipped with curtains to block the outdoor luminous, make easy to sleep.

(10) bathroom should not change the overall pipeline bedroom
modern building construction, so the whole building bathroom are located in the same place. If the bathroom to bedroom, is bound to cause sleep in the bathroom upstairs and downstairs two of them, but the bathroom is wet, dirty, which they caught in there is bound to have an impact on environmental health, the other when the House on the toilet, plumbing a start there is absolutely affect your peace, so the damage to human health.
(11) not being on the bathroom door
bathroom is a place for people to excrete, prone to bad smell and moisture, so is the air of the bedroom door would have an impact on human health body health.
(12) not being on the kitchen door or the kitchen stove and kitchen adjacent
fry, exhaust fumes, is likely to impact on the door, endangering human health and the performance instability. The kitchen is the fire place, very hot, so it should not and the adjacent bedroom, especially the bed close to the stove wall.
(13) the door is not a reflection on the mirror mirror
role in the feng shui can be reflected back to the evil spirits, so overwhelmingly wicked and wild. But the mirror facing the door will be wicked and wild red gram shines into the bedroom, attracting good fortune.

(14) mirror on the bed and floor doors and windows should not be used to block evil
mirror, the role is to reflect back the evil spirits, so we can not on the bed. In particular, people woke up in the consciousness is not very clear, easy to be reflected in the mirror or windows in the shock of their own.
(15) beds or a bed is not suitable for the most emphasis on the door
sleep safe, quiet and stable, the door is out of the room must pass through, so the door is not on the bed or bedside . Otherwise, people tend to sleep on the bed of lack of security, and harmful to health.

(16) bed is not close to the window
qi out of the windows are so easy to make the bed close to the windows washed. People were sleeping on the bed in the window to see the head, likely to lack a sense of security, causing mental stress and affect health.
(17) bed is not desirable in the beams under the ceiling
flat, avoid a beam. Prone to heavy beams in the psychological sense of the body, especially the people sleeping in the beam will feel under great pressure, causing mental oppression, affect health, career.
(18) does not depend on the wall bed taboo
people lying on top of the head is not easy to see, so the bed should be against the wall, to avoid the exposed air, and reduce the sense of security. Or sleep in the bed of the people, and trance, suspicious, affect health, career.
(19) bed height off the ground should be
bed 50 centimeters off the ground, the bed must be kept clean and should not accumulate debris. Off the ground, and the accumulation of debris can not maintain the bed air flow, reduce ground moisture penetration into the mattress, and affect health.

(20) bedroom should not put too many plants too many flowers and plants
easy to gather chi and plants in the evening to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, it is easy to affect people's health.


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That day, they play very pleased, soak for a day in the playground, play this girl for a while, one will play it, tired of the sea to die, may the sea is still very happy because he loved the girl. As long as the girl happy, happiness is the greatest sea. But the girl always happy with melancholy eyes. Dark, girl eating ice cream and the sea to go on the way home. The sea does not speak, only gnawing in the hands of ice cream, kicked the foot of the stone. They walked in silence, the girl suddenly said; Before the girl and the sea but on second thought he jokes. The sea and he believed the girl was joking, and then holding the girl said with a smile; Say out loud; The sea and caught up, took the girl's hand and said; The boys! I love him! you are in me is a waste for me to cheat! ~ The girl ran away and disappeared in the wind. Yet the sea froze on his place. Tonight, the sea did not go home, drink a night of wine. Sea drunk, heartbreaking, and sleep, kept nagging girl. When the sea woke up, he thought everything was a nightmare yesterday. He thought the girl would be at his side, he shouted to the DPRK; The mother looked distressed sea, he said; mother touched her son's head. Sea, his mother was gone, pick up the phone to the girls played in the past, only to hear the user off. Sea fight dozens of times, the result is the same. Went to the computer next to the sea, open their mail radii straight jacket white, to the girl made a dozen e-mail. Girls sat at the computer, she saw the sea sent her a message, girls are afraid after seeing the charge could not own feelings. She deleted. Cried the girl ... she loves the sea. Sea desperate. He packed a salute to Shanghai. Shanghai is a developed, prosperous city, there is no fresh air, not the girl's laughter ... to the Shanghai of the 5th day, which is week 5. Sea received a text message, no signature, and telephone. Only a string of numbers; 9,12,15,22,5,25,15,21. 5 nights each week, the sea will always receive this string of numbers, and continued for one year. One week 5 night, the sea was not received. Sea surprised, he had questioned the meaning of this string of numbers. But no results. In the evening, the sea in the bar drunk, he stumbled asked the waiter; letters of the numbers ah? Understand the sea, he knew a girl hair. He immediately called to the girl, the girl's mother answered the phone, she told the sea, Sea silly, he did not believe my ears when the girl heard her mother crying again. Sea in the hands of the phone has fell to the ground. The sea ran very quickly police sunglasses sale, the girl he was going home, asking his mind once again the lovely girl emerged out of laughing. Sea cried, shouted, he knelt on the ground,; called out the name of the girl, the boy stood up. He ran and ran to the girl's home. The sea rushed into the door and saw the girl's tomb like. Holding the tomb, like the sea, cried. He regretted just leave, and he regretted how people so stupid. Sea do not listen to the name of their own, the girl's mother kneeling on the ground. A letter to the sea, said; Open letter. Man's heart is in the second fire destroyed the grave; sea; where ever you? Make new girlfriend yet? Remember, smart, not to be cheated ah. You must blame me heartless it, in fact, if I do not heartless, which will come today, happy? Love being a major let him, happy I do not want to hurt you hurt deeper. So ... ... also knew he would be so, and you really should not know! I wish you happy! 9,12,15,22,5,25,15,21 ~ If the afterlife I will not, I hope we fall in love in the afterlife ... ... ... ... the sea have read, the letter clutched in his hands, ears are ringing the girl's laughter ... ... have read such a story, do not know the mood will be like ... 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23. villager report said: shame that! I was raped last night. the police asked him who long sawed? that Anke did not see, but definitely a novice, because he could not find a half-day place, finally I helped him into the.

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25. There is a Japanese woman in a sauna bath, looking for intrafamilial transmission of Chinese macho, macho rubbing rubbing effect of a sudden, its penis into its shame at the Japanese woman was furious: What's your work ? Adonis said: inside rubbing!

26. night, fool the park see the couple making love, love to read. The next day, see a man doing push-ups, will take a closer look, the man was furious: what you look silly B! fool said: you just that stupid B , Di Xiaren have also gone dry!

27. a flea to partner weeping over his misfortune: I used to live in a man's beard, and later through twists and turns before reaching the pubic hair on a woman, the results the next morning woke up and found that men and back before the beard a!

28. old man train, rest at night stretching across a lady mistakenly feet within the file. A few days later, it feels itchy foot discomfort, the doctor thesis of syphilis, even the old man said rare. Doctors said:

29. man took off his clothes to his girlfriend to see the biceps, said: This is equivalent to fifty kilograms of explosives, and pointed to his pants leg, said: This is equivalent to one hundred kilograms of explosives and then took off his underwear, his girlfriend walked out the door bolted, exclaimed: God! lead such a short!

30. a peasant prostitute, JI said: said:

31. two midgets having sex in their room, where a quick get away, just listen to another room, 1,2,3, 1,2,3 ... ... ... ... Hey, hey, the morning he asked the dwarf:

32. night, his wife sitting bedside, tamper with hands and feet asics onitsuka tiger trainers, grabbed the husband's small jj, while fierce rub, then hard as rods, wife, husband Bianyu off clothes, my wife asked: Why? Fu Q: Why do you? Wife A: The driving test tomorrow, and thought hanging files.

33. Monkey King learn, by ganging up with the bones of the dead into a *, because of the monk did not succeed, so the empty road I took advantage of alms on the occasion, the night came to the bones by Dong Fu, the absence of lighting, two blowing hot and cold at night , after the Monkey King with emotion: The cursed bones of the dead !

34. small ball every new toy to be little new to show off, a small new gas no way, took off his pants, said: This is you never have. The next day, the small balls take off pants, said: my mom, as long as I have this, that thing, how many how many!

35. Liu Bei and shut down three-stranded desert island, a few days later, younger brother Zhang Fei want to cut hunger. Guan Road: SB, rubbed and then cut, meat and more! At this point, see Liu Bei in the SY, Guan Yu asked: big brother, you doing? Liu Bei: the whole point of sauce, dipped to eat!

36. a little girl to the cake shops Mai Zaodian. She said the boss: the boss! Buy a chocolate doll. Boss: male baby or a baby girl you want? Girl: Of course, to male baby myself! Because the place to eat a little more.

will read the top


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[Video, 520,425, false, false]

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believe that any reduction This video is credible? Xin Hui may have been very responsible to tell you, really! However, not all of the left ~ ~ alkali spin _ meat products can be absolutely no side effects and safety, because any product has good and bad, good or bad.

real reduction If there is additive, can not be called High-purity spin _ meat left ~ ~ base, which is L-carnitine, only a few really high-tech biotechnology companies have to produce pure spin _ left ~ ~ base cost of expensive meat.

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At first, I set a half Taobao amount of meat left - spin _ ~ alkali test results. To really find yourself exhausted after a lot of thin, and also identified no side effects, I then bought a set of 45 days the amount of superiority installed. In fact, that is, I only took two months to cut

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It has friends of many long-term observation and purchase, taking over the users are reflected in the above three aspects of the seller credit no problem, prices are more reasonable, to achieve real health by Not a good thing I do not blindly recommend it to everyone, so screw the top three left ~ ~ _ meat base we can choose, rest assured to buy.



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1. Liu Bei's experience tells us: Group President, can start from a street vendor.
2. Zhuge Liang's experience tells us: into the private sector, in fact, more than the state-owned enterprises into the development of space.
3. Riboud's experience tells us: frequent job-hopping, a direct result of the boss did not dare to hire you.
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5. Ma Su's experience tells us that: specialized courses to learn another cow B, basically do not have access at work.
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8. Yuan Shao's experience tell us: if free market competition, state-owned enterprises over private enterprises may not be done.
9. Cao Cao's experience tell us: would like to accomplish much in the market, we must first hold high national policy.
10. Guan Yu's experience tells us: Even if you are a MBA (Master of Business Administration), and sometimes marketing mistakes, so you may lose a multi-disciplinary.
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15. Liu Shan's experience tells us that: large companies are merging, executives will certainly be concerned about the employee's psychological dynamics.
16. Jiang Wei's experience tells us: dual degree, sometimes more competitive than PubMed.
17. HUANG Yue-ying experience tells us: learn better, than marry well.
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22. Zhang Fei in the end tells us: to treat employees, if the long-term suppression of slavery, will get revenge, if not revenge can lead to a strike or quit the collective.
23. in Kyrgyzstan's experience tells us: ghost can not believe it, but not disrespectful.
24. Huang's experience tells us that: Age is not a problem, the key is to have strength. Do not look down upon the old employees, sometimes doing better than the young.
25. Liu Shan's experience tells us: wealthy people own is not capable of, even if there is another cattle of professional managers are bound to be the fate of mergers.
26. two Joe's experience tell us: do not just marry each other's power and influence, as one married into a wealthy but not necessarily have good results.
27. Cao Zhi's experience tells us: the workplace is sometimes no brothers, only the interest!
28. Zhougong Jin's experience told us: experience and their own well-matched opponents, to tolerant, and avoid weaknesses. Do not put personal success overshadowed the overall interests of the winning or losing!
29. Cao Song's experience tells us: not the son of the pro-birth is not important, the key is to have potential, as long as people spend more money training is worth it.
30. Sangumaolu tells us: that a person has no diploma and work experience does not matter, will know how to market themselves primarily, self-promotion to increase awareness, to withdraw when the natural home was hired, do not forget playing diva, more raise their social status.
31. Dong Zhuo's fate tells us: the son can not recognize the disorder, especially those with criminal records, not to mention that he is wealthy, family property was willing to have grandchildren.
32. Mendelssohn's experience tells us: business bigger and stronger, mergers and acquisitions is to continue to suppress individual businesses!
33. Chengong experience tells us: the boss is difficult to find good employees, good Employees are looking for a good boss should be harder for him to sacrifice their lives.
34. Wei Yan's experience tells us: quit can not be too blindly, especially by the boss's right-hand man dislike, no future development of this company, instead of continuing to do so as again to quit.
35. Guan Yu in the end tells us: to improve interpersonal relationships is essential, can not look down on others, especially the boss's son or brother in law of the dry type, even if their relationship with the boss is the brother saw the boss can not be discriminated against people.
36. Yuan Shu's experience tells us that: pretending to state-owned enterprises will die miserable ...
37. the inclination of the story tells us: entrepreneurs, farmers, not to do ah ... ...
38. Wade's story Tell us: When you worked so hard hard when the boss is likely to bubble bad girl.
39. wooden ox, told us: advanced mechanical equipment is not necessary, not only can improve efficiency, but also can reduce the human resources.
40. Red Horse's story tells us: something that is not the same brand, even second-hand, will still be some high prices, even when placed in a luxury home, you can display the host family's noble rich.
41. Zhuge Liang tells us: the ability of large companies rely on individual performance is difficult to break, to know how to manage, distribute, develop lower-level employees of the energy, given the important task to develop a good team, to prevent shortages.
42. Hua Tuo's experience tell us: the light has expertise is not enough, the key is to have national certification through the five cards are complete, clinical trials have been small private clinics or Youyi is difficult to give security trust.
43. Sun Quan's experience tells us: sometimes in setting more difficult than the business.
44. Hanxian experience tells us: When the family business by friends and relatives or family names shares, and shares greater than themselves, will eventually to replace the chairman.
45. Amon experience tells us that: If companies can not hack it, just have the ability to keep the head, so as to achievement Wu Amon.
46. Cao Xu Shu's story, please tell us: the vicious people can be unscrupulous competition, even to his own company is not white salaried work, not to engage his opponents to grab the plan and affect their future business .
47. Zhuge nephew told us: Instead of eating the same Guofan the same company, as their respective company.
48. Wang Yun told us: no matter how powerful big business, only the existence of private interests who give Tiaoba differentiation, it can topple all the.
49. Liu Biao and Liu Zhang's conclusion tells us: When an enterprise to achieve a modicum of success, when suddenly there is a claim to be relatives or friends want to come to work in partnership or investment, must guard against his own and founded the company will switch to receive as gifts.
51. Yuan brothers company tells us: the family business should together in harmony, harmony, unity, and should not be engaged in separatist activities, disintegration, otherwise it will lead the system decline.
52. Shangxiang fate tells us: When her parents own their own businesses with her husband cut-throat competition conflict, no matter which side stand is very difficult to do.
53. Diao Chan's experience tell us: What kind of a man beside it does not matter, whether young and old beauty and ugliness, the most important thing is to have strength.
54. Dong Zhuo's experience tell us: do the branch vice president, as a manager in the head.
55. Ma Chao's experience tells us: own when not afford to go it alone, it is better to find a wise boss followed him dry.
56. Guo Jia's experience has taught us: Unlucky as Tianduyingcai.
57. Huaxiong tearfully told us: Do not check the public hearing into a public relations mistake, confusion, made a stupid mistake, which underestimated the opponent's strength.
58. Pseudopleuronectes tells us: take a beating is a science, the key lies in acting, played more like the reported strong wine to be higher, as well as opportunities for promotion.
59. Guandu war tells us: under tense confrontation is likely to beat your opponent in the search for new ideas. Gangster war is a good example!
60. Three of the soldiers told us: There is no power for money, always just a pawn, mercy killing, only the courage to die a martyr to change fate.


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35. a lot of people, because of loneliness and indulgence of one person, but more because indulgence one person, and lonely life
36. you know God is not fair you can not me or you or me and I can only more you
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40. I love you, just so you shine, I do not love you, you nothing.


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you read him over and over again / text message to her


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his / her around you , you dare to shy


when you think of him, your heart for a quick jump , for a slow dance


you hear his / her voice when will laugh


when you and him / her together, you can not see all around your eyes only for his / her


when you think of him / her, you will hear a slow song lyric


you think of all his / her


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a man in his wife into the bathroom after a bath to prepare a bath. At this time, the doorbell rang.
with a towel wrapped around his wife quickly rushed to the door.
When she opened the door, neighbor Bob stood there.
before her opening, Bob said, After a few seconds, Bob hands her $ 800 and then left.
towel wrapped woman returned to the house again.
When she entered the bathroom, her husband asked her,

a salesman, a clerk and their manager to walk to lunch and discovered an ancient oil lamp.
their friction oil lamp, a genie jumped out.
Wizard said: prosperous! She flew away.
love. He flew away.

manager replied:

eagle sitting high in trees to rest, doing nothing.
a small rabbit saw the eagle and asked it, Eagle resting on the ground below. Suddenly, a fox appeared, it flew rabbits ate it.
moral of the story:
want to sit idle, you have to sit very, very high position.

fourth class
bird flew south for the winter. Days is too cold. It is frozen, lost in a field on.
when it lay there, a cow came to pull on it a pile of feces.
frozen bird lying on the dunghill, and began to feel the warmth.
does it warm over a cow dung.
warm cow dung lying in it, pleased to learn, and start singing.
cat heard the bird crossing a drive over to see what happens.
down the sound, it is found under the bird dung, and promptly ate it dragged out.
moral of the story:
(1) not every shit in your body are your enemies.
(2) does not put you out of every dunghill are your friends.
(3) When you are deep in the dunghill, the best close your beak
1) Institute of silence

Sometimes, you have been misunderstood, you do not want to argue, so Choose silent. Not all of them already had to know you, so you do not have the world believe that propaganda. But also sometimes you are misunderstood favorite, you sad to not want to argue, and only choose to remain silent. The whole world can understand you, but he should understand, if he can not understand, what say? Life often have nothing to say even Schubert's time, after all, not all can be of a non- out clearly, not even with non-real. So, do not want to talk, not to speak, to say no good at the time, perhaps silence is the best explanation.

(2) at least calm

fall into the life of your bottom when you are told all the people next to you: be strong and be happy. Strong is absolutely necessary, but happy? In this case, is probably too difficult for you. After all, who can fall badly beaten when it comes to feel happy? But at least you can do calm. Look at this matter calmly, calmly deal with the other things that deal. Calm, with no joy, nor unhappy.

(3) learn to bend this will be my windfall

and others on the divergent views occur, even resulting in verbal conflict, so you depressed, because you think people are malicious. Do not bear a grudge, and home to wipe the floor bar. Carry a piece of cloth, bent over, knees, put your face back and forth to every corner of this floor, wipe clean. Then reflect upon their own in that conflict, have said every word. Now, you find yourself actually there is something wrong place, is not it? You gradually calm, is not it? Sometimes you must learn to bend, because this action can make you humble. Labor body at the same time, you also polish their mood. And, you also have a floor Zhang Guangjie it. This is your second harvest.
(4) Do not think if you had

, there are an infinite number of life is a fork of the long road, always stop to make choices. If you only choose to eat fried noodles or fried rice, the impact seems small, but choose to read what departments, what is being done, get married or not married, or have children, are far-reaching implications of each choice, and different choices must be created entirely not the same life. You said, life can not bear the situation, is that life is not important to the opportunity to ah. If we had to be, now what ... this is not how the full sense of loss to himself, or stop to say it. Each fork of choice is not really good or bad, as long as life itself. Unique creation, not frequently do not look back as if you had the choice.

(5) it up regardless of success or failure at least once a beautiful walk through the forest

, you see a vine attached to the trunk, soft and solid entwined, you moved at this scene of quiet beauty. So happy with the attribution of this stop it. You want. I do not know what the future will have some wind and rain Cuizhe? Perhaps vine will break, the tree will fall, perhaps days of shortage, to the old. You want. So, please stop-in at the moment it time. Stop-that is eternal. If this quiet beauty in the eternal moment, the future may experience all kinds of catastrophe, he received the consolation and reward.

(6) maintain a simple

because too many minds paul smith suits, so you often put your life complicated. Obviously are living in now, but you always obsessed with the past, but also worried about the future; insist on carrying in the past, future and present colleagues, of course, your life is only one clear-cut. But simply a state of grace. Simply to skin feel the weather change, simply to enjoy the rain the grass fragrant nose, simply by unifying the eye close-ups of distant mountains like a painting. Simply live in the moment. The current non-genuine and in fact does not matter. Since there is no right and wrong, would not have thought; no true and false, it does not obsessed and worried. No non-genuine, not like in a dream it? Yes, you simply put your life as a dream to perform it.

(7) and occasionally 'tacky'...< br>
eat more healthy food, occasionally eating a bite you want to duck tongue and fried chicken. See more master's plays luxottica ray ban, and occasionally you want to aim a slap in the face pointing out the endless tears fell incomplete series. Listen to more classical music, and occasionally you want to sing love him and hate him a hundred years of pop music. You know health food for the stomach and intestines meaningful, Master's plays in cultivating qualities meaningful classical music to enhance spirituality meaningful, but occasionally you actually do not want to own every moment live so interested. Life without tying themselves so tightly. Occasional small indulgence, is moral. Reiki may be close to full adults, but the occasional vulgar will be more approachable.

(8) to control their emotions do not waste a ~

you today, you are not happy, because someone stabbed you in the spoken. You do not like the fight, so you leave; but you just leave it, but did not leave the situation was the man hurt, so you Yuxiang Yu angry. The more gas, the more you have no strength to ignore other things, to do many more of the heart to want to deal with events in your sky diffuse into the ground upset, was lightly be ignored is omitted. Because, you just single-minded in anger. In the mood to make a fuss, this is a waste of their own, and is bad to waste. After all, anger is also takes effort, and some angry standoff. So, smart as you, do not let emotions control you, when you have to get angry before, one might quietly remind yourself: The best time to not miss

you ever bought something like the clothes they want to wear, solemnly enshrined in the closet; a long time, and then when you see it, but found that it is obsolete the. So, you so and it missed. You have bought a beautiful cake, but want to eat, solemnly enshrined in the refrigerator; a long time, and then when you see it, but found that it has expired. So, you have this and it missed. Not favorite clothes when the upper body, there is no time to taste the most delicious cake, just like in most wanted to do when things are regrettable. Life has expired, do want to do this as early as possible. If you just wish you solemnly enshrined in the heart, but not to practice, then the only result is to miss with it, as it pieces of outdated clothes, as outdated piece of cake.

(10) out from the occasional track

certain times you intend to train to go to A, half-way spur of the moment, but suddenly the car in the B underground. Names may be chic to attract you, perhaps accidental glimpse of the landscape touched you, in short, you change the originally scheduled this trip, and then experienced a trip full of unexpected surprises. A land is your original goal, B allows you to experience a little adventure. Recall, you said, it was a derailment to make your experience unforgettable. Many times in life does not also do so? Concentrate on went the sole purpose, but only to fulfill the original itinerary; leave the default track, you have a chance to discover other landscapes.

(11) quietly quietly return to calm ..

There was a time, you feel depressed, or even too lazy to draw the curtains, looking out of the sun. So of course you forget to take a look, then a pot on the windowsill need to drink water every day, Margaret. So I do not know how long, finally one day, you had a low mood, but also think of you, Margaret. God, poor flower, she still alive? You gingerly opened the curtains, the wind was surprised to find her swagger radii straight jacket white, Hua Yan Keju. Had in the past these days, though you forgot to feed her to drink water, no one forgot the rain God blessing her. Many things quietly outside your line of sight, and quietly arrange their own. All things in nature, day support of all things, everything actually no need to worry about ...... you just have to do is to do yourself, do not leave any regrets ... enough. I bring this article in order to draw on their own, remind yourself ...........< br>
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