
herve leger swimsuit-Youth seriously ill hospital ischemic microblogging help users to do hemodialys

the reporter segment Qionglei

hemodialysis was not enough to do if you are BRH-positive blood type, please lend a helping hand, help this child! contact is XXXXXX. faithful were

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter from the chapter at the Liao family learned from the July 29 news release with the network, every day received dozens of sympathy and advice on how to help a specific phone, ischemia has been temporarily alleviate the current situation, they are very grateful to these dedicated people.

teenagers suffering from severe

under Chapter mother's description of the chapter to burn the body has always been very healthy, the first vocational school in Ninghai Dugao San, live on campus.

6 月 to take the exam period, the chapter with her mother suddenly said to burn the body felt very sore, Do not think too much.

after the college entrance examination, Zhang found her mother at home, his son always head down supra tuf skytop, looking very tired of the way, she also did a lot of his son's favorite things, want to give him added strength ultra short ugg boots, Chapter mother during Ninghai also took his son to the local small hospital for multiple inspections, and did not check out the cause.

7 7, chapter by chapter with her mother burn to reflect the whole person suddenly very uncomfortable, feeling more intense pain, he was the first hospital to the city, doctors initially suspected poisoning.

relieved his family peace of mind proper treatment herve leger swimsuit, July 21, chapter Liao sudden apnea, were immediately transferred to intensive care, doctors suspected rhabdomyolysis.

enthusiastic users microblogging help

based on symptoms, hospital treatment is mainly taken hemodialysis. The afternoon of July 22, chapter Liao started dialysis, the doctor said he had acute renal failure.

7 月 23 noon, the doctor told his family that the body's immune system has been destroyed, and then injected 12 day intravenous human immunoglobulin, 12 the total price is 7,000 yuan per days of medical expenses up to 20,000 yuan.

chapter is BRH-positive blood type Liao, Ningbo City, the first hospital blood bank inventory is limited, but he have to do dialysis every day.

7 27, chapter to chapter Roujia Liao's cousin to launch a small chapter to the 16 students from Ningbo, blood transfusion, the blood for only one person; July 28, and launched around friends and acquaintances, this time the blood of two people can use.

then, people who know, do not know who began the Sina microblogging forward, be forwarded up to the users times; There are friends,

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter from the chapter to Liao's sister Zhang Jia Jingchu that, starting from July 29 microblogging help, she received dozens of calls every day, and then two days also there have been no case of ischemia.

huge medical expenses into a stumbling block

on July 30, Nanjing, Ningbo, an expert has made a special trip went to consultation, the experts said after the diagnosis, Zhang Liao should not striated muscle to dissolved disease, may be according to the treatment of rheumatic dermatomyositis, to see if effective.

7 31 afternoon, Zhang Liao are beginning to improve, the family sorted out the dialogue open with a simple pen and paper.

In fact, Liao's college admission chapter has come to notice a few days ago, he was admitted Zhejiang Garment Textile Institute, he chose the accounting profession, but due to illness, he learned the news yesterday.

his family now face a new problem is where to find the next medical expenses.

as farmers who, for the cure to his son, has spent more than 20 million, less than 10 million debt. Chapter to participate in the agricultural insurance Liao, family learned that patients need to read some medical expenses can be reimbursed, and the current drugs used to treat some of the reimbursement is not in the list.

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