
asics tiger cheap-9 salvage covers to expose sewage waste oil detained


8 月 10 on manhole cover is not who can expose


Chengdu Food Safety Office held a news briefing that: Recently, the Food and Drug Administration, Chengdu, Union City Water Authority, Municipal Public Security Bureau and other six departments, to 20 districts (city) County issued a Notice that the water sector without permission is strictly prohibited without exposing any unit or individual to take the sewage covers salvage The

regardless of what the fishing can not be privately exposing covers

to salvage from the source to prevent waste oil, strengthen the supervision of sewage covers, , no unit or individual is strictly prohibited without taking off the sewage covers salvage

Chengdu Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Coordination Office Director Bo said after salvage any manhole cover to reveal the conduct, whether salvage something, the water sector need to go through licensing. Otherwise, damage to public facilities, Ministry of Public Security acts as a goalkeeper handled according to law. This can to some extent, illegal salvage

He warned that if food and beverage units and residents in residential property services business, if it is found there has been blocked sewage pipes or sewage spills should be promptly reflected in the water sector, water sector arrangements by a qualified drainage facilities maintenance and management unit responsible for solving.

food waste collection, transportation and off the record to be evidence

addition, the Catering units and residents in residential property services companies, have to ask for food waste collection, transportation and urban management department who issued the food waste collection ugg gloves womens, transportation and filing the record evidence, not by the food waste collection, transportation is not the record collection, transportation units and individuals; collection, transportation must be on file for future reference in the urban sector, and light card collection asics tiger cheap, transportation, collection, transportation vehicles must be clearly marked on the origin and destination of food waste should be recorded; waste oil production plant shall not purchase, processing, refining, non-filing reference collection, transportation and personal collection, transportation units of the .

Subsequently, Chengdu Food Safety Commission will announce the collection, transportation and food waste can be the list of units and individuals.

special legislation 9 in administrative detention

in the briefing, Economic Investigation Department of Chengdu Public Security Bureau informed of the recent crack down on illegal fishing June 23, Chengdu Public Security Bureau crack down on June 23, the city's public security organs have been discovered and investigated six cases of illegal fishing

covers for exposing illegal acts without permission, the relevant departments according to held criminally responsible. Tianfuzaobao correspondent Dan

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pry covers fishing reported hearing (Kam declared correspondent Qiong) June 24, forced open the manhole cover and a woman is secretly fishing

6 月 24 am chanel bags uk online, SG Road police station in the Temple of net living area patrol, found a hotel door in the street, a man and woman are fishing has been forced open by force, they took a long spoon made of bamboo are out of their

According to account, they have been fishing for half a year of waste oil, basically in the middle of the night action, driving in all of Chengdu less deserted streets looking for hotel special sewer entrance, forced open the cellar well, act quickly , fishing finished, there are special people to collect.

[Remember those reports of phone]

Lash announced the six departments of supervision and reporting telephone. Chengdu Water: 61882800; Chengdu Urban Management Bureau: 12319; Chengdu Public Security Bureau: 110; Chengdu Food and Drug Administration: 61,882,880; Chengdu Industrial and Commercial Bureau: 12315; Chengdu Bureau of Quality Supervision: 12365.

covers to expose the public to report unauthorized, and catering units to units without qualification acquisition, food waste treatment plant did not dispose of refuse in accordance with the relevant provisions of the situation, may apply to the relevant units of the above reports.

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