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President : Li Shimin
chairman of the CMC : Genghis Khan
CMC Vice Chairman : Chairman Mao Zedong
NPC : Sun
Premier : Zhuge Liang < br> Foreign Minister : Zhou Enlai
Foreign Ministry spokesman : Kai-shek
Defense : Cao Cao
Minister of Education : Confucius
Health Minister : Hua
Minister of Agriculture : Gusi Xie
water Minister : Minister of Construction Yu
: Emperor
geological Minister : Minister of Public Security Zhang Heng
: Chan Chao
Ministry length: Xu
development and reform Commission : Shang Yang
Supreme People's Court : Bao Zheng
national Narcotics Director : Lin
Director of Women : Wu
the Press and Publication Director : Ji Xiaolan
logistics department : Lilian Ying < br> Middle East envoy : Taiwan Affairs Office Zhang Qian
: Zheng Chenggong
General Administration of Customs : Zheng and
Minister of Culture : Flirting
demolition Director : Meng Jiang
Family Planning Commission Director : Tang Seng
medical Director : Li
Minister of Aeronautics and Astronautics : Chang-e
national Diving Team captain : Qu Yuan
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