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ancient torso color skin, blurred eyes, you are not a kind of

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If he is bald, with better results.

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Japan's not lack. 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be held also to show the world the success of China's development. However, the rural migrant workers harsh labor conditions, inland rural poverty and lack of international competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, rampant corruption and other reality, but also to the image of Chinese economic power greatly reduced. With Now China can be described as nominal,
economic growth depends on investment
3 hours drive away from Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, a rural central, a 74-layer, up to 328 m high-rise building is nearing completion. Local rather to this Village called Huaxi Village, China's well-known Fu Yucun. Obvious to all, not so much the village office to meet this demand is surrounded by green countryside, cost 1.5 billion yuan of the ultra-high-rise buildings.
world economic recovery, China is recognized as the greatest pulling power. In November 2008, the Chinese government introduced a 4 trillion-scale economic stimulus, not only the first time in developed countries, but also far ahead in terms of scale. Decisively won the world acclaim. The problem is that economic stimulus policies, including a high-rise building as the West Village, little meaningless as economic indicators of economic growth, China attaches great importance is not how to take full advantage of the infrastructure has been built to stimulate the economy, but through the construction projects to create employment opportunities and workers' demand for raw materials.
rely on government spending boost in 2009, China's GDP growth was 8.7%, mostly from investment growth, consumption growth was only 4.6% contribution, the contribution of external demand was -3.9%, dependent on investment very serious (China National Bureau of Statistics on July 2 this year, will increase in 2009 GDP growth was 9.1% - Note this newspaper). Although as an emergency measure is inevitable, but significant recovery in the economy last fall, the government-led investment continues to increase, this is entirely due to fear of China's economic growth slowed down.
Lehman Brothers bankruptcy triggered by the world economic crisis is to make the case for China *** international community to recognize the legitimacy of its rule, a great opportunity. As China has become the locomotive of world economic recovery, demand in China, the Chinese capital's dependence on U.S. and European anti-communist rhetoric so speechless. As the U.S. national debt is too dependent on Chinese capital to digest, high-profile U.S. government can no longer criticize China's human rights and democratization issues, which effectively makes the Chinese leadership was For China, to force through government investment to accelerate economic growth, for economic purposes on the need for political purposes.
serious harm
property bubble center of China's major cities and now real estate prices in Japan have been comparable.
no doubt that China's income except a very few rich, but much less than Japan. China's per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of about $ 3,400, still less than one-tenth of Japan. From the Chinese point of view, working-class housing prices has reached the average annual income of more than 20 times. A far cry from wage income to buy these apartments with no shortage of corrupt officials who, ignoring the self-employed taxpayers crazy money to invest for the purpose of state-owned enterprises and local governments. As a representative of this real estate speculation, frequently appeared in Chinese media is in Zhejiang Province Ordinary people even took to the road of real estate speculation.
lot of Japanese media in the interpretation of this phenomenon is often attributed to the Chinese authorities to overcome the economic crisis, the implementation of monetary easing and the resulting creation of excess liquidity and the influx of speculative capital and outside. Although this saying is true, but after all, only to see the appearance. China's current price surge is the root cause of the Chinese economy suffering from an incurable disease, and only real estate in order to make the Chinese economy to maintain a false prosperity. This is the biggest reason.
think real estate prices in the abnormal situation, the first should be concerned about China's stock market. Stocks with high liquidity and sell sex, but, surprisingly, China is now the bubble, most of the funds have turned to real estate, not the stock market. Funds into the stock market will not produce great harm. If companies can not successfully market or capital increase will affect corporate investment in equipment supra black shoes, research and development, mergers and acquisitions and other financing behavior. The impact of China's real estate bubble is not just people's housing problems, there may be hidden constraint on China's business development reasons.
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China through the introduction of 4 trillion yuan economic stimulus package to expand domestic demand, sustaining economic growth, but is essentially dependent on low-wage labor economy has not changed. If support workers in the wage structure of China's economic collapse, China's competitiveness will undoubtedly decline. Lower than China's wage countries in Asia, Vietnam, Indonesia terry kennedy supra shoes, Myanmar, Bangladesh and India.
on the Chinese economy is another huge impact on the Chinese government pressure forced the United States and Europe in June made a decision to enhance the flexibility of the RMB. This is equivalent to once again put up since 2008 in fact the U.S. dollar fixed exchange rate fluctuations. If the yuan appreciation, as the export-oriented manufacturing base in China, its competitiveness will go down. Wage increases, the double whammy of RMB appreciation is sufficient to cause heavy losses to the Chinese economy. Of course, the


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